View Full Version : BSG: Razor

11-26-2007, 09:49 AM
Did anyone else watch it?

Spoilers ahead!

Other than the whole, Kara Thrace, harbinger of death/apocalypse/etc, I don't think the movie was all that interesting. Some of it just didn't make sense to me. The whole thing at the end with Lee wanting Kara to sacrifice herself made absolutely NO sense. Like, wtf?

Oh and right in the beginning scene with Caine at the threadmill, it occurred to me that she was a lesbian. Isn't that odd? So I wasn't really surprised when the whole thing with Gina was revealed later on. Kendra was ok, but kinda pointless. Caine is one craaazy bitch, and even with 2 hours I don't think we got to really understand why she was such a crazy bitch. I wanted to see more of Gina and Caine interaction and less Lee time dealing with Lee issues. Seeing some of the BSG crew but not getting to see a lot of the old favorites was a real bummer.

The opening BSG intro made me reeeeeally happy though. Come back to us, BSG! do we really have to wait until March to find out what happen? :(

Germ Hamee
11-26-2007, 11:02 AM
I was more interested in the season 4 preview than anything else. O M F G.

Actually, I lied. Seeing the origins of the human cylons was pretty interesting, and it was nice seeing Gina/Caine pre-torment.

11-28-2007, 07:01 PM
I thought there was some good stuff in it, but I didn't get the "must own this movie on DVD" feeling or anything. I also thought Lee acting so "whatever" towards Kara's life was out of character for him.

Maybe it's just a mixture of my bad memory and it being a while, but I got confused with all the flashbacks :} I had hard time remember when everything synced up.

The Caine stuff is interesting...I think she's a compelling character in the love-to-hate fashion. She really is a bitch though, christ.

All Razor really did was make the ache for next season hurt worse. XD

11-28-2007, 08:11 PM
I forgot it was coming on, and my roommate was upset we'd missed it over the weekend. But I'm just going to wait for the DVD version that's uncut or whatever with extra scenes.

Is the new season not starting till march? I thought it was earlier than that. Like, January. ;(