View Full Version : maxing out the sphere grid

Marky Tee
04-03-2008, 07:06 AM
anyone know a quick way to do this?
ive basicly been levelling in the omega ruins but this is taking fuckin ages
any suggestions?

Big D
04-03-2008, 09:29 AM
I use the Battle Arena, especially the fight against that stupidly dangerous uber-cactuar creature thing.

Here's what you need:
Weapons with Overdrive->AP ability on everyone (and, preferably, Triple Overdrive too)
'Comrade' overdrive mode
Spells like Auto-life and Hastega

Basically, fight the cactuar-ish monster whose name I forget, give everyone Auto-Life, and let it go nuts on your party. That fiend deals between 9999 and 99,999 damage with every hit - and he hits a lot. 'Comrade' means that everyone's Overdrive gauge will fill as their friends take damage, and Overdrive->AP means that their Overdrive gauge will automatically be changed into AP. Keep everyone alive, and after a couple of minutes the entire team will have gained 99 Sphere levels - the maximum possible for one fight. Then you simply have to dispatch the fiend, save your game, and repeat till your heart's content.

Getting a weapon with Triple Overdrive and Overdrive->AP isn't always easy, but the bonus items won from Battle Arena challenges and from getting every Al Bhed Primer (then talking to Rin) can help things along well.

04-03-2008, 01:01 PM
I find a better way is to use Don Tonberry. You'll need two characters with Auto-Phoenix armours and use either Stoic or Comrade. When you attack DT he'll counter with Karma which deals damage based on the number of fiends killed. The damage will probably kill the character outright, which is where Auto-Phoenix comes in. Only one character will be dead at a time so there's no risk of losing unless you run out of Phoenix Downs.

As Big D said above, use weapons with Triple AP (dropped by One Eye) and customise Overdrive->AP and Triple Overdrive.

d£v!l'$ ph0£n!x
04-04-2008, 12:28 PM
if your team is good enough you can fight ultima buster in the monster arena, who drops weapons with triple AP, triple OD and OD->AP, but if ur still talking bout maxing the grid ur probly not rdy for it yet

04-13-2008, 08:16 PM
Some of the species creations drop Triple AP weapons also, can't remember which ones. I would reccomend firstly farming stat spheres, 70-80, then getting a load of cash and buying a lot of clear spheres then deleting most of your sphere grid, leaving only +4 spheres. It is a time consuming process but it removes alot of the redundancy.

07-09-2008, 12:52 PM
I use the Battle Arena, especially the fight against that stupidly dangerous uber-cactuar creature thing.

Here's what you need:
Weapons with Overdrive->AP ability on everyone (and, preferably, Triple Overdrive too)
'Comrade' overdrive mode
Spells like Auto-life and Hastega

Basically, fight the cactuar-ish monster whose name I forget, give everyone Auto-Life, and let it go nuts on your party. That fiend deals between 9999 and 99,999 damage with every hit - and he hits a lot. 'Comrade' means that everyone's Overdrive gauge will fill as their friends take damage, and Overdrive->AP means that their Overdrive gauge will automatically be changed into AP. Keep everyone alive, and after a couple of minutes the entire team will have gained 99 Sphere levels - the maximum possible for one fight. Then you simply have to dispatch the fiend, save your game, and repeat till your heart's content.

Getting a weapon with Triple Overdrive and Overdrive->AP isn't always easy, but the bonus items won from Battle Arena challenges and from getting every Al Bhed Primer (then talking to Rin) can help things along well.

Wow, I never tried that! I really ought to.

I always went to Omega Dungeon. I could spend hours leveling up there!

07-15-2011, 06:14 PM
try fighting a flying one eye on the monster arena he drops a triple overdrive to ap or triple ap for overkill then equip mith ur character then try the methods of big d and thespoonybard for maxing up ur ap...