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01-28-2008, 07:52 AM
so who do you think will win giants or patriots?

i dont know really but im rooting for the giants seeing as theyre my favorite team.

01-28-2008, 07:56 AM
I'd rather the giants win. and they did put up a good fight before but, I just don't see it.

The Unknown Guru
01-28-2008, 03:27 PM
The Patriots are too good. I really don't think they can be stopped, although it would be cool if the Giants owned them out of nowhere.

Spawn of Sephiroth
01-28-2008, 03:45 PM
Actually, this is the first time I haven't had a certain one I want to win. I would like to see the Pats because it would be neat to see history made but at the same time I want the Giants to becasue I hate the Patriots.

01-28-2008, 04:05 PM
people hate the patriots because they're good

I however, have been a Pats fan all my life
my dad has had season tickets since before I was born


01-28-2008, 07:56 PM
I hate the Patriots because they cheated. I've been an anti-Pats fan for quite some time.

The Patriots are going to win. The best I can hope for is for Brady to have his neck snapped in half by a Giants Defensive player. Maybe five interceptions and two fumbles, something in that area. They'll wind up winning, regardless.

01-28-2008, 10:17 PM
I have been anti-Patriots and a Brady Hater for a long time. I hate them because they are douche bags that cheat...but mainly for the douche bag factor.

Having said that, I will be rooting for the Giants to hopefully crush them and piss on their dead bodies as they hoist the Championship trophy over their almost perfect season! I would love to see that XD

01-28-2008, 10:19 PM
I've been to lazy to look up who was playing...

And to scared to ask any people here in Wisconsin if the Packer's lost the last game.

So thank god for this thread!

Flying Mullet
01-28-2008, 10:23 PM
Yeah, the Packers lost to the Giants in the NFC Championship game, which is a shame, because I was rooting for the Packers. :(

01-29-2008, 12:11 AM
god damn people and the "cheating"

firstly, it was in the 1st quarter of the 1st game of the season. Secondly, it was a common occurrence in the league, many coaches were doing it. In fact, Mangini even became an outcast among coaches in the league. Not only did he break the unspoken code, where typically they just ask the other team to stop... he made a big deal of it because it was his former team.

You people need to get off your high horses and just accept that their a good team. Please explain to me how they're "douchebags"


01-29-2008, 12:20 AM
I hate the Patriots with an undying passion and have for many, many years. I'm also a Dolphin fan, so the whole perfect season thing is a big topic for me.

Despite that, I want the Patriots to win. I can't bring myself to hate Brady (no matter how much I want to), because he just seems like such a nice guy.

I want the Pats to win.

01-29-2008, 12:23 AM
aren't those teams always in the superbowl? or at least one of them?

01-29-2008, 12:55 AM
aren't those teams always in the superbowl? or at least one of them?
The Patriots are there frequently. The Giants not so much.

El Bandito
01-29-2008, 01:06 AM
The Giants are gonna get smoked. I've been thinking that would happen for a while now though and they've been able to pull through. This is too much though. That secondary is gonna get lit up by Brady.

I see at least a 10-point win and the first trophies for two of my favorite players, Randy Moss and Junior Seau. MVP will be either Brady or Welker (they're gonna double cover Moss all night as per usual).

01-29-2008, 05:38 PM
god damn people and the "cheating"

firstly, it was in the 1st quarter of the 1st game of the season. Secondly, it was a common occurrence in the league, many coaches were doing it. In fact, Mangini even became an outcast among coaches in the league. Not only did he break the unspoken code, where typically they just ask the other team to stop... he made a big deal of it because it was his former team.

You people need to get off your high horses and just accept that their a good team. Please explain to me how they're "douchebags"


1) It was the first half
2) If it is so common why were the others not caught and why is this not the first time a complaint was brought up against the Patriots?
3) Have you seen their interviews? They don't talk a lot and are not friendly at all...just being a bunch o' douchebags up there...well maybe not the whole team. But the coach and Brady for sure.

01-29-2008, 05:57 PM
aren't those teams always in the superbowl? or at least one of them?
The Patriots are there frequently. The Giants not so much.

I thought the giants won one recently. (within the past 5 years or so)

01-29-2008, 06:03 PM
people hate the patriots because they're good

I however, have been a Pats fan all my life
my dad has had season tickets since before I was born


I hate the patriots because I live in New England and a Bears fan :p

01-29-2008, 06:15 PM
aren't those teams always in the superbowl? or at least one of them?
The Patriots are there frequently. The Giants not so much.

I thought the giants won one recently. (within the past 5 years or so)

superbowl 35was the last time they were in and they lost to the ravens. a dissapointment for me but im hopeing they surprise us all and win.

El Bandito
01-29-2008, 08:03 PM
3) Have you seen their interviews? They don't talk a lot and are not friendly at all...just being a bunch o' douchebags up there...well maybe not the whole team. But the coach and Brady for sure.

Give me an interview where Brady was a jerk. Every time he's up there he's smiling and joking with the media. In their losses he's solemn and never throws his teammates under the bus.

As for Belichick, this article (http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/story?columnist=farrey_tom&id=3191859) says it better than I could. I don't care if my coach isn't media friendly. I'll just let the results speak for themselves. Corey Dillon, Rodney Harrison, and Randy Moss were all boisterous, egotistical players before coming to the Patriots. Once they were under Belichick, he beat them into shape through no-nonsense discipline and a team-centered focus.

You can hate all you want, but you have to awknowlege that you're watching the greatest post-season QB since Joe Montana and one of the greatest game-planning coaches in the history of the league.

02-02-2008, 09:37 AM
aren't those teams always in the superbowl? or at least one of them?
The Patriots are there frequently. The Giants not so much.

I thought the giants won one recently. (within the past 5 years or so)

Actually, the Super Bowls that the Giants won were a long time ago. The two Super Bowls the Giants won were Super Bowl XX and Super Bowl XXV. For an idea of how long ago that was, their starting quarterbacks for both were Phil Simms and Jeff Hostetler, respectively (though the latter started only because of an injury to the former), their head coach was Bill Parcells, their most visible star player was a wreckless linebacker by the name of Lawrence Taylor (the ORIGINAL L.T.; don't you younger fans feed me that BS that LaDainian's the original L.T.), and their division was regularly the toughest in football (facing stiff divisional competition in the form of Joe Gibbs' Redskins, Buddy Ryan's Eagles, and on occasion during that era, Tom Landry/Jimmy Johnson's Cowboys). A noteworthy tidbit about the first Giants Super Bowl is that it was the first time the Super Bowl MVP ever uttered the words "I'm going to Disney World!", as that's when that overrated Disney World Super Bowl winning ad campaign officially started.

Now, even though I hate the Giants, and always have (me being a Cowboys fan), I'm gonna go against common sense just this once, and root for the biggest upset since Super Bowl III! This is the third time I have ever rooted for a division rival in the Super Bowl, believe it or not (I have relatives who brainwashed me into rooting for the Redskins in Super Bowl XXVI, and a few friends of mine bribed me into rooting for the Eagles in Super Bowl XXXIX; this time, it's a combination of things I wish not to discuss that is causing me to root for the Giants). I want Mercury Morris, Larry Csonka, Earl Morral, Nick Buoniconti, Bob Griese, and the great Don Shula to pop those champagne corks like they do EVERY year when the last unbeaten team finally loses.

Oh, by the way, Spygate has resurfaced in the media, and this time, it has received Congressional attention. (http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3225539)

02-02-2008, 02:15 PM
people hate the patriots because they're good

I however, have been a Pats fan all my life
my dad has had season tickets since before I was born

No. I hate the Patriots because I hate the Patriots. Because of reasons listed below.

I hate the Patriots because they cheated. I've been an anti-Pats fan for quite some time.

I have been anti-Patriots and a Brady Hater for a long time. I hate them because they are douche bags that cheat...but mainly for the douche bag factor.

Yeah, the Packers lost to the Giants in the NFC Championship game, which is a shame, because I was rooting for the Packers. :(
Me too.

02-02-2008, 03:18 PM
Giants are my team, baby. Eli Manning's been so consistent this post-season, but then again, the Superbowl is the perfect place for him to finally remember that he's Eli Manning and will probably blow the game in one way or another.

02-02-2008, 03:26 PM
Oh, by the way, Spygate has resurfaced in the media, and this time, it has received Congressional attention. (http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3225539)

It shouldn't even be a congressional issue. It's a league issue and the league took care of it as they saw fit. That's just stupid.


02-02-2008, 07:13 PM
On another note, why is Patriots cheap-shot artist Vince Wilfork NOT suspended? Roy Williams got a one game suspension for pulling off three horse-collar tackles in a season, yet Vince Wilfork delivers four cheapshots (intentionally injures Bills QB J.P. Losman by taking him at the knee a la Carson Palmer, late hit on Cowboys TE Jason Witten, shoves his finger into the face of Giants RB Brandon Jacobs after the play is already dead during the regular season finale, and tackles Chargers RB Michael Turner by flagrantly grabbing the facemask during the AFC title game), yet gets no suspension? Do I smell a double standard?

02-04-2008, 12:15 AM
This is already looking horribly ominous. Patriots 7-3 up and just intercepted the ball. New York need to do better when they move close to the endzone.

EDIT: New York almost lose the ball again! Stop spilling the damn thing!

02-04-2008, 12:31 AM
While I do agree that Spygate is a league matter, and not a political one, I can do nothing except laugh at the turn of events. Sup St. Louis? I see what you did there! I wonder if people have their priorities straight. I definitely want a free $800 to spend than the Superbowl/Spygate to be handled by the people supposedly giving me my money.

... moving on, what a quick moving game, as far as time goes. Though, the action contained therein is not exactly spectacular in the slightest. I'm currently doing some fairly involved homework, and not missing a beat.

As of 9:57 PM EST, the Giants are winning 17-14, with 37 seconds left. Fuck yes. In your face, Tom Brady.

02-04-2008, 03:07 AM
That was one good game. Giants win, and they earned it. Both teams worked their butts off out there.

02-04-2008, 03:07 AM
Hey, hey, hey.

I hate the Giants with all of my being.

But the Patriots... shut up about them. I don't want to hear another word about them.

02-04-2008, 03:15 AM
NOOO!!!! my babies lost this makes me want to cut myself i hate the giants stupid strahan

02-04-2008, 03:15 AM
YES! haha hahaha hahahaha

02-04-2008, 03:16 AM
Hey, hey, hey.

I hate the Giants with all of my being.

But the Patriots... shut up about them. I don't want to hear another word about them.

I hate the Giants, as well. But did you see the official Dallas Cowboys message boards? Even the people over THERE were rooting for the Giants! We saw the Giants as the lesser of two evils.

But I will say this; as far as Super Bowl Upsets go, this one TOPS Super Bowl III when Broadway Joe guaranteed victory (against conventional wisdom) and delivered!

02-04-2008, 03:18 AM
YES! Patriots can take their undefeated and stuff it.

I Took the Red Pill
02-04-2008, 03:21 AM
I'm from New York and I don't like the Giants. Sell-out, cry-baby Eli is a ponce.

02-04-2008, 03:21 AM
I'm not even a football fan and I'm tired of hearing about the Patriots. Good on you, Giants.

02-04-2008, 03:23 AM
Wow, that was unexpected. Patriots was almost undefeated for the whole season. Such a very very close game, kudos to the Giants, though! :D

02-04-2008, 03:34 AM
There is a God. I'm convinced.

Little Al
02-04-2008, 04:06 AM
*knows someone who probably will say this*

LETS GO GIANTS!!!:kaocheer:

02-04-2008, 04:14 AM
Hahaha, fuck yeah.

Patriots probably were taping this game as well lol

02-04-2008, 04:21 AM
There is a God. I'm convinced.

Well, now that justice has finally been served, now it's time for us to get ready to root AGAINST the Giants next year...and against each other's teams, too!

02-04-2008, 04:22 AM
There is a God. I'm convinced.

Well, now that justice has finally been served, now it's time for us to get ready to root AGAINST the Giants next year...and against each other's teams, too!

Hey, here's a consolation prize for the Patriots. Starting at this time next week, they'll be undefeated again.

02-04-2008, 04:25 AM
At least the 84 49ers and the 85 Bears (who famously lost their only game that season to the only team to have a perfect season) won their 18th game in the Super Bowl!

02-04-2008, 04:33 AM
YES! Patriots can take their undefeated and stuff it.

I'm from New York and I don't like the Giants. Sell-out, cry-baby Eli is a ponce.
You are. :mad2:

02-04-2008, 04:41 AM
I never called Bill Belichick a genius
'Cause I remember when he coached the Browns
He was such a failure up in Cleveland
The franchise folded up and left the town

I never said Tom Brady was a hero
'Cause I remember him from Michigan
Bringing Gatorade to Brian Griese
Except for garbage time when he came in

-lyrics from Shady Brady And Bill Belicheat (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EU1O-hGxgg)

Oh, by the way...there is a Super Bowl loser curse that is active, and has been for the last few years; the team that loses the Super Bowl basically misses the playoffs the next year. The most recent exception to that was the Seahawks.

Del Murder
02-04-2008, 05:21 AM
That was a pretty good game and unexpected outcome. That one play where Eli wormed out of the sack to throw a bullet which Tyree somehow caught against his helmet was amazing. Entertaining game. Most of the commercials sucked.

02-04-2008, 05:27 AM
awesome game. i love how so many people counted the giants out and they came and won it.

02-04-2008, 05:30 AM
I thought this was a great game. Really close game overall and very thrilling. Right down to the last second...then it was boring XD

So glad the Patriots lost. That makes me very happy. Brady tries to do well under pressure but he doesn't scramble well at all. He finally started to play once they were down. Giants were pretty dominate I thought. Very good defense and didn't have too many mistakes. They stopped the patriots a lot. Heck they held the patriots to practically -10 in the second quarter till the last minutes. That is very good for any D against the offensive juggernaut that is the Patriots.

02-04-2008, 05:32 AM
<img src="http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51PBEqYnFyL._SS500_.jpg">

Little Al
02-04-2008, 05:39 AM
That was a pretty good game and unexpected outcome. That one play where Eli wormed out of the sack to throw a bullet which Tyree somehow caught against his helmet was amazing. Entertaining game. Most of the commercials sucked.
I know. Like that one commercial in which there was a guy that's supposed to be Jack Woltz from The Godfather. But instead of *doesn't want to mention due to spoilers*, there's this car enging in its place. Pretty disturbing if you ask me. :eep:
Those who saw The Godfather will know which scene I'm talking about.

Del Murder
02-04-2008, 05:49 AM
That setup could have led to a great commercial, but it sucked!

El Bandito
02-04-2008, 06:11 AM
Wow. There's a new "The Catch". That scramble and throw Eli had was Elway-esque and the catch David Tyree made was incredible. The Giants played the exact game they wanted and were able to squirm out a win with a little bit of luck as well (oh my goodness Asante Samuel will have nightmares of balls flying at him for years).

Also, let the hate for the Patriots continue. I'm sure the 60's Packers, 70's Steelers, 80's 49ers, and 90's Cowboys received the same amount of heat. Tom Brady will be consoled by Giselle and his other three Super Bowl rings.

I just feel so bad for Junior Seau. I think he'll be able to play one or two more years, but God I hope he'll be able to win a ring.

02-04-2008, 06:13 AM
The only commercials I liked were the Gatorade commercial with Peyton Manning at the end, and the Moment Of Truth one that had Ocho Cinco.

They should have Peyton Manning do ALL the commercials next year, and have him do LIVE COMMERCIALS during halftime!

El Bandito
02-04-2008, 06:15 AM
The only commercial that actually had me laugh out loud was the Vitamin Water commercial with Shaq. Just thinking about such a situation now makes me chuckle.

02-04-2008, 06:25 AM
The only one I think I laughed at was the Doritos one with the rat suit man.

02-04-2008, 06:30 AM
The only commercial that actually had me laugh out loud was the Vitamin Water commercial with Shaq. Just thinking about such a situation now makes me chuckle.

Yes, that was good one.

02-04-2008, 08:40 AM
I didn't care about the Super Bowl, but then I saw the Iron Man commercial that apparently aired sometime during the show. Now I'm glad it existed. :cool:

02-04-2008, 10:26 AM
So I watched the latter part of the game and found that I always root for the team that is losing. Which means that during this game, I kept switching my support back and forth between the two teams. Whoever is losing, I root for them. Can't help it, I feel bad cause they're losing (no matter who it is).

02-04-2008, 10:37 AM
I heard that this guy threw a ball, and I think some other guys ran really fast!

What a night! Am I right, guys?

02-04-2008, 11:07 AM
The Audi R8 Godfather Part II Spoof
The Pepsi with Genseng Two Wild and Happening Guys Spoof
The two E*Trade Baby Ads ("I underestimated the creepiness.")

Honorable Mentions
Sobe Thriller Spoof
Coca Cola Balloon Battle
Semi-Pro Bud Light ("Bud Light. Suck it.")

Oh wait, the game? Well, I'm definitely surprised. The Patriots had some terrible play calling. It became very clear in the first half that Brady was incapable of throwing the long ball today, so I don't know why they insisted on continuing to try. Brady proved how devastating he can be by connecting Welker for the short pass (their second scoring drive proved it). Still, props to the Giants defense. While Eli had his one spectacular escape, it's the defense that won the game. They shut down one of (if not the) best offense ever assembled. Brady saw more pressure tonight than he did the rest of the season combined, and if it weren't for that, the Giants' 17 points wouldn't have been enough.

I'll admit I wanted to see the Patriots go 19-0, but I'm a Dolphins fan, so I can't complain too much. Pop the cork, '72 Dolphins. You're still the one and only.

02-04-2008, 12:30 PM
It was pretty staid for the first three quarters but went nuts in the last quarter (a bit like New England v Carolina a few years back). That moment where Eli Manning managed to avoid being sacked and than made the long pass to Tyree was fantastic. Thrilling last few minutes - not quite as exciting a game overall as New England v St Louis or St Louis v Tennessee were but still pretty good.

Well done to the Giants, they held New England to 14 points and having won three road games against Tampa Bay, Dallas and Green Bay to get there, they deserve a lot of credit. I love seeing a good upset too.

02-04-2008, 07:16 PM
i'm a giants fan, so I was pretty ecstatic when they won... I mean it was the last drive of the game, they all pretty much knew it, one shot...that's Superbowl History... And it's such a slap in the face of an entire region of our nation that they destroyed their shot at one of the best accomplishments a team can have in a season. THE accomplishment. and in the superbowl no less, i'm happy my team did it.

02-04-2008, 07:33 PM
I am totally freaked.

Seriously. I watched the game up to about 5 minutes before half-time. However, I was feeling ill so I decided to go to sleep. After all the Patriots certainly appeared to be the stronger team.

Last night I had a dream that the giants won(though in my dream it was a complete landslide in the last half). Well despite the dream I got online this morning to look up how badly the Patriots won and.... well you can imagine my surprise.

Yes, I am freaked out....

Anyways a big Kudos to the Giants(though I am a Patriots fan and have been since 96-97 or so).

02-04-2008, 07:40 PM
They should have Peyton Manning do ALL the commercials next year, and have him do LIVE COMMERCIALS during halftime!

You may be a Cowboys fan, but I like the way you think. The commercials sucked this year.

Little Al
02-04-2008, 08:33 PM
I am totally freaked.

Seriously. I watched the game up to about 5 minutes before half-time. However, I was feeling ill so I decided to go to sleep. After all the Patriots certainly appeared to be the stronger team.

Last night I had a dream that the giants won(though in my dream it was a complete landslide in the last half). Well despite the dream I got online this morning to look up how badly the Patriots won and.... well you can imagine my surprise.

Yes, I am freaked out....

Anyways a big Kudos to the Giants(though I am a Patriots fan and have been since 96-97 or so).
That sounds similar to a dream someone else I know, but with more detail.

I dreamed that the Giants beat the Patriots 49-0.
The rest of it is him wondering if the Giants would pull that score off.
Much to his surprise.... Like yours, it came half true. :D

02-05-2008, 02:06 AM
Awesome game. It's what the Patriots deserved to happen. I was rooting for the Giants all the way, and I dislike Eli Manning. That Giants D-line was amazing and I cheered everytime Brady was smashed (so there was a lot of cheering).

02-05-2008, 04:02 AM
I will say this: Eli's TD pass to Plaxico Burress that ended up being the game-winner? That reminded me of Joe Montana to John Taylor from Super Bowl XXIII. Only difference is, Manning's game-winning pass was 3 yards longer than Montana's, and it left one more second on the clock than Montana's, but still...just as impressive nonetheless. From the statistical information I've gathered on game-winning TD passes, Montana's TD to John Taylor ranks as the latest game-winning touchdown in Super Bowl history, and Manning's to Plaxico ranks second in that category.

02-05-2008, 04:09 AM
I hope these new alligations of cheating in the Super Bowl against the Rams come true and implode the Patriots!

02-05-2008, 04:33 AM
I hope these new alligations of cheating in the Super Bowl against the Rams come true and implode the Patriots!

Don't get my hopes up.

02-05-2008, 05:48 AM
I hope these new alligations of cheating in the Super Bowl against the Rams come true and implode the Patriots!

The Pats could be imploding from within, instead of as a result of these "new allegations". This off-season, the Pats have a TON of personnel-related decisions to make, and they will not only have an impact on them on the field next season, but will also have an impact with regards to the Salary Cap.

First off, Donte Stallworth has his roster bonus due in March, so he faces being released for salary cap reasons. Not only that, but from what I understand, their most notable unrestricted free agents-to-be include:
Troy Brown
Tedy Bruschi
Jabar Gaffney
Randall Gay
Junior Seau
Asante Samuel
And the big one, Randy Moss
Now, Bruschi and Brown may retire, and Seau is the most likely candidate to retire. But Samuel and Moss carry the biggest salary cap implications. The season they have had may have raised their stock in free agency, and for all we know, they may have been rehearsing for their next NFL jobs this entire season.

And that's not all the salary cap implications involved with the Pats. They had a first-round draft pick confiscated as a result of Spygate (the first time the league has ever confiscated draft picks as punishment). The thing is, though, on draft day last year, they traded their own 1st round draft pick that year with the 49ers for some of the Niners picks that year (one of which was traded to the Raiders for Randy Moss), as well as the Niners' first round draft pick for THIS YEAR! Well, I believe the Niners finished 4-12 this season, bad enough for the 7th overall pick. Well, as it turns out, the draft pick that was confiscated was their own (31st overall, by virtue of being Super Bowl runner-up), so the Pats have the 7th overall pick. It looks enticing and everything on paper (and looks like the Pats got the easy punishment by losing their own draft pick instead of San Fran's)...except look at the money involved with the 7th overall pick. That looks like a salary cap liability to go along with all the salary cap liabilities they are already faced with.

The Pats are at risk of either losing key players like Randy Moss to free agency, or a possible salary cap violation, so don't be surprised if the Pats trade down with the first round pick they acquired with the 49ers. They need to get younger on defense, anyway, and the 7th overall pick isn't enough for them to do that.

In other news coming out of 18-1 Chokeartistville, Tom Brady and Randy Moss have shown the world just how bad of a taste in their mouth this loss gave them; they have pulled out of next week's Pro Bowl. Pro Bowl alternates Derek Anderson (Cleveland Browns) and Chad "Ocho Cinco" Johnson (Cincinnati Bengals) have been named to replace the two, respectively.

02-05-2008, 10:06 AM
I believe this may be the best commercial ever made. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QvBqTe_kFc)

02-05-2008, 12:30 PM
For those of you who think the government has no business investigating Spygate or the allegations of the Pats video-taping the Rams' private walkthrough prior to Super Bowl XXXVI, simply because "the government has no business in sports", here's a wake-up call.

First of all, almost every team in sports plays in publicly-subsidized stadiums (meaning for those of you with professional sports teams in your hometowns, your taxes are paying for those stadiums). Not only that, but all games are played over airwaves controlled by federal licenses. Those licenses prohibit any pre-arrangement or artifice in what is presented as live competition. Because of latter fact, I think it should be investigated further by Congress, especially when you consider the fact that a former Pats video employee by the name of Matt Walsh claims to know more damning details of Spygate than what the league or the media and fans know, but will not go public with it unless the league or Congress asks for it directly, due to fear of retaliation by the Pats (with whom he signed a non-disclosure agreement as soon as he left the team).

However, a government investigation into cheating in sports is not unprecedented. The only reason Baseball even considered cracking down on steroids and performance-enhancing drugs is because they were threatened with legislative action by Congress. And now, with Andy Pettite, Roger Clemens, and Brian McNamee scheduled to testify before Congress in the wake of the Mitchell Report, Baseball could again come under fire from Congress. But even that wasn't the first time the Federal Government has been involved in sports scandals.

Federal investigations into athletic dishonesty go all the way back to 1920, when a grand jury convened to investigate the 1919 Chicago White Sox after rumors floated all year that they may have thrown the World Series, in what is now known as the Black Sox Scandal. The 8 players involved in that scandal were later acquitted (with help from the fact that key evidence to secure a conviction, including signed confessions by Eddie Cicotte and "Shoeless" Joe Jackson, mysteriously disappeared from the hands of prosecutors), but even that did not save them from the wrath of newly-elected Baseball Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis (arguably the most dictatorial commissioner in the history of sports).

So if a World Series (or multiple seasons worth of Baseball, for that matter) affected by cheating warranted a Federal investigation, then so, too, should a Super Bowl affected by cheating.

02-05-2008, 02:22 PM
Oh, I know the government's given a lot of oversight to sports (especially MLB and NFL) because of the stadium sudsidies, tax breaks, etc. I just think they shouldn't be doing any of that crap in the first place.

I believe this may be the best commercial ever made.

The '72 Dolphins are a bunch of pompous, delusional idiots. That Morris guy, especially. I saw an interview with him some odd weeks ago where he said that if the Patriots went 19-0, then that still wouldn't be any more impressive than the Dolphins's 17-0 back in '72, because "it's the same percentage." I am pretty sure that that's the dumbest sports' argument I've ever heard. Just the possibility of shutting those old geezers up almost made me want to root for the Patriots.

02-05-2008, 04:09 PM
In other news coming out of 18-1 Chokeartistville, Tom Brady and Randy Moss have shown the world just how bad of a taste in their mouth this loss gave them; they have pulled out of next week's Pro Bowl. Pro Bowl alternates Derek Anderson (Cleveland Browns) and Chad "Ocho Cinco" Johnson (Cincinnati Bengals) have been named to replace the two, respectively.

If you also read the reason, they both have ankle injuries
Now, for Randy Moss, not sure I believe that, but I do believe Tom Brady has an ankle injury, and did before the superbowl, but he wasn't going to let that stop him from playing in the biggest game of the season.

I believe this may be the best commercial ever made. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QvBqTe_kFc)

man, I really hope Eli doesn't let this go to his head and become like his brother


02-05-2008, 07:28 PM
In other news coming out of 18-1 Chokeartistville, Tom Brady and Randy Moss have shown the world just how bad of a taste in their mouth this loss gave them; they have pulled out of next week's Pro Bowl. Pro Bowl alternates Derek Anderson (Cleveland Browns) and Chad "Ocho Cinco" Johnson (Cincinnati Bengals) have been named to replace the two, respectively.

If you also read the reason, they both have ankle injuries
Now, for Randy Moss, not sure I believe that, but I do believe Tom Brady has an ankle injury, and did before the superbowl, but he wasn't going to let that stop him from playing in the biggest game of the season.

I believe this may be the best commercial ever made. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QvBqTe_kFc)

man, I really hope Eli doesn't let this go to his head and become like his brother

Belichick is even more of a dishonest, unsportsmanlike ass, then. Brady's ankle wasn't even on the injury report. If it REALLY was an issue, then Belichick has an obligation as a public sports figure to disclose that, regardless of the media attention given to it. He didn't. I believe Ditka's already called him out on it. As a sportsman, you have an obligation to be honest when you fill out that form. But then again, we all know that Belichick is a worthless human being.

EDIT: I should add, though, that I have no problem with any player skipping the Pro Bowl, for whatever reason.

02-05-2008, 09:39 PM
Yeah everyone skips the probowl nowadays :p

02-06-2008, 12:39 AM
Well, just when you think it couldn't get worse for the Pats, it already has.

First, allegations of Randy Moss beating women surface.
Then Spygate resurfaces in the form of a Congressman asking Goodell what exactly was in those destroyed tapes and why they were destroyed without answering any questions about it.
And if that's not enough, more severe allegations related to Spygate surface, this time, that the Pats taped the Rams' private walkthrough (a LOT worse than simple "sideline videotaping") prior to Super Bowl XXXVI.
Then there's the Super Bowl XLII loss.

And now, two days after the Super Bowl, a Patriots player has been arrested for drug possession and driving an unregistered vehicle. (http://www.sportinglife.com/nfl/news/story_get.cgi?STORY_NAME=international_feed/08/02/05/GRIDIRON_USA-New_England_Andrews.html)

02-06-2008, 12:55 AM
This is starting to turn into more of a hatchet job thread.

02-06-2008, 03:31 AM
And now, two days after the Super Bowl, a Patriots player has been arrested for drug possession and driving an unregistered vehicle. (http://www.sportinglife.com/nfl/news/story_get.cgi?STORY_NAME=international_feed/08/02/05/GRIDIRON_USA-New_England_Andrews.html)
Sic 'em, Bears.

02-06-2008, 04:18 PM
Belichick is even more of a dishonest, unsportsmanlike ass, then. Brady's ankle wasn't even on the injury report. If it REALLY was an issue, then Belichick has an obligation as a public sports figure to disclose that, regardless of the media attention given to it. He didn't. I believe Ditka's already called him out on it. As a sportsman, you have an obligation to be honest when you fill out that form. But then again, we all know that Belichick is a worthless human being.

You know, Mike Shanahan was once fined $25,000 by the NFL for not listing then-starting QB Bubby Brister on the injury report, even after he got injured on a Friday practice (this happened the year after Elway retired). Which means that Belichoke not only had an obligation as a public sports figure to disclose that, but he also had an obligation to do so as per the rules of the National Football League.

However, as most of us should already know by now, Belichoke, like Shanahan and Jim Mora, Jr., are masters of deceptive (in some cases bogus) injury reports. For every game throughout the last 3 seasons, Tom Brady has been listed as "Questionable" with a "shoulder injury", and has not missed a single game during that span.

For those of you in the dark as to why the injury report exists, it was created in 1947 to prevent gamblers from getting their hands on "inside information" on injuries, because the 1946 NFL Championship Game was marred by a conspiracy by gamblers to fix the game, which involved two Giants players. But as we've learned in recent years, even the injury report, itself, is subject to subterfuge, despite the fact that it was created to eliminate subterfuge.

02-07-2008, 06:51 AM
This is starting to turn into more of a hatchet job thread.

i didnt even know this thread was still going on.

anyways despite any injury reports or whatever. they said in the beginning of the game that brady's ankle injury wasnt bothering him and it didnt hurt anymore. i guarante his ankle was not the reason they lost.

02-07-2008, 07:07 AM
This is starting to turn into more of a hatchet job thread.

i didnt even know this thread was still going on.

anyways despite any injury reports or whatever. they said in the beginning of the game that brady's ankle injury wasnt bothering him and it didnt hurt anymore. i guarante his ankle was not the reason they lost.
No, it's not the reason they lost, but there was definitely something distinctly off about Brady. He's proved in the past he doesn't choke this way, and it was incredibly clear that he couldn't throw a long pass accurately to save his life very early in the game. I'd be willing to bet that this was due to the ankle injury; it probably was affecting the way he shifted his weight to heave the long ball. The rest of his game, however, seemed unaffected, so I don't think the injury can be cited as the reason they lost.

The Patriots lost due to poor play-calling and an inability to adapt to a crushing Giants defense.

02-07-2008, 03:04 PM
This is starting to turn into more of a hatchet job thread.

i didnt even know this thread was still going on.

anyways despite any injury reports or whatever. they said in the beginning of the game that brady's ankle injury wasnt bothering him and it didnt hurt anymore. i guarante his ankle was not the reason they lost.
No, it's not the reason they lost, but there was definitely something distinctly off about Brady. He's proved in the past he doesn't choke this way, and it was incredibly clear that he couldn't throw a long pass accurately to save his life very early in the game. I'd be willing to bet that this was due to the ankle injury; it probably was affecting the way he shifted his weight to heave the long ball. The rest of his game, however, seemed unaffected, so I don't think the injury can be cited as the reason they lost.

The Patriots lost due to poor play-calling and an inability to adapt to a crushing Giants defense.
I've said it once, and I'll say it again. It's not the first time this season the Patriots were outplayed. It's just the first time the other team capitalized on it. In fact, the Pats should of lost a number of games earlier in the season if the other teams didn't blow it themselves.


02-08-2008, 01:08 AM
This is starting to turn into more of a hatchet job thread.

i didnt even know this thread was still going on.

anyways despite any injury reports or whatever. they said in the beginning of the game that brady's ankle injury wasnt bothering him and it didnt hurt anymore. i guarante his ankle was not the reason they lost.
No, it's not the reason they lost, but there was definitely something distinctly off about Brady. He's proved in the past he doesn't choke this way, and it was incredibly clear that he couldn't throw a long pass accurately to save his life very early in the game. I'd be willing to bet that this was due to the ankle injury; it probably was affecting the way he shifted his weight to heave the long ball. The rest of his game, however, seemed unaffected, so I don't think the injury can be cited as the reason they lost.

The Patriots lost due to poor play-calling and an inability to adapt to a crushing Giants defense.
I've said it once, and I'll say it again. It's not the first time this season the Patriots were outplayed. It's just the first time the other team capitalized on it. In fact, the Pats should of lost a number of games earlier in the season if the other teams didn't blow it themselves.


Good example: Rex Ryan's 4th and inches time-out.