View Full Version : netflix vs. blockbuster.com

04-13-2008, 12:11 AM
Have you guys tried either of these or both? Is so which one do you think is better?

I personally have never tried blockbuster but I have been a member of netflix for a little over two years now.

Netflix has an outstanding selection. Aside from real heavy skin movies you can basically find anything that has been released on dvd. And the customer service and turnaround rate is excellent as well (it generally only takes a single day for your movie to get to them and a day for your new movie to get mailed to you (so in most cases if you mailed your movie in on Tuesday by Thursday you could have your new movie in the mailbox)).

Although blockbuster.com does offer the service of immediately taking your movie to your local blockbuster and getting a new movie immediately I have often questioned how often they would actually have the movie you were looking for. And also I have heard there isn't nearly as heavy of selection for blockbuster.com website as their is for netflix.

What are your guy's opinions of these two different services?

Nominus Experse
04-13-2008, 02:08 AM
Netflix is superior, in my opinion. They offer an unparalleled selection of films, and also have implemented streaming video selections, which is a feat in of itself. The delivery time and management is top notch, so much so, that I have only once received a film that was poor condition.

However, one aspect of Netflix that trumps all else is their amazing customer support. There is nary a complaint to be put against Netflix and how they handle their customers.

04-16-2008, 08:25 AM
Absolutely Netflix.

Honestly, I really have a thing against blockbuster. All the times I've dealt with them, they've been jackasses. Like when they charged me late fees for a film that was returned promptly and on time, and they refused to even hear me out. Bitches. So yeah, I won't do business with them now because of their crappy customer service in the past.

Plus, Netflix has a selection of films that's like a thousand times better than Blockbusters. And you gotta give netflix points for being innovators. Blockbuster was steadily becoming crap and they did nothing to change and improve their business. One time I went in to rent Breakfast Club and they didn't have it. It wasn't rented out or anything like that, they simply did not have that movie in stock. Ridiculous! How can you not have a major movie like that in stock? And then Netflix comes along with this fantastic new idea and all Blockbuster does is completely copy them.

Netflix is a great service. I used them for years and was thoroughly happy with the service I got.

04-17-2008, 07:55 PM
I also won't do business with Blockbuster, because they charged my credit card to "buy" a movie because it wasn't returned on time. Not only did they not bother telling me they were charging me, I didn't rent the movie. Neither did anyone authorized to use my account. I wasn't even within a three hour drive of that store in the three months leading up to the "rental." Apparently it was an ongoing issue and this was the first one they had failed to return. Anyway, they refused to refund me, of course, because according to their company policy, they couldn't have been renting them out to someone other than me - so obviously I had been renting them.