View Full Version : Advertising during the credits!

03-16-2008, 01:56 PM
This is something that has annoyed me for a while, when they actually make half the tv screen an advertisement and the other half is the credits. I absolutely hate this! I think the finishing song in the credits of movie is part of the film itself. I dont think credits should be just pushed aside like that. It seemsbe a thing thats been going on for a really long time but the channels i watch only to began to do this recently.

Sometimes if im watching a movie ive seen before i actually wait to hear the song during the end because i know its a song i like and then they decide to spit this right in my face. I didnt mind when it was just a voice over and the song could still be heard in the background.

Also alot of the times its just an ad for a show, thats on tv like every other comercial break! I totally dont see a point to this and it rather sickens me infact!

Discuss this and anything else related to tv advertising.

03-16-2008, 01:59 PM
I hate things like the Peachtree (TBS) screen that pops up when you're watching a show...it's like 3/4 of the screen to show you a news ticker and the weather... WTF

or that ROME banner on A&E...it's HUGE

03-16-2008, 02:05 PM
This happens on British TV, too, particularly on ITV and Channel 4, and it's annoying! Also, the tickers that come up about 5 minutes before the end of a show: "Next on ITV2: Something :skull::skull::skull::skull: no doubt"

It's not too bad on BBC; at least they wait till the end of films and programmes before showing preview trailers.

03-16-2008, 03:54 PM
i totaly agree it's an injustice to the film-makers... when they squash the credits to unreadable proportions is the same as saying "all those people that put a lot of hard work into making this entertainment for you, well, they're not important", they're taking credit away from where credit is due... those people work very hard sometimes getting up at 3-5am just to get started on their respective jobs, and to take their credit away even just by distorting the image of the credit crawl is wrong...

Madame Adequate
03-16-2008, 05:04 PM
I know nobody ever watches the credits, but I think it's pretty insulting to the people who made the show or movie.

03-16-2008, 05:21 PM
Commercials during shows/movies/programs are illegal in Denmark, so they only show up in between them, which is totally fine imo. Unfortunately some Danish channels broadcast from other countries, e.g. England, where it's not illegal. Commercials during movies/shows are annoying as hell.

03-16-2008, 05:34 PM
It's pretty much a given that your tv movie experience will be somehow edited or constrained by the format, so it's to be expected. I'm far more bothered by tickers, logos, graphics, etc. that play over movies or television shows while they're actually on.

Madame Adequate
03-16-2008, 06:02 PM
Commercials during shows/movies/programs are illegal in Denmark, so they only show up in between them, which is totally fine imo. Unfortunately some Danish channels broadcast from other countries, e.g. England, where it's not illegal. Commercials during movies/shows are annoying as hell.

What the hell is wrong with your country

03-16-2008, 06:30 PM
I remember seeing that the Lost in Space movie was on tv and remembering that the song during the ending credits was fucking awesome even though the rest of the movie sucked, so I waited until the credits started and they smooshed them and started showing ads for some :skull::skull::skull::skull:ty tv show. I was annoyed.

03-16-2008, 06:52 PM
On TV, I require movie breaks to stretch my legs, snatch water and food and go to the loo. Especially if it's a REALLY LONG MOVIE. I can't remember what channel it is, but whichever channel has their movies sponsored by Stella Artois always has perfect breaks for me.

What is damn annoying is when a half-hour show winds up being about fifteen minutes due to adverts. GRAWR.

On-topic: That's never really annoyed me. It gives me time to zone out and be pensive, just as the credits do. And they normally expand again after a bit.

03-16-2008, 10:00 PM
Commercials during shows/movies/programs are illegal in Denmark, so they only show up in between them, which is totally fine imo. Unfortunately some Danish channels broadcast from other countries, e.g. England, where it's not illegal. Commercials during movies/shows are annoying as hell.

What the hell is wrong with your country

What? No commercials annoying you during a show/movie is nothing but very nice.

03-16-2008, 10:13 PM
I just wish they'd wait till after the "Cast" part of the credits were shown. Only reason I ever watch the credits is to find out who someone was. Unless there's really awesome music at the end. But I do tend to think its "part" of the movie. It does seem unfulfilling

03-16-2008, 10:41 PM
I love credits.

So yeah I hate it when channels do that, it's really anoying. One time a show actually had an important part of it's storyline during the credits it was one of thoes "the mystery is solved" type scenes, right? But of course, thoes idiots who are incharge of the adverts don't realize this so, (yes, you've guessed it) they advertised over the God damn scene! So I have no idea what the hell the answer was (that particular episode was crap IMHO, but it would have been nice for something to have been explained)

03-16-2008, 11:21 PM
Commercials during shows/movies/programs are illegal in Denmark, so they only show up in between them, which is totally fine imo. Unfortunately some Danish channels broadcast from other countries, e.g. England, where it's not illegal. Commercials during movies/shows are annoying as hell.

Good god! No commercials? It sounds wonderful Breine. Tell us more about this Denmark of which you speak.