View Full Version : WHO DO YOU THINK I AM!? (Anime)

12-19-2007, 08:48 PM
I... I can't really think properly right now. I've actually been sitting on creating a post for this anime for months, but I can never really get into a logical state of mind when I talk about this anime. Basically, I love this show so freaking hard it's difficult to not go into a fanboyish rant about it when I talk about it--even 2 months after it ended. But this is something important.

The anime: (Tengen Toppa) Gurren-Lagann. It was broadcast in Japan from April to October of 2007.

And you can watch the first episode right now, for free, and 100% Legal.

1: Click Anime Network - America's #1 Anime Channel (http://www.theanimenetwork.com/)
2: Click 'Launch Player'
3: Click 'Certify' to get in
4: Close the 'message of the day' thing that pops up and then click the 'Giant Robots' (yes, it's a Giant Robot show) icon.
5: Then click Gurren Lagann Subtitled, followed by 'Episode 1'.

After some advertising, the episode will start. Now this is pretty major, not just for the show but for the US anime industry in general. To recap, this show ended in October. And we're seeing an officially localized version of the first episode now.

I suppose since I've finally started the thread I should take some time to make a proper post about the show. For now, let me know what you think of the first episode. If you're one of the incredibly fortunate people who have seen this show to completion, I'd like to hear your thoughts on the series in general as well. And PLEASE don't spoil the show.

Leaving you with a bit of bonus trivia: This Thread's Title is the English Translation of my Custom User Title. It's the catchphrase of the show.

12-19-2007, 08:54 PM
Is this the one you were telling me about where they changed animation styles and lost a bazillion viewers? :P

12-19-2007, 09:01 PM
Yeah :P admittedly, the show starts off at an 'above average' level (and I can understand if some people don't see what's so special from this first episode) and then suddenly drops in enjoyment level after the third episode. Once you get past the 6th however, the show takes off into levels of extreme epic awesome and does not look back for the rest of its 27 episode run.

More to come...

12-19-2007, 10:02 PM
Mayhaps I'll check it out when I'm finished with what I'm watching now.

12-19-2007, 10:10 PM
I've seen most of it. It's gar. No more needs to be said.

12-19-2007, 10:13 PM
I've heard only a little bit about this show

Azure Chrysanthemum
12-19-2007, 10:15 PM
My drill is the one that will pierce the heavens!

*points finger in the air*

12-19-2007, 10:28 PM
I really need to finish this show.

12-23-2007, 01:16 AM
I've never heard of it