View Full Version : Favorite anime songs!

12-18-2007, 03:29 AM
I'm not sure if there was a thread like this recently or not. Better safe than sorry. xD

Anyway, what is/are your favorite anime song(s)?

Mine are:
"Bouken Desho Desho", "Lost My Music", and "Hare Hare Yukai" by Aya Hirano (all from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)

I also like pretty much all of the songs from the Chobits soundtrack as well, but I'm not so sure of the names. ^_^;


The Unknown Guru
12-18-2007, 04:43 AM
Anything by Yoko Kanno. More specifically, "Tank" (that's the Bebop theme, right?) and "Rise", the Ghost in the Shell:SAC Gig 2 theme.
Off topic, that title is really hard to abbreviate.

12-18-2007, 04:48 AM
Song of Storm and Fire by Kajiura is the bestie best :hat:

12-18-2007, 04:49 AM
i have a lot but i dont know the names of them

the end credits from naruto season/section 1

the opening credits from naruto (during the search for tsunade)

opening theme to love hina "ryote argite"

pretty much the whole sound track to cowboy bebop

12-18-2007, 05:22 AM
The ending of Saber Marionette J. And the song that played in Episode 12.
And of course "Tank!" especially that part near the end. And "The Egg and I"
Bleach's third opening and "Happy People" ending.
Fate/stay night's opeing is awesome too.
"Bouken Desho Desho" is that the opening?
The whole FLCL sound track.

EDIT: I forgot the Full Metal Panic! soundtrack. Loved the Fumoffu! opening and ending and that one that sounded like the A-Team's theme.

12-18-2007, 05:25 AM
I always liked the DNA<sup>2</sup> song. I think the Chobits song is a given with its adorableness.

12-18-2007, 01:12 PM
The ending of Saber Marionette J. And the song that played in Episode 12.
And of course "Tank!" especially that part near the end. And "The Egg and I"
Bleach's third opening and "Happy People" ending.
Fate/stay night's opeing is awesome too.
"Bouken Desho Desho" is that the opening?
The whole FLCL sound track.

EDIT: I forgot the Full Metal Panic! soundtrack. Loved the Fumoffu! opening and ending and that one that sounded like the A-Team's theme.

Yeah, Bouken Desho Desho is the opening. Hare Hare Yukai is the ending (with the ever-so-famous SOS Brigade dance).

12-18-2007, 01:27 PM
I love Hare Hare Yukai! I have it on repeat on my player :(
I also adore Rolling Star by Yui. Both are fantastic because they are so fast and upbeat but they still have a nice tune.

Recommend anything to me if they're along the music of those mentioned above!

Ultima Shadow
12-18-2007, 01:35 PM
Lucky Star's opening all the way.:greenie:

Fate/Stay Night's first opening is also pretty damn good, as well as Emiya (the song that plays during UBW).

White Raven
12-18-2007, 01:49 PM
Normally I'm not a huge fan at all by anime soundtracks, but I really loved one of Naruto's opening one: Sambomaster - Seishun Kyousoukyoku.

I forget what arc it was for, but I found their album that it was on and it was actually pretty good. :)

12-18-2007, 05:05 PM
I'm quite taken by Maximum The Hormone - What's Up People!?
Second opening for Deathnote.

12-18-2007, 06:56 PM
I like love is like a boat, the original ending theme from bleach

Ramza Beoulve
12-18-2007, 08:51 PM
My favorites would be Gundam Wing Endless Waltz's endings (White Reflection and Last Impression), Gankutsuou's opening and ending (WE WERE LOVERS and You Won´t See Me Coming) and Mushishi's opening (The Sore Feet Song).

12-18-2007, 09:11 PM
Well, "Genesis of Aquarion with Big Brother", the first opening from Genesis of Aquarion, is quite good. It's a beautiful and uplifting melody but doesn't try to hide a tragic and melancholic traits that are hidden in it. I particularly like the calm, contemplative variation of it for choir and piano in the track "Genesis of Aquarion", although the orchestral and choral variation of the theme in "First Love, Final Love" track is very powerful and touching as well.

I've also enjoyed the songs in Wolf's Rain: particularly "Gravity" and "Tell Me What the Rain Knows" are beautiful ending themes that are deeply connected to the story and summarize the emotional aspects of that particular anime in a bittersweet way.

12-18-2007, 11:42 PM
Gosh....SO MANY...

There's Tori no Uta, from Air...WHAT'S UP PEOPLE...The entire FLCL soundtrack...some Bleach themes...One of the Chobits endings...

12-19-2007, 02:01 AM
One of the Chobits endings...

"Raison D'etre" or "Ningyo Hime"? (Episodes 1-13 or episodes 14-25?)

I like both of them, by the way.

Aerith's Knight
12-19-2007, 02:06 AM
i remeber a piano song that they used in pokemon when a sad thing happened.. that song was amazing!.. i would love the sheets for that.. playing that would be awsome

12-19-2007, 02:08 AM
One of the Chobits endings...

"Raison D'etre" or "Ningyo Hime"? (Episodes 1-13 or episodes 14-25?)

I like both of them, by the way.

Ningyo Hime, that's what it was! Thanks :D!

The Unknown Guru
12-19-2007, 02:16 AM
Ooh, I totally forgot about FlCl. The Pillows rule!

12-19-2007, 10:19 PM
Makoto Kawamoto from Rurouni Kenshin
YouTube - Rurouni Kenshin opening 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfL-qGduIDM)

Sobakasu or Freckles from Kenshin
YouTube - rurouni kenshin opening (english) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2T-bwIGgEE)

Tenchi in Tokyo opening
YouTube - Tenchi in Tokyo - Opening (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njR-n18N61g)

Tenchi Universe opening
YouTube - Tenchi Muyo! Tenchi Universe Seson opening in English (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAVx53UHQ_Y&feature=related)

12-19-2007, 10:22 PM
All of Chobits' and Haruhi's songs win hard. Same for Cardcaptor Sakura.

But only the first season of the dubbed Pokemon could possibly take the cake.

12-19-2007, 10:23 PM
Dears - Happy Cosmos (Poppins)
FMA - Melissa (Porno Graffiti)
Elfen Lied intro - Lilium
Trinity Blood - Dress (Buck Tick)
Death Note - The World (Nightmare)

yep that's all ^^

12-20-2007, 01:06 PM
Anything by Yoko Kanno.

...And of course "Tank!" especially that part near the end. And "The Egg and I"

Well, "Genesis of Aquarion with Big Brother", the first opening from Genesis of Aquarion, is quite good. It's a beautiful and uplifting melody but doesn't try to hide a tragic and melancholic traits that are hidden in it. I particularly like the calm, contemplative variation of it for choir and piano in the track "Genesis of Aquarion", although the orchestral and choral variation of the theme in "First Love, Final Love" track is very powerful and touching as well.

I've also enjoyed the songs in Wolf's Rain: particularly "Gravity" and "Tell Me What the Rain Knows" are beautiful ending themes that are deeply connected to the story and summarize the emotional aspects of that particular anime in a bittersweet way.

Yoko Kanno is a goddess. In my mind, she is disqualified from these sorts of things because she has so much great stuff out there. Kossage, if you liked Aquarion's music you should definitely check out Escaflowne. The style of her music is of the similarly 'epic orchestral' type, and actually uses the Warsaw Philarmonic Orchestra for both Esca and Aquarion.

Anyway, like I said, Yoko Kanno is disqualified. It's easy to pick a Yoko Kanno song, but for me it's hard to pick *which*. (I have over 20 GBs of Yoko Kanno music at home, and I'm slowly buying all the CDs I can find. So much stuff!)

Right now, I'm really digging "Sora no Kakera" (Pieces of the Sky) by Ikeda Ayako which is the gorgeous ending song to the anime Dennou Coil (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=6278).

12-20-2007, 01:16 PM
Hime Murasaki - Basilisk ending 2

Wild Eyes - Basilisk Opening 2

Opening 1 - Bleach[[Nobody can say words that fast!!!]]

12-20-2007, 01:22 PM
I like a lot of anime songs but my favorite has to be either "Yume no Tsubasa" or "You are my love" both from TRC.

12-20-2007, 03:55 PM
Kossage, if you liked Aquarion's music you should definitely check out Escaflowne. The style of her music is of the similarly 'epic orchestral' type, and actually uses the Warsaw Philarmonic Orchestra for both Esca and Aquarion.

Yeah, I've listened to the Vision of Escaflowne OSTs (both the series and the film) long before I even heard of Genesis of Aquarion, but in any case her work in VoE is quite good whenever she brings orchestra and choir in the mix. I've never really cared that much of her fluffier, comedic stuff or synth experimentations, but her lush orchestration is quite good whenever she chooses to take that route.

It's, however, rather unfortunate how some pieces from at least Genesis of Aquarion are lifted off from Russian composers without giving proper credit to where it's due, but at least she tries to disguise them and adapt them so that they're not as blatant ripoffs as one might think. Nevertheless, I really connected with the music of Genesis of Aquarion (both its songs and score) in an emotional level, and the same can be said about Wolf's Rain which is absolutely marvellous in the way it shows deepest emotions through music and manages to tell a story. :)

12-20-2007, 04:06 PM
Kaijura Yuki - Fake Wings from .HACK//sign

Azure Chrysanthemum
12-20-2007, 10:41 PM
Opening 1 - Bleach[[Nobody can say words that fast!!!]]

I can!

Anyway, here are a few.

God Knows (The Melancholy of Haruhi SUzumiya) (http://youtube.com/watch?v=Avm7x0zj6nE)

Disarm Dreamer (Genshiken 2, so misleading! It's amazing.) (http://youtube.com/watch?v=-DCA5hHulOs)

Sorairo Days (Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann) (http://youtube.com/watch?v=7yCSHwQt1go)

0.00 AM (Tokyo Majin) (http://youtube.com/watch?v=LqDKe2784S0)