View Full Version : xxxHolic and Tsubasa

02-25-2008, 06:47 PM
Been thinking about picking up Tsubasa, but it said it crosses over xxxHolic and I don't have the money to pick up two mangas at the same time, but of course I went over and looked at it and xxxHolic looked pretty good. And there is a few resident CLAMP fans here so I was hoping y'all could tell me if I need to follow them both at the same time to understand it or which of the two is better?

02-25-2008, 06:53 PM
All CLAMP related works cross over, characters from CCS, Chobits, and other shows/manga appear in Tsubasa Chronicle. So you don't need to read/watch xxxHolic at all. It's just that watching/reading it will let you in on some inside jokes in TC.

02-25-2008, 06:59 PM
what chaos said but i didn't know about the chobits

02-25-2008, 07:38 PM
I would think that the 'crossovers' are something akin to what Osamu Tezuka did quite frequently. Several of his characters (http://tezukainenglish.com/?q=node/179) appeared in a number of his works, often with the exact same names and personalities. While the stories they originate from aren't a huge part of their role in other participant stories, knowing their origins just adds more to the value.

I'd imagine CLAMP was doing something like that with Tsubasa. So you probably don't have to worry too much about the stories from xxxHolic or any other series represented...though a CLAMP fan would probably suggest you check them out anyway.

02-25-2008, 07:50 PM
Thanks everyone. I've read all of Chobits and I familar with Sakura. It's X/1999 and xxxHolic and anything else I'm unfamilar with.

02-25-2008, 07:53 PM
Each one can be read independently of the other. I used to read (and still do) keep tabs on Tsubasa without xxxHolic, and had no problems, plotwise. All you're really missing out on is the in-jokes, and different perspectives on situations, such as C!Syaoran and "Syaoran" in Acid Tokyo. The amount of necessary permeation is minor (if present at all) until Tsubasa's novel #22 (the series is going to end around #28).

That being said, Tsubasa and xxxHolic are aimed at different demographics. Tsubasa is the more action oriented one, while xxxHolic exists to hurt your brain; that being said, xxxHolic is more similar to previous CLAMP works than Tsubasa is. If you look at it from a cost-based view, xxxHolic is cheaper. There's about 15 Tsubasa books out translated, as opposed to ~10 xxxHolics.

If you liked CLAMP's traditional story-telling, pick up xxxHolic. Tsubasa has this whole "we are way happier than we should be" feel to it. Which I view as a problem, because that illusion ends. If the dream does not end... (ohh hoh hoh I'm so clever working in CLAMP stuff into a post about CLAMP).

EDIT: If you haven't read X/1999 or at least seen the anime, pick up xxxHolic. The amount of violence is comparable, if not as gruesome.

The Summoner of Leviathan
02-25-2008, 07:57 PM
All CLAMP related works cross over, characters from CCS, Chobits, and other shows/manga appear in Tsubasa Chronicle. So you don't need to read/watch xxxHolic at all. It's just that watching/reading it will let you in on some inside jokes in TC.

I think you are understating the importance of xxxHOLiC. Anyways, TRC and Holic were intentionally made to connect the whole CLAMP universe together, thus the cross overs. Having read all of the Holic chapters to now and almost half of the TRC (plus some future spoilers), I'd say that if you want to go for the more interwoven plot, go for TRC since it is farther ahead in its plot than Holic. I say this because things have happened in TRC involving Yuuko and such that have yet to be hinted at in Holic. That being said, Holic has by far a much more engrossing plot compare to TRC which has more action. As much as I love Syaoran, I prefer Holic as a series.

Also, Holic and TRC are deeply connected since there is a strong relation, that has yet to be explained, between Syraoran and Watanuki. Plus Yuuko is an important character to both series though more prominent in Holic.

02-25-2008, 09:27 PM
I'm understating it, because I've not read the Holic manga, I've only watched the anime, and until xxxHolic2 comes out, it's going to stay that way.

The Summoner of Leviathan
02-25-2008, 11:08 PM
I'm understating it, because I've not read the Holic manga, I've only watched the anime, and until xxxHolic2 comes out, it's going to stay that way.
It is true that for the most part it is written in a way that you do not need Holic to understand it all, but Holic gives it more depth. Plus the anime is not always true to the manga.

The whole "fallen angel" incident that possessed the girl and made her lose her inhibitions. In the anime, as in their tendency not to show the connections, does not mention the fact that the "fallen angels" are being used by FWR as part of his plan The draw back of both the TC and the Holic anime is that, with the exception of the movies, the connection between the two worlds is rather ignored, especially in the Holic anime. TC the only part we get a crossover is in the first episode and the fondants during the Ooto arc. :/ Though the TC OVAs are doing a splendid job at the moment. :D

There are other discrepancies as well. Plus, I do not know how much into detail they go into the TRC manga (since I am only at the Piffle World Arc) as to why R!Syaoran was captured by FWR.

02-25-2008, 11:46 PM
xxxHolic probably needs Tsubasa more than TRC needs it. TRC, being your general Shonen serialization, explains everything. Little is left to the imagination except that which is yet to be revealed. R!Syaoran's connection to FWR is yet to be revealed, even in the newest chapters. At best, he is known to be a "relative," which I don't find need to spoilerize. It was already mentioned in CCS.

If you want an explanation, TSoL/anyone else, I can PM you one. Not going to stick it in here.

The Summoner of Leviathan
02-26-2008, 12:02 AM
I'd say Holic is as reliant on TRC as TRC is reliant on it. It is only later on in the Holic manga that its dependency is more clear, especially with the arrival of R!Syaoran at Yuuko's shop.

I was not talking about the full connection between FWR, because I realize that we do not know why FWR chose to clone Syaoran. I suppose it has to do with in part their blood relation. The fact is that Syaoran is powerful enough to have evaded FWR capture. That is what I am talking about. I do not know if they mention it in TRC, but the only reason FWR was able to capture R!Syaoran is he paid a price in advance to Yuuko, in order to guarantee that should anything happen to Watanuki that he will live on. His price was his time and freedom. He paid it by being captured by FWR. That is why, when he finally pays it in full, he is able to escape from FWR's clutches. That was what I was referring to not the full relationship between the two, just as to why he was captured.

Azure Chrysanthemum
02-26-2008, 12:10 AM
I have to say that if you aren't a fan of CLAMP's storytelling style, you may want to avoid it. I... honestly feel they're terrible writers, actually, and the revelations from Tsubasa made my brain hemorrhage. I love their artwork and their characters tend to get interesting, but I just can't stand the way their plots work. Or don't work, as the case may be.

02-26-2008, 12:18 AM
I'd say Holic is as reliant on TRC as TRC is reliant on it.

The distinction becomes much clearer in the later books. As of this point, almost everything has been explained in TRC. xxxHolic still has holes to fill.

I'll be sending a PM. Long story made short, he [FWR] needed determination. He got it.

02-26-2008, 12:21 AM
I love CCS and then didn't like Tsubasa. Now I have no idea what anybody is talking about. I played Kingdom Hearts, and that's the basically the same thing anyway.

02-26-2008, 12:31 AM
I love CCS and then didn't like Tsubasa. Now I have no idea what anybody is talking about. I played Kingdom Hearts, and that's the basically the same thing anyway.

Except for the idea that there can be different souls inhabiting the same body, and the body that goes through different experiences in each world environment. However, the soul acts more as a template of each person's personality. In this case, there are only two constituent parts of the person.

KH says the Soul is what determines life. The Heart is what makes the emotions and gives definition to a person, and that the Body is the shell. Additionally, this merges multiple Disney worlds which are not conjunctive, and adds SE. CLAMP's TRC and xxxHolic connect worlds that are already connected by Hitzusen (fate for the sake of fate), common authors, and magic, which is treated based on celestial bodies, and is able to transverse worlds.

Sora only uses magic that is limited to himself and that which was taught to him. Sakura in CCS uses (Clow Cards), maintains (Sakura Cards), and creates magic (Nameless/Hope). At the end of CCS (~14 or 15 years), she is quite possibly the most powerful unrestricted sorceress in the whole of the universe. Sora is still eclipsed by many other Keyblade wielders.

So, no. Nice try.

02-26-2008, 01:42 AM
I love Tavrobel's rants :bigsmile:

02-26-2008, 01:52 AM
I haven't seen Tsubasa yet, but I heard that Chii is in it. I am so watching it, even if she doesn't play a large role.