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12-10-2007, 11:30 PM
Is your body defective in any way? Are you deaf, have bad teeth, lame, have bad eyes, a broken jaw, or anything?

12-10-2007, 11:32 PM
I have terrible eyesight. I can't see two feet in front of me without my glasses. :(

12-10-2007, 11:33 PM
I have the Ebola :(

12-10-2007, 11:33 PM
My bottom front teeth duke it out regularly to see who gets to be in front (well not so much but they're malaligned and prone to shifting, HAHA gingivitis!) and one of them was actually broken back in fourth grade, and they're all very cold-sensitive.

My index toes are crooked, my left knee is prone to randomly sticking, making me have to limp down so I don't fall down or have to stop walking xD

My body is VERY GOOD at pruning nutrients from food >:[ Too good.

Also I think when God knit me together in my mother's womb, he must have been doing a little activity book full of mazes, because they seem to go many ways, and not always where I need to vacate my sinusoidal fluids from. (eyes)

Aerith's Knight
12-10-2007, 11:40 PM
my right ringfinger is about 2 degrees crooked..

my methabolism is waay too slow.. so i cant eat anything..

i chipped my tooth.. but its a very small chip so the dentist didnt say anything and now it looks stupid.. grr..

12-10-2007, 11:42 PM
None, I'm a perfect stud of a man. :cool:

12-10-2007, 11:42 PM
I've got on and off bad acne and a red scar under my right eye (which actually isn't noticeable unless the acne is on vacation). That's about all that's readily visible anyway.

12-10-2007, 11:45 PM
None, I'm a perfect stud of a man. :cool:

Of course you are, shorty. :love:

12-10-2007, 11:47 PM
I've got the world's greatest metabolism!
But I can't gain ANY weight.

12-10-2007, 11:52 PM
My eyesight is awful!

leader of mortals
12-10-2007, 11:53 PM
very bad eyes(glasses)
bad teeth(braces)
a bad case of the disease "nerdism"
zits... from my disease nerdism
retarded laugh... darn you nerdism! DARN YOOOOUUUUUU

I've got the world's greatest metabolism!
But I can't gain ANY weight.

Madame Adequate
12-10-2007, 11:59 PM
I have a cataract in my left eye. My right eye isn't bad, but I am increasingly shortsighted there. I have bad posture. And... that's actually it, I'm pretty good otherwise.

Edit: nowait. I have the most retarded laugh, both in sound and appearance, ever.

12-11-2007, 12:09 AM
I'm asian

no I jest. Seriously

I need glasses and my left hand is weaker because I fractured two bones and it actually hurts if I exert too much force on it.

12-11-2007, 12:17 AM
No, I'm perfect. Hence my... Germanism, I am a nazi, which makes me a perfect specimen of manhood. ;~;

12-11-2007, 12:17 AM
I am short sighted. I used to have bad teeth, but braces fixed that.

I have a lot of allergies, which is probably my biggest problem. Lots of sneezing, hives and itching. :(

12-11-2007, 02:18 AM
My vision sucks, I have an overbite, male-pattern balding runs in both sides of my family (so I'm really screwed in that case), I'm not flexible in the least, and I have an EXTREMELY slow metabolism. I can easily live off of one medium-sized meal a day. It's really hard to lose weight though, especially now that it's all icy outside and I can't run.

12-11-2007, 02:36 AM
I have a cataract in my left eye. My right eye isn't bad, but I am increasingly shortsighted there. I have bad posture. And... that's actually it, I'm pretty good otherwise.

Edit: nowait. I have the most retarded laugh, both in sound and appearance, ever.

Except for the fact that your laugh is freaking adorable, both in sound and appearance? :3 <3

I'm defective because I gain weight too easily and I have eyesight worse than most middle age adults at the age of 17.

Madame Adequate
12-11-2007, 02:38 AM
I have a cataract in my left eye. My right eye isn't bad, but I am increasingly shortsighted there. I have bad posture. And... that's actually it, I'm pretty good otherwise.

Edit: nowait. I have the most retarded laugh, both in sound and appearance, ever.

Except for the fact that your laugh is freaking adorable, both in sound and appearance? :3 <3

You buggin' like a cicada.

12-11-2007, 03:43 AM

12-11-2007, 03:43 AM
I'm asian

no I jest. Seriously

I need glasses and my left hand is weaker because I fractured two bones and it actually hurts if I exert too much force on it.

I did something to my left wrist (over-practiced xylophone the year I went to state tryouts? yes) so often it is excruciating to put weight on it.

Like it was bad enough that when at awards cermonies, I would clap my right hand to my left fist, just so I wouldn't move my wrist.

12-11-2007, 04:20 AM
i cant give a thumbs up which means i cant hitch hike either. not born that way though broke my thumb and wrapped it in duct tape.

Marshall Banana
12-11-2007, 04:57 AM
<ul style="list-style-image: url(http://www.JEREMYTIME/mondatime/strawberry.gif)"><li>Sometimes my left knee aches for no apparent reason! >=O</li><li>I experience tearfully painful menstrual cramps! >=O</li><li>I stubbed one of my toes very hard in March, and it hurts every time there is pressure on it! >=O</li></ul>

12-11-2007, 05:32 AM
My hair is too awesome.

12-11-2007, 06:57 AM
Don't get me started.
1. Frizzy, unruly and unevenly distributed curls in my hair.

2. Bad acne that won't go away. Luckily it's not as bad as what some people get... I'm thankful for that.

3. Slightly crooked teeth. My 2 front teeth are kinda big, I don't like them.

4. My fingernails break way too easily.

5. My leg hair is too thick and dark, shaving does basically nothing. I should start waxing.

6. 2 of my toes are like... curly... they look weird and ugly. I hate my feet.

7. My hips have a weird, ugly, big (not in a good, sexy way) shape.

8. My thighs are too fat and not proportional to the rest of my body. Not thick in a good way... FAT. Especially right by my... uh, area. There's alot of flab there. I don't like it.

9. I'm tone deaf.

10. My hands are too small. Which is a blessing and a curse. I think they look very cute and adorable but it's really not a good thing. :( I can't play any instruments like guitar or piano... and my fingers aren't very long either so um yeah... a certain activity is um... nevermind. You can gather the information.

11. I'm epileptic. (I have seizures)

Clouded Sky
12-11-2007, 07:34 AM
I've got some lovely acne that won't seem to go away. Finally got some good medicine, so it's not as bad as it has been, but still. Urgh.

I'm missing four adult teeth. It was really strange looking for a while, but I've got bridges now, so there are now 11 fake teeth in my mouth if you count the caps to the bridges.

Thirdly, the middle finger on my left hand is slightly messed up in that it won't bend in as far as my other fingers -- I broke it in high school football and it never healed entirely.

12-11-2007, 07:48 AM
I'm out of shape.

12-11-2007, 10:21 AM
My top row of teeth weren't terribly straight but they've been corrected with braces. My eyes, however, water rather a lot for no apparent reason. I imagine it's related to one of my several allergies that effect my sinuses and respiratory system. I'm also rather out of shape.

12-11-2007, 11:02 AM
I have a crooked nose, and I'm also near-sighted. Could be worse :)

12-11-2007, 11:02 AM
My fingers are double-jointed, so I can bend them at ungodly angles, I've got bad posture, and only nine toenails.

12-11-2007, 02:25 PM
my left leg is an inch shorter than the right leg which makes me walk stupidly

12-11-2007, 04:23 PM
Fat. Weird teeth. My eyesight has weakened a bit since college due to all the close reading I do (and the computer). That's it! Everything else works beautifully.

12-11-2007, 04:38 PM
Let me see...I'm slightly too tall for it to be cool. Crooked teeth and bad skin.

12-11-2007, 05:13 PM
Well, bad eyesight (but I have stylish glasses, so I don't mind ^^), back and chest almost covered in pimples (but almost none on my face, thankfully, only on my forehead, where they are hidden by bangs), and I've gained some weight lately (but I'm far from overweight, my weight is still normal)...

But overall, I'm beautiful and satisfied by myself :)

:save: Selena

James Leopold
12-11-2007, 05:54 PM
I have the worst nose in the history of the human race. Trust me, it's like having a tap that's permanantely on, attached to your face.

12-11-2007, 06:14 PM
I bruise like a peach, my front teeth are too big, I have a dodgy back (I'm exactly like my Mum and she has Coxodynia, my future!) and my hair is frizzy/wavy.

Quindiana Jones
12-11-2007, 06:37 PM
Weak ankles. Though I've not had any problem with them in recent years. Cool.

I have exceptionally wrinkly and bony hands. Though I think they're pretty cool, and the bones aren't weak meaning my punches hurt a fair bit. :D
The toe next to my big toe is longer, and used to curl a lot. It's sorting itself out now though.
I don't lose weight very easily, but I do gain muscle fairly quickly. Not superfast or anything, but enough so that a week of exercise is easily noticeable. But it results in my being strong but not as ripped as my strength deserves. ;)

I like my imperfections though. It gives me something to aim for when I'm working out etc. And the hands are just awesome.

12-11-2007, 07:52 PM
Oh lord....

1. Partially deaf in both ears
2. Bad knees
3. Exceptionally skinny (personally I don't think I'm that skinny but people tell me otherwise all the time)
4. Slightly monotone voice (according to everyone I know who's heard me speak)
5. Very weak right arm from having it be severely broken and almost amputated
6. Humongous overbite
7. Bad posture
8. Double-jointed in both hands
9. Really annoying laugh

And I'll leave it at that since typing this list and realizing there's a lot of other things wrong with me other than what's already listed kinda embarrasses me. :eep:

12-12-2007, 12:49 AM
my eyes are SO BAD!! I can't see things that are only like two or maybe even one and a half feet in front of me without my glasses!

my hair is bad too. it's all dry-looking. and it's curly. but in a bad way.

and um ... oh yeah! my colon was apparently like an extra two feet long. but i had that surgically removed, does that count now?

Captain Maxx Power
12-12-2007, 02:10 AM
Is your body defective in any way? Are you deaf, have bad teeth, lame, have bad eyes, a broken jaw, or anything?

My pecs are so manly they can cause involuntary orgasms to das ladies, prompting possible safety hazard if they happen to be driving/operating heavy machinery.

12-12-2007, 03:53 AM
My ability to concentrate is reduced. However, my vision and hearing is excellent.

12-12-2007, 05:21 AM
Let me give this a shot! I think I strayed from the body a bit. :shifty:

My voice is like a car accident and chalkboard screeching mated; I have really boring hair that I'm too lazy to do anything with, and it whooshes out when it's too long and makes me look like Rupert from Harry Potter 4; I have freakishly small hands, and my thumbs bend back in this double-jointed whatever fashion and I can't open or crack things in half for some odd reason; my skin is paler than Michael Jackson's and my ass could lead Santa's sleigh through fog; my face is all ratty, but with a hint of ostrich and a spice of beaten wife, and my nose is really big and makes me look Jewish; ye old teeth needed braces, so hello retainer every night, and what with the coffee addiction it didn't make them any prettier; my feet are also really small, only 7's or so, which is literally half of Roogle's gargantuan walkers; I'm incredibly short, only reaching 5'5; I weigh 117 pounds, which, last I checked, was the opposite of attractive and in the league of fugly pixie stick; I wear black-rimmed glasses in some sad attempt to be cooler than I am; I can't shop for my own clothes because I have no fashion sense and I make other people do it for me; I'm really nervous around others and say stupid things and knock a lot of stuff over and blush a lot; I can't talk on the phone because I'm afraid of people and I make my mother do it all for me; I want my brother's friends and girlfriend to like me so much that I become unlikable in their presence; when I do get comfortable around someone I tilt from shy to obnoxious and annoy the piss out of them; I'm lazy as hell; my game addiction is out of control, and without help I will be playing the same "save the world" story of RPG's until the day I die; I have no particular talent in anything and instead seem to be incompetent in everything; I consider Buffy to be the greatest show in the universe; I hate children; I hate that I'm all uber-cynical all the time and hate stuff; I look at wikipedia pages; people assume I'm smart for some reason, only to find that I'm a dumbass and couldn't pass a math course if I was being pistol whipped by a tutor; I don't like holidays; my family doesn't like me and I don't like them; I don't let people date me because they can do better and shouldn't waste their time; I say things like "soggy lettuce".

Alright, that should kind of do okay. Mail your pity to 666 Super Whiny Baby Dr. Wearingeyeliner, IN 13371

12-12-2007, 05:32 AM
Lewnar, I think you're awesome so can it. :choc2:

PS - Can it. :choc2:

12-12-2007, 06:20 AM
I had a crazy gap in my top front teeth when I was younger. like CRAZY. other than the fact that I can't gain weight I'm happy with my body. my mind however is another matter :p

12-12-2007, 06:51 AM
I gain weight WAAAAY too easily so I'm extremely self-consience about my looks and my weight, I have bad hearing, weak knees which haven't been bothering me for a while and now that I said this something bad is going to happen, I'm too lazy for my own good, my teeth...well lets not even go there I just really hate my teeth and my smile, my hair is stupid and has two styles short and straight or long and curly, I chew my nails and the sides of my fingers on the skin so my fingers look horrible, I think I'm a good singer but I actually have a really bad voice so when I try to sing people laugh at me but for strange reason I won't stop trying to sing, did I already say I get fat easily? Well I'm going to say it again, and a lot of the things Lunar said also apply to me...

I'm really nervous around others and say stupid things and knock a lot of stuff over and blush a lot; I can't talk on the phone because I'm afraid of people; when I do get comfortable around someone I tilt from shy to obnoxious and annoy the piss out of them; I'm lazy as hell; I have no particular talent in anything and instead seem to be incompetent in everything; I hate children; I hate that I'm all uber-cynical all the time and hate stuff; I look at wikipedia pages; people assume I'm smart for some reason, only to find that I'm a dumbass and couldn't pass a math course if I was being pistol whipped by a tutor; I don't like them (my family)

All the same as me.

12-12-2007, 04:34 PM
my feet are also really small, only 7's or so, which is
A size 7 is.. small? :( I am only size 4/5!

Aerith's Knight
12-12-2007, 04:59 PM
my feet are also really small, only 7's or so, which is
A size 7 is.. small? :( I am only size 4/5!

Im size 10 1/2.. so hes got a point there

12-12-2007, 05:17 PM
I can't walk in a straight line, I have a stupidly short attention span and I have no common sense whatsoever.

12-12-2007, 07:11 PM
oh, almost forgot my reduced hearing and humongous feet (12½).
Also my hair is starting to curl :/

12-15-2007, 03:52 AM
Eyes...I am near-sighted, but it's because I kept on rubbing my eyes.
Teeth...I haven't gone to the dentist for a long time, and it would help if I did.
Ears...I have lost some sense of hearing in both ears.