View Full Version : "I'm going again, get off the ramp!"

Spawn of Sephiroth
01-01-2008, 05:59 AM
That was Robbie Maddison's words to the TV reporter while being interviewed after his world record 322 feet 7 and a half inches jump on his dirt bike on ESPN and attempting the jump twice landing the exact same place on both jumps. So, did anyone watch it and what did you think. I thought it was very exciting and Im just glad he didn't kill himself. Oh, and Happy New Year.

01-01-2008, 08:34 AM
Impressive. What are the chances of landing in the same place twice?

Miniscule, I guess.

01-01-2008, 09:12 AM
Well its not that small a chance if you consider that he's going top speed both times and he's aiming to go in a straight line when he lands so there is very little change in the variables.