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View Full Version : Most popular thread

leader of mortals
03-13-2008, 04:10 AM
whats your most popular thread(most posts)

go ahead and show links if you want

03-13-2008, 04:17 AM
<a href="http://forums.eyesonff.com/lounge/61342-what-you-listening-ongoing-you-can-post-only-every-10-posts.html">http://forums.eyesonff.com/lounge/61342-what-you-listening-ongoing-you-can-post-only-every-10-posts.html</a>

03-13-2008, 04:24 AM
I've had four that have made it over 1,000. Three were elections threads, one was the World Cup thread.

This is the big one: http://forums.eyesonff.com/eoff-archived-awards/104531-elections-partys-secret-volcano-spam-fortress.html with over 3,000 posts.

Nominus Experse
03-13-2008, 04:24 AM
The Semantics of Atheism (http://forums.eyesonff.com/eyes-each-other/88134-semantics-atheism.html)

It likely would have continued, but it deviated far too much, becoming more of a "no you!" and "shut up, I'm right!" and Bible history thread.

leader of mortals
03-13-2008, 04:25 AM
My Kh millionare thread...


FF7(first one) came close though.

Nominus Experse
03-13-2008, 04:29 AM
Just out of curiosity, what exactly is the largest thread ever to dominate EoFF?

Marshall Banana
03-13-2008, 04:30 AM
ツインテール Don your angel wings, girl. You can fly. (http://forums.eyesonff.com/general-chat/110587-don-your-angel-wings-girl-you-can-fly.html) :snowgirl:

It's not mine, but I love it like it's mine!

03-13-2008, 04:51 AM
freaking scary bugs thread, I think.


That seems to be the best one I've started in terms of replies. I have a thread in the porn forum that has 400 replies, but it's a kinda on-going project like yam's what are you listening to thread.

the scary bugs thread only got 100 replies. My define a word game got something similar to the CK app.

Aerith's Knight
03-13-2008, 04:56 AM
how on earth should i know?

its not like i go around counting the amount of posts i bug threads with..

03-13-2008, 05:30 AM
Old Manus hasn't got the best of me yet! (http://forums.eyesonff.com/general-gaming-discussion/83402-hero-spirits-oh-mah-gawd-new-version-sept-07-play.html)

03-13-2008, 05:50 AM
<A href="http://forums.eyesonff.com/general-archive/52054-final-fantasy-iv-ah-power-cheese.html">Ah, the power of broken image links</A>.

03-13-2008, 01:47 PM
English Football Thread! 2007-2008 Season (http://forums.eyesonff.com/lounge/105385-english-football-thread-2007-2008-season.html) :jess:

03-13-2008, 02:02 PM
http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/misc/paperclip.gif (http://forums.eyesonff.com/search.php?searchid=956096&pp=50#) Darkness: Path Towards Salvation (http://forums.eyesonff.com/role-playing-threads/100992-darkness-path-towards-salvation.html)

03-13-2008, 02:13 PM
Apparently it's this one (http://forums.eyesonff.com/general-chat/49391-what-if.html) with over 300 replies. It's a spamtastic thread!

03-13-2008, 02:17 PM
Probably my FF7 General Trivia thread (http://forums.eyesonff.com/general-archive/4316-ff7-general-trivia.html) in the Archives. Good times.

03-13-2008, 02:26 PM
I'm suprised no one said:


with 7,434 replies.

Nevermind, yams said it.

And I didn't even read "Your" whoops.

Mine was: http://forums.eyesonff.com/general-chat/98111-i-dont-know-who-you-anymore.html with 420 replies.

Flying Mullet
03-13-2008, 02:44 PM
The most replies in a thread I've made would probably have been my last javascript game thread with 982 replies.

Bah, why didn't I let it run to 1,000 posts?

03-13-2008, 03:00 PM

03-13-2008, 03:28 PM
You guys who post contest threads are cheating.


Page one no longer works. I'm sad.

03-13-2008, 07:50 PM
My RP :'( (http://forums.eyesonff.com/role-playing-threads/109450-rp-valley-clarity.html)

I still miss it sometimes, but it ate up my time like a time-eater.

03-13-2008, 09:09 PM
I'd rather that thread never be seen again.

03-13-2008, 09:15 PM
Predictably enough, it's about D&D.


Old Manus
03-13-2008, 09:20 PM
My newbie thread with 92 posts (http://forums.eyesonff.com/general-chat/44229-new-guy.html)

Hell yeah scottNUMBERS.

03-13-2008, 09:28 PM
Some old thread in the deepest bowels of the FFXI forum. I don't really want to take the time to search for it. Just know I view it occasionally to remind myself what a little snot I used to be.

leader of mortals
03-13-2008, 09:39 PM
here you go ouch...


03-13-2008, 09:41 PM
I figured someone would go find it for me. Unfortunately, that's the only one that survived. There were longer ones that got pruned a long time ago.

03-13-2008, 09:45 PM
I have 3 popular threads! =3

Fluffy Pink Party, 600some posts~

CrashNUMBERS for admin! 500some

Rengoria, 400-some ^_^

leader of mortals
03-13-2008, 09:48 PM
I figured someone would go find it for me. Unfortunately, that's the only one that survived. There were longer ones that got pruned a long time ago.

What do you mean "pruned"

03-13-2008, 09:52 PM
I figured someone would go find it for me. Unfortunately, that's the only one that survived. There were longer ones that got pruned a long time ago.

What do you mean "pruned"
Erased from the database completely?

leader of mortals
03-13-2008, 09:57 PM
I figured someone would go find it for me. Unfortunately, that's the only one that survived. There were longer ones that got pruned a long time ago.

What do you mean "pruned"
Erased from the database completely?

oooo that sucks

03-13-2008, 10:01 PM
I figured someone would go find it for me. Unfortunately, that's the only one that survived. There were longer ones that got pruned a long time ago.

What do you mean "pruned"
Erased from the database completely?

oooo that sucks
Probably better that way. Less evidence proving how much I used to suck.