View Full Version : Challenges

10-28-2007, 06:29 PM
I propose 3 challenges for the game...in order of increasing difficulty...
1. Beat the game without going off to side towns, going immediately from one red spot to the next
Random battles can be fought if they happen on the way...
2. Beat the game using only Ramza and another generic character, the twist is that at all times they must be on the exact opposite job for the job tree i.e. if Ramza is a squire, the other char must be a chemist, knight must be paired up with black mage etc.
3. Never go to your party roster screen the entire game. When forced to, quit out immediately. Only one non-generic char can be used at a time.

Yeah so if you feel like doing any of these, have fun

10-29-2007, 03:37 AM
Never go to your party roster screen the entire game. When forced to, quit out immediately. Only one non-generic char can be used at a time.

I'd dare say this is literally impossible. This is basically saying that the entire game you have to use starting equipment, starting skills (Wish, Dash I think?), and inability to advance jobs or buy any skills or anything. A lv 99 ramza, with no skills, the inability to use items in combat, combined with weakest armor in game, is worthless. With or without a single non-generic char, you wouldnt even get to Mustadio or Agrias (who would be only slightly less weak to help you get to Ch 4., considering only using Stasis Sword + mustadio doesnt start with anything either pretty much)

The execution site.
All the zodiac fights
Fighting Izlude and Wiegraf in Orbonne
Wiegrafs fight in Riovannes...

etc. Basically any major storyline battle past Ch 1

Obviously if you actually managed to get Orlandu then it wouldnt be a challenge anymore, but I'd love to see someone actually get to Orlandu

10-29-2007, 04:19 AM
You can actually get new gear by fitting room that is where you get the gear on without going to the screen

10-29-2007, 12:53 PM
Fair enough, but no skills still makes it nigh impossible. You can get by with crappy gear if you get some of the better skills like Blade Grasp, Yell, Auto Potion, etc

Hell, if you even just allowed someone to buy Auto Potion and Yell, and no other skills, it might be possible