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10-29-2007, 01:21 AM
How often do you change things in your profile 'n' stuffs?

Profile: When the information actually changes and I need to update it.

Avatar: I usually change it eighty times in two days then leave it for a couple of weeks or so.

Signature: Once a month, maybe :p

Profile Picture: Every month

Usertitle: Anywhere from once a week to every other month

Location: I don't think I've changed it in at least a year o_o

10-29-2007, 01:24 AM
Profile: I'll update my profile whenever any of the information needs to be changed.

Avatar: I might change the colours of the dancer but she will remain my avatar forever.

Signature: Every few months or so.

Profile Picture: I'll change this when I think the other one is getting too old.

Usertitle: I don't change it anymore.

Location: I changed it recently and I probably won't change it for a long time, now. :jess:

10-29-2007, 01:24 AM
Profile: whenever i remember something needs to be changed

Avatar: so far once the entire time ive been apart of this site.

Signature: once so far just to add the link to my videos

Profile Picture: no picture

Usertitle: never changed

Location: never.

as you can see im not very active with my profile i post enough to make up for it though i think.

10-29-2007, 01:29 AM
Profile: As needed.

Avatar: Probably about seasonally.

Signature: Usually when I change my avatar.

Profile Picture: Never.

Usertitle: Maybe a couple times a year.

Location: Uhh... Just about never.

I used to change stuff regularly, but I'm too lazy.

10-29-2007, 01:37 AM
Sig, avatar, custom title and location probably once every 3 months.

Profile picture: Three times since they were introduced so not very often.

Profile: Probably once every 10 months or so. I dunno.

Marshall Banana
10-29-2007, 01:37 AM
Every now and then I will change my avatar to a different picture of Ariel, but I feel weird if I change it to a picture of someone or something else.

I've never changed my custom user title.

I used a cute picture of Jeremy as my profile picture for a long, long time, but I recently changed it to a cute beach picture of both of us!

10-29-2007, 01:42 AM
ive never changed any of it, except when leeza was going sig nazi and stuff :(

10-29-2007, 02:07 AM
Profile: Whenever new information is relevant enough to be changed.

Avatar/Signature: ~ Two months. I get a new set from Liz every so often.

Profile Picture: Six months? I don't really know.

Usertitle: Whenever I think of an in-joke that is witty enough. Not that any of you would understand it.

Location: Same with Usertitle, but the information is a little more permanent.

10-29-2007, 02:27 AM
ow often do you change things in your profile 'n' stuffs?

Profile: When the information actually changes and I need to update it.

Avatar: when I get a new idea for one

Signature: See above

Profile Picture: see above

Usertitle: see above

Location: see above

10-29-2007, 03:13 AM
Profile: Whenever my opinions and interests change.

Avatar: Whenever I have a new sig.

Signature: Whenever I have another made for me, and whenever I post a new poem.

Profile Picture: Usually whenever I take new pics for MySpace.

Usertitle: Usually the title of my favorite song of the moment.

Location: Whenever I come up with something that sounds better, usually with a reference to something I like. (Current location is a reference to Shel Silverstein, one of my favorite poets.)

The Summoner of Leviathan
10-29-2007, 03:18 AM
I rarely change my profile picture, as for everything else I do them all at once, usually in the theme of my current signature and avatar. It depends how often I change them though. Usually after a while I will just get the feeling to change them so once I make a replacement everything gets changed. On average, I'd say every two months or so.

10-29-2007, 03:21 AM
I rarely update anything because I suck at image editing. I can't even crop an avatar without fucking up, just ask Rye!

10-29-2007, 04:13 AM
Profile: When I'm embarassed by what it says.

Avatar: When I get tired of it

Signature: when I get tired of it

Profile Picture: whenever I have a good picture of myself.

Usertitle: whenever a new one presents itself

Location: Well, it's kinda static.

10-29-2007, 06:07 AM
About once a month ^^ Or whenever I get bored of my current themes.

10-29-2007, 06:12 AM
I just updated my profile a second ago but its not like theres much to write. I think my avatar is one of the default ones from the forum, but I cant be arsed changing that, I dont normally use them on other forums..

Apparently some people find my signature either odd or funny, I've got a few PMs about it. Was gonna change it but I cant find something to replace it nor can I be arsed. I was not aware you could have a profile picture either and only figured out you could have a custom title a few minutes ago. Location? I'm hardly going to skirt off to China at 5am, so it stays, I live in Manchester, I'm from Belfast, I occasionally visit for a few weeks/month.

10-29-2007, 07:28 AM
Profile: I probably haven't changed any of that stuff in almost two years.

Avatar: Every so often random inspiration will make me change it for a few days, but then it's back to the one I've been using since day one.

Signature: Randomization

Profile Picture: It's been the same since 2004.

Usertitle: Every time I use a new signature.

Location: It used to change every few days as I told a story, but then I got into Jojo's pants and that's where it stayed. I rebelled and went into Hermione's pants for about a week, but that made Jojee come back so now I'm having a pants party with the both of them.

10-29-2007, 09:00 AM
I haven't changed anything in ages. Change is bad!

10-29-2007, 09:06 AM
I hardly ever update my profile. It probably still says I'm 25 like when I joined or something. As for the signature, custom title and stuff I usually change them whenever I feel like I don't like much the old ones anymore, which happens once every few months or so. But I like a lot my current avatar and I'm probably keeping it, at least for some time.

10-29-2007, 09:11 AM
Profile: To my memory not since i got here

Avatar: Ive only changed it once for a few seconds then reailised it sucked so i changed it back. Otherwise ive always used this one

Signature: Whenever i think of something new

Profile Picture: Never

Usertitle: I havent changed it since i got this one

Location: see above

I haven't changed anything in ages. Change is bad!
I agree

10-29-2007, 10:30 AM
Profile: Not often.

Avatar: When I need to.

Signature: Usually every week or two.

Profile Picture: Not much anymore.

Usertitle: Not as öften.

Location: Not much, just whenever I feel like going into Shiny's womb.

Sergeant Hartman
10-29-2007, 10:38 AM
Profile: Hardly ever.

Avatar: Every few months.

Signature: Every year?

Profile Picture: Whenever I get a new hat.

Usertitle: Same as the avatar.

Location: Not very often.

Loony BoB
10-29-2007, 02:05 PM
Profile: Once every 1-2 years.

Avatar: Once. Never again! I don't think so anyway.

Signature: When I'm doing competitions like the one I am now, once every 2-3 days. Normally, once every half a year or so on average, I'd say.

Profile Picture: Once, I think. :p

Usertitle: Once very 1-2 years. If not less often.

Location: Only changed it once or twice. I need a new location. Matt's been gone too long. :(

10-29-2007, 02:30 PM
Profile: Whenever I see fit. I think I have only changed one or two things in there.

Avatar: I have changed it once. I do not plan on ever changing it again.

Signature: The first line is the only one that changes. It has been several things over the year and few months I have been here. Usually lyrics, quotes, or random blurbs.

Profile Picture: It's a "P" now. I don't really know why. I think Psychotic was bothering me about the previous picture of a cat. I may change it at some point in the future but I don't know.

Usertitle: Whenever I think of something new. This process can take anywhere from two days to two months.

Location: See usertitle.