View Full Version : A Suggestion For Those Uploading/Posting Videos

03-07-2008, 08:09 AM
Graham crackers.[!]OK, this may come across as advertising, but really, nobody will lose out from taking this advice. First, I'll ask you: Why do you keep using YouTube to post videos on? Do you REALLY enjoy having to split each video into 10 minute segments, and have the quality vastly reduced from the original? Do you really like the idea that the MPAA and RIAA are BOTH probably following your every *click* on that site?

I was being rhetorical with the first question, but the second one probably doesn't mean much to you if you don't post anything that needs that aspect any different than it is. The last question isn't based on any actual statistics, but considering YouTube is the most widely used video-hosting site, I figure it'd get the MOST attention from the mentioned associations.

Some of you may have seen me post a link to a video I uploaded in the Black Belt Appreciation thread. It was NOT YouTube, for those that didn't know about it. The site is Veoh.Com. Veoh does not limit the length of your video, and--aside from browser streaming--does not reduce the quality of the video when you upload it either. What I mean by that is, if you decide you want to download a particular video, you will download it with the same quality it was uploaded with. If the video was uploaded as a 30min and 100MB file video, you will download the full 30min 100MB file with no quality loss. With regards to when you watch it on the site, the framerate is usually cut down to about 15fps and the quality is reduced to match that of the viewing screen, but there is a noticeable difference between it and if it were on YouTube.

My point is, why use YouTube when there is something MUCH better? Their VeohTV program is even better, because it lets you search Google Video, Yahoo Video and Veoh for a common video and you can either watch it through the program or download it. I was actually afraid it'd be loaded with spyware when I installed it, but I haven't had a single problem with it. And I use Norton Internet Security! :D

Anyways, I didn't mean to advertise, I just wanted to help out.[/!]

Kawaii Ryűkishi
03-07-2008, 08:24 PM
Please save the shilling for your signature.