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View Full Version : Poor Famous People...

03-04-2008, 03:18 AM
So you know how there's many famous internet jokes about famous people like how Chu<b></b>ck <b></b>Nor<b></b>ris is undefeatable and how Bill Cosby is obsessed with Pokemon and stuff? I was wondering, if you were in their posi<b></b>tion (being famous and having all of these jokes made online about you) how'd you feel about it? Also let's try to stay away from famous people that are joked about insultingly (like George Bush) and stick with people that are joked about in an unoffensive manner. (at least I think it's unoffensive)

Here are some examples of what I mean. You can post more of these if you want. I know that being in Chu<b></b>ck <b></b>Nor<b></b>ris' shoes would be wonderful but what if it was more like Bill Cosby's situation where it isn't as great?



03-04-2008, 03:19 AM
I only feel bad for the celebrities like Steph from LazyTown, tbh. xD

Sarc the Swordsman
03-04-2008, 03:23 AM
As harsh as it sounds, I'm not too bothered about stuff like that. Celebrities are just normal people that happen to be insanely popular and rich. If I ever become a celebrity...if I succeed in kickstarting my acting career; that is, I really don't think I'll be bothered what people say/think/joke about me.

I mean, if you're in the spotlight that much...it's practically impossible to avoid it.

Madame Adequate
03-04-2008, 03:31 AM
IIRC Chuck Norris thinks the stuff about him is a little strange, but generally he thinks it's amusing and cool. Which you would, if you had that kind of stuff said about you.

High Overlord Saurfang though... best not to let him get wind of it.

Sarc the Swordsman
03-04-2008, 04:16 AM
Some celebrities deserve to be made fun of though. Well, maybe not deserve...but you know what I mean. I can't really name many that are good role models...and recently most of the celebs I've seen mentioned are being arrested for drunk driving, drugs and stuff.

So if people make fun of them for that, then they deserve it I guess. Whereas, if it's something like <makes fun of random celebs nose> it's kinda harsh.

03-04-2008, 06:19 AM
I don't feel sorry for Star Wars kid.

Ah well.

03-04-2008, 06:49 PM
Some celebrities deserve to be made fun of though. Well, maybe not deserve...but you know what I mean. I can't really name many that are good role models...and recently most of the celebs I've seen mentioned are being arrested for drunk driving, drugs and stuff.
What'd Bill Cosby do to deserve that kind of a reputation?

I can understand what you're talking about with some people like the teenage/young adult celebrities but you can't say that for all actors.

Old Manus
03-04-2008, 07:13 PM
Cosby is only a big thing at YTMND, which nobody visits anymore.

Quindiana Jones
03-04-2008, 07:56 PM
I'd love it.

Big D
03-04-2008, 08:44 PM
I feel genuinely sorry for celebrities who can't go out in public, or even in their own homes, without being harassed and spied upon by disgusting tabloid journalist parasites. Can you imagine trying to weed the garden, or walk to the shops, with some voyeuristic sack of :skull::skull::skull::skull: shoving a camera in your face and trying to provoke you into reacting to their intrusion? It'd be pretty hellish, really.

:edit: Oh yeah, the thread topic...
If I were somehow famous and there were silly but harmless jokes about me on the internet, I'd probably be flattered and slightly bemused.

03-04-2008, 08:50 PM
I'd much prefer a joke about me on the Internet than being stalked by tabloid newspapers that's for sure.

Provided it wasn't too offensive, I like to think I'd take it as a joke as it was intended. Probably be slightly flattered by it, actually. I know I'd soon tire of it if people came up to me and started repeating the gag to me or something.

Quindiana Jones
03-04-2008, 08:53 PM
Maybe I'd have a more open-minded view if I lived that life, but I think I'd cope fine with that. I imagine it's a wee bit annoying, yeah, but so are a lot of things that happen to the average person everyday.

Me, being the person I am, would probably turn it round to make the parasite look stupid anyway. :D Or I could invite them in for tea, and show them some gay porn! That'd make a wicked story. All you really need to do is give them so much ammo, which rapidly gets more and more ridiculous, that people stop believing it. :bigsmile:

03-04-2008, 08:56 PM
I would probably start several rumors about myself, whether they be true or not.

Quindiana Jones
03-04-2008, 09:00 PM

Big D
03-04-2008, 09:15 PM
Me, being the person I am, would probably turn it round to make the parasite look stupid anyway. :D They do sorely hate it when anyone does it to them :D Here's (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rehT-fF4FJU) a clip of that being done by a satirical news show in my country - a detailed deconstruction of the whole sorry mess, followed by an expertly-executed reversal on someone who deserves it. Great stuff, though there's a bit of offensive language there. Take a look if you've got 8 minutes to spare:D

03-04-2008, 09:43 PM
As harsh as it sounds, I'm not too bothered about stuff like that. Celebrities are just normal people that happen to be insanely popular and rich. If I ever become a celebrity...if I succeed in kickstarting my acting career; that is, I really don't think I'll be bothered what people say/think/joke about me.

I mean, if you're in the spotlight that much...it's practically impossible to avoid it.

Agrees. I'd probably lulz at it a little, if it was good quality, and be rather flattered. The most important thing would be not to take it too seriously.

I feel sorry for people like the Star Wars kid - but that's not really the same thing.

03-04-2008, 11:09 PM
Cosby is only a big thing at YTMND, which nobody visits anymore.
And YouTube as well which is extremely popular.

[Edit] To those who love all things over 9000 I think 300 is a significant enough number.


