View Full Version : Nomura's last Final Fantasy

11-18-2007, 07:01 PM
I don't know if their was a thread about this. If their is i was too lazy to check. Well apparently i was snooping around on google and found this. Whats your opinion about this. Are u okay with him leaving or not. Plus he's going to start being more focus on Kingdom Hearts III.

Google Image Result for http://kotaku.com/assets/resources/2007/02/mr33.jpg (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://kotaku.com/assets/resources/2007/02/mr33.jpg&imgrefurl=http://kotaku.com/gaming/final-fantasy/scattered-details-on-final-fantasy-versus-xiii-239935.php&h=407&w=475&sz=104&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=0clCTGHolvhllM:&tbnh=111&tbnw=129&prev=/images%3Fq%3DMr.33%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den)

11-18-2007, 07:33 PM
No im not happy, kingdom hearts sucks

Kawaii Ryűkishi
11-18-2007, 08:10 PM
Kingdom Hearts was doomed from the start, so I'd be more than glad if Nomura would focus all his "talent" that way. Then something would just have to be done about Kitase and Toriyama, and Final Fantasy may actually have a shot at quality again.

11-18-2007, 08:16 PM
I doubt he will stop, since I think Square-Enix will keep making FF games until the end of the world. But even if they did, I wouldn't be sad.

In fact, now that I think about it, they probably won't stop. Sure, they might stop making games with "Final Fantasy" in the title, but they will still continue to make more new games, whether or not they have "FF" in the title. In other words, they basically are FF without the actual name.

I am glad that he's focusing on Kingdom Hearts, though I still wish he would release Final Mix+ to the West.

Kawaii Ryűkishi
11-18-2007, 08:50 PM
I doubt he will stop, since I think Square-Enix will keep making FF games until the end of the world. But even if they did, I wouldn't be sad.

In fact, now that I think about it, they probably won't stop. Sure, they might stop making games with "Final Fantasy" in the title, but they will still continue to make more new games, whether or not they have "FF" in the title. In other words, they basically are FF without the actual name.By no means does "No more FFs from Nomura" equal no more FFs at all. He didn't even have a creative influence on the series until FFVII, and more recently, he had nothing to do with FFXII.

11-18-2007, 09:02 PM
I doubt he will stop, since I think Square-Enix will keep making FF games until the end of the world. But even if they did, I wouldn't be sad.

In fact, now that I think about it, they probably won't stop. Sure, they might stop making games with "Final Fantasy" in the title, but they will still continue to make more new games, whether or not they have "FF" in the title. In other words, they basically are FF without the actual name.By no means does "No more FFs from Nomura" equal no more FFs at all. He didn't even have a creative influence on the series until FFVII, and more recently, he had nothing to do with FFXII.
Oh, I guess I misunderstood it.

What about the rumored remake of FF7? I think he might still do that.

11-19-2007, 02:51 PM

Nomura rules!

11-19-2007, 04:14 PM
Kingdom Hearts was doomed from the start, so I'd be more than glad if Nomura would focus all his "talent" that way. Then something would just have to be done about Kitase and Toriyama, and Final Fantasy may actually have a shot at quality again.

Kishi worded it the best.

I'd be beyond ecstatic. Maybe we'll see the use of useless belts in clothing go down once he's long gone too.

11-19-2007, 06:14 PM
Ehhh...Nomura was disappointing with KH. I wonder what he'll rustle up for FFvXIII.

He's not essential.

11-19-2007, 07:36 PM
Given that I've not been a very big fan of any of Nomura's Final Fantasy titles, I don't think I'm too upset by this.

11-19-2007, 10:50 PM
Given that I've not been a very big fan of any of Nomura's Final Fantasy titles, I don't think I'm too upset by this.

Given that Nomura's never been in charge of an FF title before Versus XIII, I'm not sure how you could criticize anything but his character designs.

I actually enjoyed the Kingdom Hearts games (though the second was nowhere near as good as the first), but I've never really cared for Nomura's character designs, and don't think his game directing style suits the series. I suppose we'll see how Versus XIII turns out, but I wouldn't mind seeing him focus on other series.

11-20-2007, 06:18 AM
As far as character designs go I always preferred Amano's character designs over Nomura's...

Maybe we'll see the use of useless belts in clothing go down once he's long gone too

"Whatever" (moody Squallish look) Kee hee hee
And maybe the characters will start looking different now as well, not the repeated rehashing of the 'girly blonde hero' archetype he overkilled.

11-20-2007, 05:55 PM
i like all FFs but being that V, VI, VII, VIII & X are all rank pretty high with me, its sad news. However, I doubt he'll never work on another one ever, after KH3 and the side titles, what else is he gonna do?

Kingdom Hearts was doomed from the start, so I'd be more than glad if Nomura would focus all his "talent" that way. Then something would just have to be done about Kitase and Toriyama, and Final Fantasy may actually have a shot at quality again.

i must say you have an interesting definition of "doomed." While i myself don't have any interest in them, the KH games have been immensely successful and receive consistently great reviews upon release. The same could be said about your definition of "quality". VII, VIII, & X are the most successful installments in the series not only commercially but critically as well. The only ones who would disagree with the latter (not even critics themselves) are, ironically, people on internet forums such as these. and they are in the minority, all the while insisting that what they say is true.

The Ceej
11-20-2007, 06:29 PM
i must say you have an interesting definition of "doomed." While i myself don't have any interest in them, the KH games have been immensely successful and receive consistently great reviews upon release. The same could be said about your definition of "quality". VII, VIII, & X are the most successful installments in the series not only commercially but critically as well. The only ones who would disagree with the latter (not even critics themselves) are, ironically, people on internet forums such as these. and they are in the minority, all the while insisting that what they say is true.

Yeah, well, majority doesn't necessarily equal right.

I'm not claiming an opinion here; just pointing out a flaw in your argument.

11-20-2007, 06:47 PM
Somebody who is not Amano had better be coming to replace Nomura. All of Amano's artwork looks the same, and I feel really sorry for the graphic artists having to work with it: they basically have to decide for themselves what the face is gonna look like and what the clothes are gonna be. His art communicates so little in terms of a literal image it hurts. Sure, some may say that he "captures a mood" but though it won't be shown in the character's face.

For God's sake Mr. Amano, the idea that all Japanese people look alike isn't true: It's a racist stereotype. Stop playing up to it.

Sorry, rant over. Again.

11-24-2007, 01:23 AM
I've always felt kind of torn in that respect. I love Amano's artwork, but in the end the characters never really look that much in the game like they do in the artwork. That could be because most of his art was for 8 and 16 bit games. :P

11-24-2007, 06:27 PM
I could care less if Nomura leaves. Good riddence. I never liked his designs. FFVII started out too plain, FFX-2 ended with slut. Atleast FFXIII looks well done. I love how Lightening looks. The blue headed dude looks like a Cloud clone.

11-24-2007, 07:21 PM
I'm a big fan of Nomura :bigsmile: I like his designs and style~ I'd be sad to see him quit working on the FF titles, but he'll always be doing something. He'll come back and do more anyway, as these people never say anything that ends up true, especially him. I'll just follow him around like the love monkey I am and continue to gaze at his many zippers.

11-27-2007, 08:09 PM
Better late than never I suppose. It would have been best if he had remained an auxiliary character designer in the first place. Final Fantasy's downward spiral was inevitable, with or without Mr. Nomura, but at least with another designer it might have been a sexy spiral.

11-29-2007, 01:10 AM
i must say you have an interesting definition of "doomed." While i myself don't have any interest in them, the KH games have been immensely successful and receive consistently great reviews upon release. The same could be said about your definition of "quality". VII, VIII, & X are the most successful installments in the series not only commercially but critically as well. The only ones who would disagree with the latter (not even critics themselves) are, ironically, people on internet forums such as these. and they are in the minority, all the while insisting that what they say is true.

Yeah, well, majority doesn't necessarily equal right.

I'm not claiming an opinion here; just pointing out a flaw in your argument.

I never said it did. There is no right or wrong in evaluating how good something is (i guess we could call this aesthetics) but widespread agreement among critics is a strong indicator of whether or not something has merit.

Somebody who is not Amano had better be coming to replace Nomura. All of Amano's artwork looks the same, and I feel really sorry for the graphic artists having to work with it: they basically have to decide for themselves what the face is gonna look like and what the clothes are gonna be. His art communicates so little in terms of a literal image it hurts. Sure, some may say that he "captures a mood" but though it won't be shown in the character's face.

For God's sake Mr. Amano, the idea that all Japanese people look alike isn't true: It's a racist stereotype. Stop playing up to it.

Sorry, rant over. Again.

Not to dissapoint you Psi, but supposedly Amano's artwork is going to have a big impact on the presentation of the world in FFXIII and with its back story, too.

11-29-2007, 03:27 AM
Somebody who is not Amano had better be coming to replace Nomura. All of Amano's artwork looks the same, and I feel really sorry for the graphic artists having to work with it: they basically have to decide for themselves what the face is gonna look like and what the clothes are gonna be. His art communicates so little in terms of a literal image it hurts. Sure, some may say that he "captures a mood" but though it won't be shown in the character's face.

For God's sake Mr. Amano, the idea that all Japanese people look alike isn't true: It's a racist stereotype. Stop playing up to it.

Sorry, rant over. Again.

Really what you're saying, or what you should be saying, is that Amano's artwork is just too wonderful for the in-game character designers to encapsulate into a playable character. Amano is a true artist, and nearly ALL of the recurring monster motifs in Final Fantasy were created by him. As the ability to create truly realistic game characters grows so will the appreciation of true artists as opposed to tinkering children like Nomura. And if anything, Amano stereotypes the european people, since that's who his characters more closely resemble. Though as for that, while he has a particular style, his characters all have their own personalities and they really don't all look the same. Else FFVI's characters would not have been so vivid and diverse (even in 16bit).

In any case, I don't care who takes over.
Viva la anybodywhosnottetsuyanomura

ff is da best
11-29-2007, 09:46 AM
i liked KH 1 and 2 i wouldnt mind playing 3.
but if there were no more final fantasy's that would be like OMG

11-29-2007, 11:48 AM
I find what people have been saying about Amano interesting. I really loved his art style but... I guess you're right that it's not suitable for concept art.


Storm San
11-30-2007, 05:34 PM
No way FFvs XIII will be Nomura's last ff.
He already made character design for dissidia. Not yet. He also adds up to the FF7 crapilation .

12-03-2007, 06:43 PM
I would hate to see the man leave from FF's.


12-03-2007, 09:40 PM
I love his character designs :|