View Full Version : No Country for Old Men

01-15-2008, 06:47 PM
What a disappointment! And im not just blaming this on the ending of the film (which I do have alot of issues with). I went into this movie so pumped up, ready for the most awesome experience of my life. From what I had heard of the movie, it is meant to be incredible, with a flawed ending. Im not a huge Coen brothers fan but Fargo and the Big Lebowski are favourites of mine. And No Country for Old Men is nowhere near as great as those films, not by along shot.

Ill start with what I liked. Javier Bardem was decent in this movie and his character was easily the strongest in the entire movie, but not entirely original, he just seemed like a human Terminator. I actually liked all the actors in the movie, but only Javier Bardem truely stood out for me.

Now what I disliked, this movie was soooo slow! It wasnt going anywhere for a good 30 minutes half of this movie is Josh Brolin checking in and out of motels . Both Woody Allens and Tommy Lee Jones characters had little to no role in this movie. There presence was pointless. And I was confused as to whether the group of mexicans were actually key parts to the story until the end. Too much of the dialogue was saturated in a thick texas accent which gave me a headache after a while. This movie was also too predictable at points The lock hitting Josh Brolin was just too obvious. And they seemed to make Javier Bardems character have supernatural abilities at times How was he able to catch up to Brolin so fast when hes in a building and Brolins on ground level sprinting as fast as he can. Also, this film just wasnt as suspenseful as I had hoped. Nothing nail bitingly tense except for the dog, wow that dog can swim fast.

And finally the ending, actually why am I talking about this films ending. It had no ending! This film is just plain unfinished. I realise this is how it happened in the book, but the Coen brothers need to realise that what works in a book doesnt always work in a film. And it especially did not work in this film. And while I was sitting here listening to another one of Tommy Lee's overly long snooze fest speeches the film ends. WHAT!? Call that an ending!

I do not recommend this film, it'll just piss you off.

01-15-2008, 06:53 PM
I disagree with everything Dreddz said, I recommend this movie to everyone.

01-15-2008, 07:22 PM
My husband and I saw it and neither of us get what the whole fuss is about. It's kind of sad when someone is slaughtering people with an air gun for two hours and you're falling asleep. It tries too hard to break all of the suspense film stereotypes, and it succeeds at that for the most part, but Jesus, it's not even the least bit entertaining or interesting.

Madame Adequate
01-15-2008, 07:42 PM
Lack of ending doesn't work in books either.

El Bandito
01-15-2008, 07:44 PM
I'm torn about this movie. As a story it's a bit muddled, but that's more on Cormac McCarthy (the author of the novel) since the Coens follow the novel's plot exactly.

But other than the plot, I found all other aspects superb. Visually it's stunning. The cinematography is damn near perfect in capturing the isolation of the small towns that the movie takes place in. The dialogue is superb as per usual with Coen Brothers written films. I'd also have to disagree with Dreddz and say that the acting was superb all around. Javier Bardem is already considered by many to be the shoo-in for the best supporting actor Oscar. His performance is almost to the level of Hannibal Lecter villainy. All the other parts were also played well in my view.

Really you either love it or hate it. Of the group I went with, some left mesmerized and some left wanting their money back.

01-15-2008, 11:10 PM
If the only part of the movie you found to be appropriately tense was the dog in the river, there is something wrong with you.

01-16-2008, 02:40 AM
Mhm... Maybe I don't want to see this anymore. I was going to on Sunday, but I saw Juno instead. That movie was great :P

Boney King
01-16-2008, 09:13 PM
I loved nearly everything about this movie, and I thought the ending was perfect.

01-18-2008, 03:36 PM
I thought it was great, thrilling and with fine acting from all concerned. I've always loved the Coen brothers films and after the recent wobbles with their last two films this was back to near their best.

Javier Bardem is a worthy addition to the list of 'really bloody crazy movie villains'. His cold, dead eyes are hypnotic and every time he's on screen the action gets unbearably tense.

Dark Eternal Knight
01-22-2008, 02:03 PM
Hmm. That's a little disappointing to hear. I've been wanting to see this movie so badly after all of the acclaim its received.

I'm going to see it regardless, but that always sucks to hear.

01-22-2008, 02:25 PM
Hmm. That's a little disappointing to hear. I've been wanting to see this movie so badly after all of the acclaim its received.

I'm going to see it regardless, but that always sucks to hear.

What sucks, that some people *gasp* don't like the film? :confused:
Good luck finding a film that every single person has a good word for.

Dark Eternal Knight
01-22-2008, 02:44 PM
Hmm. That's a little disappointing to hear. I've been wanting to see this movie so badly after all of the acclaim its received.

I'm going to see it regardless, but that always sucks to hear.

What sucks, that some people *gasp* don't like the film? :confused:
Good luck finding a film that every single person has a good word for.

Not necessarily because people didn't like it. That can be said about anything, of course.

I was speaking more along the lines of the particulars, i.e., it being "slow-paced" and things like that.

Trumpet Thief
01-30-2008, 05:29 PM
I have to disagree with a lot of what you said Dreddz. I watched this movie recently in theatres, and it was freakin' amazing. I loved the ending too, but that's 'cause I think if you listen to what Tommy Lee Jones' character says, you can interperet what he means in different ways. I'll admit, I was confused at first, but some of his words seemed to sink in.

Scenes like when Anton had that guy in the chair (my memory of names is quite foggy), and the phone rang, and then Anton just shot him and picked it up had me goin' "WTF". And I have to respect any movie that bring such tense moments even though there were only a few times in the movie where two of the three main characters shared the screen.

01-31-2008, 03:27 AM
Don't listen to the haters! See this movie now while it's still on the big screen. It's brilliant and just behind Juno as my favorite of the year. They are probably interchangable, but yeah, you get the point.

02-12-2008, 06:54 PM
the film looks intresting

I Took the Red Pill
02-12-2008, 08:07 PM
This topic was made almost a month ago, but it gave me a chance to see the movie so it works. For the record, there's something wrong with you not to recognize the film as greatness. It barely edges out There Will Be Blood for Best Picture in my opinion. The Coen Brothers could direct a movie about an average day at the IRS and it would still be gold.