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View Full Version : Tips for your everyday Life

11-24-2007, 05:04 AM
Thats right, we are a big family here at Eyes on.

And Families help eachother out. So I'm going to make a list of Tips to help improve your everyday life, even if only by a little.

The list will be updated as people post their own tips.

The List of Tips

1) When you sit down on a Toilet seat, place to strips of TP where your cheeks will go. This is not to reduce germs or anything, but it reduces the coldness of the seat, making the experience just a bit better.

2) Don't keep your kitchen stocked with things you don't intend to use. Such as spices you hate. This will give you more room for things you will use.

3) Keep all your loose change. After a while, all the loose change people loose or don't keep track of can add up. It may not be a lot, but can be used to pick up some snacks, maybe a CD or two, or even an extra game.

4) When surfing for internet Porn, make sure you have a good Anti-Virus Program on hand.

5) Befriend the cooks at your local eateries, as you may get extra food whenever you order.

6) Wash your bleepin' hands after everything you do. Even if you are sick, even if you aren't sick. Even if you have a tingle in your throat. And more importantly don't go out. It's not worth giving it to 2 million other people because you think you are some "tough guy". I hate it when people do this. Nobody wants you coughing or sneezing all over them, stay home and get some rest.

7) Save your walmart/kmart bags to put in your small room-trashcans. Saves the environment and you from having to buy trashbags or getting a nasty sticky trashcan (make sure they don't have holes in them)

8) Buy a new computer instead of that new tv, they'll both be obsolete but you'll get so much more out of the computer!

9) Clip coupons out of the sunday paper, but only if you actually buy the brands already (or it would become cheaper and worthwhile to buy them)

10) If you don't get your clothes into the clothes hamper, at least try to get them near or on it. Don't leave them wadded up in the floor, else your dogs will sleep on them and you'll never get them off.

11) ALWAYS lock your door if you're in the middle of..."stuff."

12) If you're a girl and have certain "pleasurable toys" in your room...don't leave them on your desk if you have a mom who knocks AFTER entering the room....It helps you avoid embarrassing situations in which she asks what it is, where you found it, and, "if you don't know what it is and where you found it, what do you use it for?" To which you'll reply "...I use it to get stuff off of high shelves." Yeah, uber embarrassing.

13) Don't EVER let your boyfriend buy a massaging desk chair. He'll love it a little too much.

14) It's a bad idea to touch your eye after having a jalepano pepper on your eye...wash your hands before rubbing that itchy eye. (learned this one from the boyfriend xP)

15) If your cat wants you to give him a piece of your crescent roll you're eating for breakfast, don't. He'll become addicted and give you that cute look until you give him more.

16) Don't look your cat in the eye when she's looking at you like you're her favorite mouse toy. Your face will hurt in about three seconds.

17) Sometimes it's never the right timing. Sometimes it's right timing, wrong place, wrong timing right place (etc etc).

22) Your parents will need you as much as you need/needed them.

23) Getting old isn't a death sentence.

24). start every day with an evil laugh (MUHAHAHAHA *evil* ) just to get it out of your system

25) Sand paper shouldn't be used as a masturbating aid.

26) If your friend keeps being an asshole to you, ditch the tosser. You'll feel better once he's not stabbing you in the back for cheap laughs. For the best effect, plan a healthy verbal lash out when there's a Friday the 13th coming up.

27) Don't eat the Yellow Snow

28) Never trust cell phone companies. They hire retarded monkeys and they hate all of their customers.

29) Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as
effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing

30) Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults.

31) Enjoy your body,
use it every way you can…don’t be afraid of it, or what other people
think of it, it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever

32) Do something that scares you everyday.

33) But if I could offer you one tip for the future, not listening to a song about sunscreen would be it.

11-24-2007, 02:10 PM
6) Don't mess when your man's chicken and kool-aid. Trust me. Just don't do it.

11-24-2007, 04:34 PM
7. Wash your bleepin' hands after everything you do. Even if you are sick, even if you aren't sick. Even if you have a tingle in your throat. And more importantly don't go out. It's not worth giving it to 2 million other people because you think you are some "tough guy". I hate it when people do this. Nobody wants you coughing or sneezing all over them, stay home and get some rest. Gah.

11-24-2007, 06:12 PM
7) Never wash your hands. Ever.

8) Save your walmart/kmart bags to put in your small room-trashcans. Saves the environment and you from having to buy trashbags or getting a nasty sticky trashcan (make sure they don't have holes in them)

9) Don't waste money on cable unless its cable internet but then don't waste money on cable internet unless you also need a cable long-distance phone.

10) Buy a new computer instead of that new tv, they'll both be obsolete but you'll get so much more out of the computer!

11) Clip coupons out of the sunday paper, but only if you actually buy the brands already (or it would become cheaper and worthwhile to buy them)

12) If you don't get your clothes into the clothes hamper, at least try to get them near or on it. Don't leave them wadded up in the floor, else your dogs will sleep on them and you'll never get them off.

11-24-2007, 06:14 PM
13) When trying to fake a day off sick, only ever use 1 reason/excuse, no more

11-24-2007, 06:20 PM
14) ALWAYS lock your door if you're in the middle of..."stuff."

15) If you're a girl and have certain "pleasurable toys" in your room...don't leave them on your desk if you have a mom who knocks AFTER entering the room....It helps you avoid embarrassing situations in which she asks what it is, where you found it, and, "if you don't know what it is and where you found it, what do you use it for?" To which you'll reply "...I use it to get stuff off of high shelves." Yeah, uber embarrassing.

16) Don't EVER let your boyfriend buy a massaging desk chair. He'll love it a little too much.

17) It's a bad idea to touch your eye after having a jalepano pepper on your eye...wash your hands before rubbing that itchy eye. (learned this one from the boyfriend xP)

18) If your cat wants you to give him a piece of your crescent roll you're eating for breakfast, don't. He'll become addicted and give you that cute look until you give him more.

More to come!

11-24-2007, 06:27 PM
19) Don't look your cat in the eye when she's looking at you like you're her favorite mouse toy. Your face will hurt in about three seconds.

11-24-2007, 06:33 PM
20. Sometimes it's never the right timing. Sometimes it's right timing, wrong place, wrong timing right place (etc etc).

21. Don't listen to Allie, wash your hands ALWAYS.

22. Your parents will need you as much as you need/needed them.

23. Getting old isn't a death sentence.

Aerith's Knight
11-24-2007, 06:53 PM
24. if you have chemistry with a girl, make sure you tell her any and all changes you make in your chedule if it effects her.. or she'll hate you forever(true story)

25. only lie if you are sure you can get away with it(little white lies)..

26. start every day with an evil laugh (MUHAHAHAHA *evil* ) just to get it out of your system

11-24-2007, 08:35 PM
Rye, I have no Idea WTF you just said. Various others have been weeded out as well.

Shame on you Rubah, not washing your hands. How do you sleep at night?

Quindiana Jones
11-24-2007, 08:45 PM
Shame on you Rubah, not washing your hands. How do you sleep at night?
She sucks her thumb. :(

11-24-2007, 08:53 PM
503. <b>KILL EVERYONE.</b>


11-24-2007, 09:00 PM
Shame on you Rubah, not washing your hands. How do you sleep at night?
She sucks her thumb. :(

is true 8)

11-24-2007, 09:04 PM
27. Watch Anchor man at least once in your life.

Aerith's Knight
11-24-2007, 10:04 PM
503. <b>KILL EVERYONE.</b>


28. its better to help, than to get in the way :D ..

29.. as long as she doesnt move in.. or maybe.. girl roomate :p

11-24-2007, 10:05 PM
30. Sand paper shouldn't be used as a masturbating aid.

11-24-2007, 10:11 PM
31) Try your hardest to let your brain process things before you say them.

11-24-2007, 10:12 PM
Picking your nose is free and fun!

Aerith's Knight
11-24-2007, 10:16 PM
33. seeing your ex-gf her birth control pills in the medicine cabinet is very unsettling so check your medicine cabinet more then once every 3 months.

11-24-2007, 10:21 PM
Hero's was 32, UFFF's was 33, so...

34. If your friend keeps being an asshole to you, ditch the tosser. You'll feel better once he's not stabbing you in the back for cheap laughs in front of his cooler friends whose attention he'd rather have. For the best effect, plan a healthy verbal lash out when there's a Friday the 13th coming up.

35. If you're playing a game and technical constraints such as poor camera or sticky controls are making it too much trouble, take it to Gamestation and trade it in for something that doesn't suck, then carry a vial of sulphuric acid for anyone who accuses you of not giving it a chance.

11-24-2007, 10:24 PM
Updated again

Aerith's Knight
11-24-2007, 10:35 PM
36. dont eat yellow snow (i just had too :D)

37. go outside and scream at the first person that annoys you.. then run.

38. if you are going to dance, make sure you are/or are with a woman first

11-24-2007, 10:39 PM
39. Never trust cell phone companies. They hire retarded monkeys and they hate all of their customers.

Aerith's Knight
11-24-2007, 10:44 PM
40. call phone advertisers when they are eating dinner

11-24-2007, 10:45 PM
36, Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not
understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded.

37, Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as
effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing

38, Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults.

39, Enjoy your body,
use it every way you can…don’t be afraid of it, or what other people
think of it, it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever

40, Do something that scares you everyday.

41, But if I could offer you one tip for the future, not listening to a song about sunscreen would be it.

11-24-2007, 10:47 PM
Everybody's free to wear sunscreen. :P

Old Manus
11-24-2007, 11:57 PM
42. Mix the green herb, blue herb and red herb to make a mixture that will heal all your health and remove poison. Do not mix a red herb with a blue herb without using a green herb first, as this is physically impossible to do.

Aerith's Knight
11-25-2007, 12:13 AM
43. make sure you are drunk before reading 42, or you wont understand it