View Full Version : Wolf in the movie

01-01-2008, 07:35 PM
Why was there a wolf in the movie? was it suppose to represent cloud being like a lone wolf?, or does it have a different meaning? Also cloud's motorcycle's name is Fenrir, which is also the name of a wolf summon in the FF series, is that some sort of easter egg thing?

01-01-2008, 08:34 PM
Why was there a wolf in the movie? was it suppose to represent cloud being like a lone wolf?, or does it have a different meaning? Also cloud's motorcycle's name is Fenrir, which is also the name of a wolf summon in the FF series, is that some sort of easter egg thing?

I don't think Fenrir is any more of an Easter Egg than any of the other FF summons/ships with names from mythology. FF has been using things like that for a long time, so I don't find it surprising or special that they'd continue the trend in AC.

01-01-2008, 10:42 PM
Why was there a wolf in the movie? was it suppose to represent cloud being like a lone wolf?, or does it have a different meaning? Also cloud's motorcycle's name is Fenrir, which is also the name of a wolf summon in the FF series, is that some sort of easter egg thing?

I don't think Fenrir is any more of an Easter Egg than any of the other FF summons/ships with names from mythology. FF has been using things like that for a long time, so I don't find it surprising or special that they'd continue the trend in AC.
no thats not what i meant, what i mean is that at first i thought the wolf was fenrir, but the i noticed clouds bike so i thought it was some sort of easter egg like that.

Big D
01-01-2008, 11:05 PM
According to the writers/director, that grey wolf symbolises Cloud's feelings of guilt over the deaths of Aerith and Zack. It makes sense, too - just look at where the symbol appears:

* The Buster Sword marking Zack's final resting place

* In the church, when Cloud finds Tifa and passes out before he can help her

* At the Forgotten City

* When he briefly meets Zack and Aerith in the Lifestream at the end, when he's almost killed. The wolf disappears at that point, as Cloud is beginning to forgive himself (that's my interpretation, anyway).

01-18-2008, 06:04 PM
The wolf was one of the most popular clan totems in pre-Christian Europe.
In classical antiquity the wolf was thought of as a 'ghost animal' whose very gaze could strike people speechless.
Much European wolf lore is pervaded by a fearsome awe.
For the Romans, the appearance of a wolf before a battle could be an omen of victory. The Spartans, on the other hand, feared defeat when wolves attacked their flocks.

The wolf is a creator figure in the mythology of the Shoshoni people of North America. In early times, Wolf and Coyote were the most important people, but Coyote always tried to defy Wolf. One day they discussed death. Wolf said that people could be brought back to life when they died by shooting an arrow under them, but Coyote argued that if that happened there would soon be no room on earth. So Wolf decided that Coyote's son would be the first to die. The grieving Coyote soon came to Wolf and asked for his son to be revived as Wolf had suggested. However, Wolf reminded him of his remark that when people die, they should remain dead. It has been that way ever since. Maybe the wolf appears to tell Cloud to let the dead rest and move on with his life.

03-15-2008, 08:07 PM