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04-16-2008, 07:07 PM
So, today my Mom and I were bundling sticks, and we had to keep the sticks below 4 feet in length so the trash men would actually take them away after being bundled. The problem was, though, we couldn't use trash-bags, and we didn't have enough rope to tie up all the sticks. But, this ended up having an interesting solution. I tried to break a branch, and I noticed that it must have been ripe when I broke it, because it merely bent, and it shed its skin at the ripping point. I then twisted one end over the other, and this resulted in skinning one half of the branch! The skin of the branch was then what we used to bundle the sticks together. It proved to be stronger than the rope we had been using before!

So, come up with any interesting ideas lately? :p

04-16-2008, 07:12 PM
I actually got an idea for new recipes including peanut butter and chocolate, I love peanut butter. :love:

Also me and my brother came up with a new story that I want to start writing, my brother wanted to make it into a video game but I'm not old enough to make that so I'm gonna make a book instead. :)

04-16-2008, 07:19 PM
Why not make the book first, and then make the game later? :p

04-16-2008, 07:25 PM
A great and super simple pasta sauce I've used on every pasta meal since I came up with it.

04-16-2008, 10:47 PM
Kentarou has set the grade for the next 2000 years of evolution, very similar to the previous 2000 years xD

jkilu <3

I had an idea for a way to enforce multiple passengers in SUVs that was a combination of pressure sensor in the passenger/backseat and a heat sensor (so you couldn't just put your dog there or just put a sack of flour). It followed from suggesting that a law should be made to force SUVs to carry more than one person. I saw about three of them drive by at once that all had one person in them and it kinda made me :sweatdrop

04-21-2008, 04:32 AM
A great and super simple pasta sauce I've used on every pasta meal since I came up with it.

Do tell! You have my attention. :D

I had a great idea for saving energy that I really don't see enough people around here doing. It's called 'opening a window instead of using a fan'. You don't use up any electricity, you can save on air conditioning, and you get some lovely fresh air at the same time.

In other words, it pisses me off when I'm at other peoples' houses on a beautifully cool spring day, yet they have all the windows closed, with the air conditioning and the fan on. :sweat:

04-21-2008, 04:55 AM
Chocolate covered soup nuts. Yummy.:p

04-21-2008, 05:02 AM
I found a short-cut from my house to the store. Before I used to go through mainstreet and have to deal with traffic, now I go around main street and barely have any traffic. And it's .4 miles shorter.

04-22-2008, 09:08 AM
A great and super simple pasta sauce I've used on every pasta meal since I came up with it.

Do tell! You have my attention. :D

If it's just for myself I take two eggs, a little cream (½ deciliter maybe), 1-3 crushed garlic cloves (depending on how hardcore I feel) and a handful of grated cheese, salt and pepper, and mix it all up. Pour it over the pasta, add another handful of grated cheese and stir! :)

04-22-2008, 07:07 PM
I used to do the same thing, Kentarou. Why would you want to waste rope on something like that?

My latest idea revolves around registering for surveys, contests, and sweepstakes until I win something nice. I can influence television ratings because of this idea, too, as I was selected by Nielsen to participate in their program through co-registration from one of these surveys, contests, or sweepstakes.

04-22-2008, 08:38 PM
A great and super simple pasta sauce I've used on every pasta meal since I came up with it.

Do tell! You have my attention. :D

I had a great idea for saving energy that I really don't see enough people around here doing. It's called 'opening a window instead of using a fan'. You don't use up any electricity, you can save on air conditioning, and you get some lovely fresh air at the same time.

In other words, it pisses me off when I'm at other peoples' houses on a beautifully cool spring day, yet they have all the windows closed, with the air conditioning and the fan on. :sweat:It would be nice if the management at work understood such a simpe concept, instead they focus on things such as workstations automatically shutting down at night which is annoying when you work late :p

04-22-2008, 08:45 PM
Even though I heard about making it before, I messed around with making Guinness brownies on St. Patty's day. I just replaced the water and egg with Guinness and voila.

Aerith's Knight
04-22-2008, 08:56 PM
I had an idea the other day facing a problem at work.. instead of using graphical methods, I imported data from the thermal simulation into excel and adjusted the time scale of the data to form next to a baseline, then using a 3rd order polynomial to describe a part of the graph, I calculated the time it took for the slope coefficients to come back together and thereby calculating the time it takes for the magnetic lens to respond to a sudden outside temperature spike of about 0.14 degree C.

04-22-2008, 11:51 PM
I ate a Milky Way and a Twix at the same time to make a "Milky Twix". It tasted pretty crap, but that's all we had in.