View Full Version : StarFox Command

11-20-2007, 12:05 PM
So I finally got StarFox Command today from Amazon.com, yeah I know, a little late, but whatever :) So far I like it, although it's a bit difficult, to me anyways. I couldn't help but start comparing it to the Snes game, as well as the N64 game, and I kind of have mixed opinions when it comes to that. I'll always love the Snes game, and the N64 was pretty decent. It's a little early, but I think Command might end up being better than the N64 game, but I don't think it'll compare to the original.

Have any of you played it? and if so, how would you rate/compare it to the other games in the series?

11-20-2007, 01:02 PM
StarFox Command is the DS game, for those who don't know.

I picked it up primarily because it worked with the Rumble Pack (get it with Metroid Pinball--though I have a DS lite pack) and because of the WiFi. I haven't played any 'Fox games outside from SF Adventures on Gamecube so I can't compare it to other games. It's actually like a cross between an RTS and classic StarFox dogfights which I thought was really interesting.

When it was released over a year ago, it was one of the better quality DS games available in the US. I did enjoy it quite a bit when I played it, though I didn't go out of my way to try and get each of the branching story paths and multiple endings. There's a good chunk of substance in the game and multiplayer dogfights were pretty fun the few times I managed to get a match. I'd recommend it to someone who is up-to-date with newer DS releases and may have missed it last year, but there are several games that have been released since then which I would place on higher priority if one hasn't picked them up yet.

11-26-2007, 10:32 PM
Yeah, I played it. I have all of the exept the original. I can't really compare it to Adventures, since that one's an rpg, but I liked it more than Assault, but less than 64

11-26-2007, 10:54 PM
I loved it, got all the endings for it. I enjoyed the strategy in it. I rather enjoy games with strategy, it keeps my mind active.