View Full Version : Am I trying too hard or is it really there?

11-25-2007, 07:56 PM
Alas, I lack sound clips to show you what the hell I mean so I'll try and describe it.

Anyone who's played the first six FF games (as well as 9) will be dead familiar with the first eight notes of the battle theme; A A A A A A G G (a few of them are anyways, depends what key it's in)

So I've noticed that this does in fact appear in FF7 and 8 as well, but each time it's in a final battle. In FF7, we hear it for a moment in "Birth of a God" (in a different key than usual) after the tune's intro. Then, in FF8's "The Extreme", we get a fairly slow-paced intro with that nice piano melody, and again we get the classic battle theme intro and then the main tune kicks in.

Do you think this is intentional or just a coincidence? Discussion please.

12-08-2007, 04:36 AM
Probably intentional....I think I liked it in The Extreme best!

12-08-2007, 04:53 AM
I definitely think it's intentional. And I'd be willing to bet that it really is A and G. Pretty much all of it's in CM/Am. :p

12-08-2007, 05:52 AM
Yea i noticed it aswell, i think it was intentional

12-11-2007, 06:45 PM
Definitely a tribute. I think it's Nobuo's way to link the parts together...

Markus. D
12-12-2007, 08:30 PM

Not especially creative with the intros~

12-29-2007, 01:41 AM
definately intentional, those notes are one of the few things holding the series together.

01-06-2008, 08:35 AM
Intentional. I mean Dancing Mad actually is 3/4th of the games entire score put into one song.

Not to mention, the notes going down one pitch is basically the equivlant to the musical snare drum to bass, which either keeps a beat, or gets it going.

Notes like that is normally what tuba's or bass clarinets, bari and tenor saxes get, because it keeps a beat but with a tone, letting percussion do what it needs to do without actually keeping a repeditive snare to bass.