View Full Version : Vandread

04-01-2008, 08:01 AM
Been looking to pick up a new series and this caught my attention. It's only about 13 episodes long and was wondering if it was any good?

04-01-2008, 08:12 AM
I've only caught a few episodes myself, it was on The Action Networks Animidnight thing for a while.

Its a really good show from what I saw. Though I think theres a second season, so it's more than 13 episodes.

I'd suggest picking it up.

04-01-2008, 08:31 AM
It's a pretty good one.

Citizen Bleys
04-01-2008, 08:41 AM
It's decent, if you're looking for unintentional comedy.

I mean, come on, a literal interpretation of the war of the sexes? Ridiculous. Never mind that both societies would die out within one generation, there's no way an entire planet, let alone two, could be that stupid.

04-01-2008, 12:22 PM
It's okay. There are more than 13 episodes. If you're buying it, you can get Stages 1 & 2 (both seasons) from this website for $60 (http://www.rightstuf.com/cgi-bin/catalogmgr/RWYYZLAvk=j1=ua-w6/browse/item/68731/4/0/0) (it apparently normally costs $175).

It was a blind buy for me about a year ago for about the same price, and I didn't hate it. I probably wouldn't have bought it if I saw it already though.

If you're looking for something 'new' though... Vandread is about 8 years old.

04-01-2008, 03:32 PM
Vandread is a glorious series. One of my favorites really. But it's a full length, just season 1 is 13 episodes, then there's season 2. The series was really well made I will say, the flow and pacing is good and the characters interesting, and the final battle is just godly. I would recommend it highly. :D

Azure Chrysanthemum
04-02-2008, 08:35 AM
Didn't really get into it myself. It was amusing, but nothing astonishingly great. I don't need wacky gender comedy/plotlines with my Super Robots, thanks all the same.

Ishin Ookami
04-03-2008, 04:53 AM
I rather liked it myself, it was interesting, well thought out, funny, great characters and some very dramatic moments. The series has a great storyline, the action is very well directed, and the CGI is amazingly competent for a show it's age.

As for the question of regeneration when women and men are initially taught to hate and fear eachother at the beginning of the show, men reproduce when two men donate their DNA for prestiges sake after distinguishing themselves, and from this cellular osmosis a new child is formed. Women use a similar method, except their relations are sexual (c'mon, you saw that one coming from a mile off. Admit it) and a womans cell is genetically altered to fertilize their partners egg.

The story gets pretty contrived in certain episodes, but overall it's above average and well worth seeing just so long as your not expecting Chars Counterattack or Gurren Lagaan.

04-03-2008, 05:58 AM
Thanks everyone. Although I'm a bit confused now. Is it more actiony like Saber Marionnette J or is it romance comedy like Girls Bravo or caught somewhere in the middle like Tenchi?

04-03-2008, 04:19 PM
It's more action. While there are some love interests and triangles that form, the main focus of the show is the conflict between the women crew and the 3 men that end up having to join up with them, and their battles with an unknown enemy as they try and get home.

Ishin Ookami
04-04-2008, 04:51 AM
I think I can best describe the show of merging the main themes of Star Trek: voyager (originally hostile crews forced to join forces on a single ship while stranded thousands of light years away) with the themes of Adams Rib (battles and misunderstandings between the sexes taken to extreme heights). It's got bit of shin getter robo thrown in with the combining robots into various forms best suited for different situations, and it's got the romantic stylings of no need for tenchi or Ranma 1/2 as well as similar melodrama.

It's an original, and overall above average series that while having moments of cheese, is still fairly good just so long as you don't go in expecting utter brilliance.