View Full Version : Battlestar Galactica - Final Season

04-06-2008, 09:03 AM
It's on, folks!

First episode of the season was amazing. I didn't realize it until the opening credits came up, but I was holding my breath throughout the intro segment. Intense intense intense!

I'm still a bit disappointed over who the four new cylons have been revealed to be (it just doesn't make sense!) but I'm really hoping that they come up with something mindblowing for the final Cylon yet to be revealed.

I'm really excited about the idea that this is the last season which means that we're getting down to the nitty gritty and there's gonna be all kinds of crazy mindsmurfs going on. :D

PS. Kara Thrace is one badass motherfucker. :love:

04-06-2008, 09:12 AM
It was a good opening, although I don't think it compared to the Season 3 finale in terms of unbridled awesome. The first 15 minutes or so were amazing, though; they're really continuing to improve the CG with every season, and the battle scene was really epic, despite being short.

The revelation of the final four was definitely fucking weird and I've always been a little bothered by how back-and-forth they are in terms of being able to tell how Cylons are Cylons and all sorts of :skull::skull::skull::skull:; it kind of seems like they could just pick anybody without too much backstory and feed it to us and we'd just lap it up.

But anyway. I saw several of the cast members speak at a panel at Dragon*con last September, and Aaron Douglas (Tyrol) was rather vocal about his own badassness as a Cylon.

I think Season 4 is going to be great. If it's as good as last season, but with a bit more focus thanks to it being the final season, it will definitely not disappoint. I'm just worried about it not ending until this time next year.

Madame Adequate
04-06-2008, 02:29 PM
I loved this episode holy crap. It's great seeing how the four are changing and acting differently and stuff. The real question in the episode for me is why did the Cylons retreat when they scanned Anders?

The entire opening was incredible. I was holding my breath as well :p And then that bit where Tigh shoots Adama! Holy crap that was so well done that my expectation that it was some imagination thing was completely quashed.

Seeing as we've speculated about damned near every single person, and they've shown that somehow even people as old as and unlikely as Tigh can be Cylons, I'd say they'll have a bit of trouble making the final reveal truly dramatic and unexpected. Still, high hopes!

Germ Hamee
04-07-2008, 05:29 AM
I didn't enjoy this episode so much, if only because it felt like I'd already seen the whole thing thanks to their massive advertising campaign. I can't wait for the next episode, though. I'm avoiding BSG commercials from here on out.

I must say that I really love any scene with Six and Roslin together. There's something about their chemistry I really enjoy.

04-07-2008, 07:14 AM
It was a great episode. This last week has been torture considering that Sci Fi was airing the whole series throughout. I swear, it seem like that was all I could think about all day. So when the premiere came, I finally felt some sense of relief. :P So far this has been set up to be a very interesting season. I can't wait to see what happens. :D

04-07-2008, 11:18 AM
And then that bit whereTigh shoots Adama! Holy crap that was so well done that my expectation that it was some imagination thing was completely quashed.


That caught me off guard too i was WTF NO WAY...it was pretty well done!

I think everyone can agree the first 15 minutes with the battle and everything was freakin awesome lol! cant wait...i cant believe its the last season...heres hoping it wont dissapoint...(which im sure it wont!)

Any bets on who the last cylon is?...im hoping is Roslin...but im thinking they might throw a curve ball and make it Apollo....Makes no sense what so-ever i know but neither does tigh's recruitment onto "team cylon"!

04-07-2008, 07:49 PM
People who are too "obvious" to be Cylons:


My own guess:

I was reading an interesting theory someone had about the final 5 cylons. So we're told that the final 5 are distinctly DIFFERENT from the rest of the human model cylons. The theory suggested that maybe the difference comes from the way in which the consciousness of the cylons is transferred. For the rest of the cylons, once they die, their consciousness is sent to a new body in the resurrection ship. We know that the ressurrection ships do NOT have bodies ready for the final 5, because the other cylons don't even know who the final 5 are. So maybe, the final 5 have the ability to transfer their consciousness into actual human beings. So the humans into which their thoughts are transfered into are acting as host bodies. They are in fact human, and their human history and background is real, but once activated, the cylon consciousness starts coming through.

I love this theory because it explains how someone as old as Tigh can be a Cylon and someone as random as Anders.

Do I think this theory is likely to be true? Nah. I think it's a bit too elaborate. Something that springs from the mind of an obsessed, crazy analytical fan, not a writer for the show.

It's fascinating to think about though.

Madame Adequate
04-07-2008, 08:26 PM
I think I agree with your assessment, Miriel. It's a cool idea but I can't quite see them doing it :p

Final Cylon: Billy Keikeya imo. (Or maybe Crashdown) But in seriousness, any thoughts on the probabilities of it being a lesser character like that? I can't see them doing it because it'd be hard to have the impact, but on the other hand even if it's someone like Gaeta or Zarek (Both strong possibilities) it won't quite be up there with Roslin or Adama, however dumb it would be to have them. So I fear it will be someone that big a deal. Or they get to Earth and it's like the 25th century, there's one Earth government, and the President of it turns out to be the final cylon.