View Full Version : Should I play FF I?

05-03-2008, 03:37 AM
Hi everyone...So, I've been wondering for a while whether or not I should play this installment in the FF franchise. I got started with X and then moved on to VII, VIII, IX, VI, and XII. I've never really had any interest in playing the first 5 games, but I played IV because I got the impression that was the best one of 1-5.

Anyway, the reason I'm reluctant is because I can't really see how this game would appeal to me. I really love stories, and to be honest, I'm not a very intense gamer or a very good one. I do not play RPGs because I like battle systems. I play because of interesting stories with characters that I will enjoy following through an adventure. I don't know very much about FFI, but it seems like it would be very simple story-wise. FFIV, though good, was my least favorite FF because it seemed so simple plotwise and everything. I know that the game was probably revolutionary for its time, but for me, it felt like I was playing an outline for all other FFs (if that makes sense). I worry that I will get the same 'bare bones' feeling from FFI.

As an aside, I have now completed IV, VI, VII, X, and X-2, and I have tried a good portion of VIII, IX, and XII. There's something that I love about each one of these titles, but as I play more and more, each title loses its 'zing.' I was floored by X, as it was the first RPG I played. It remains my favorite for nostalgia reasons. However, as I proceeded to play VII, and then VI, and then X-2, and then IV...they started to lose some their impact. Have any of you ever felt that playing so many FFs has sort of...desensitized you to the series? If not, do you spend a lot of time playing other games?

Anyway, if I did decide to play FFI, I would but Dawn of Souls. Then I'd probably get III and V because I couldn't stand only missing two titles.

05-03-2008, 08:40 AM
Well the level of difficulty in I is around the same as IV, if not easier. Also, there is not much character development (hell, they don't even talk). The story is well simple, like you said. It's just find A to give to B, get C from B, give C to D, etc... The battle system is alright (no ATB, which is good or bad for different people, it's a very normal battle system). The graphics and sound are good, esp on DoS and PSP.

I'll leave the rest to you. Hope I helped.

05-03-2008, 03:19 PM
Wow, the characters don't even talk in the GBA and PSP versions?

05-04-2008, 04:52 AM
but I played IV because I got the impression that was the best one of 1-5.

You were correct. :shifty:

Play Final Fantasy 1, if you do, you can recognize all the little spoofs in the other Final Fantasies.

05-04-2008, 05:41 AM
To be honest with you, I doesn't have much in the way of story. If you have a good imagination you may enjoy it because a lot of things are really left up to that. But there's barely a plot, what plot there is doesn't make a lot of sense, and the characters, well, just like the plot they're nothing except what you imagine them to be. Based on what you've said, I doesn't sound like your kind of thing.

05-04-2008, 07:10 AM
Wow, the characters don't even talk in the GBA and PSP versions?

yeah, they don't. unless a ! above their heads counts as talking. :P

05-04-2008, 04:06 PM
Wow, the characters don't even talk in the GBA and PSP versions?

Ummm...no? What did you expect? o_O

05-04-2008, 06:06 PM
Ummm...no? What did you expect? o_O

I expected Square to expand on the story and the characters in the same way that they worked on the graphics and stuff. I heard that they added story and character content to FFIII to make it more appealing to modern day gamers. I imagine that they did not do the same thing for this installment.

Eh, if I get a DS, I'll probably buy Dawn of Souls. :rolleyes2

05-06-2008, 07:53 PM
I expected Square to expand on the story and the characters in the same way that they worked on the graphics and stuff. I heard that they added story and character content to FFIII to make it more appealing to modern day gamers. I imagine that they did not do the same thing for this installment.

Eh, if I get a DS, I'll probably buy Dawn of Souls. :rolleyes2

I believe that Square Enix may expand upon the game itself and its background in the event that they remake the game with updated graphics in a style similar to the highest resolution graphics. All reiterations of Final Fantasy I and Final Fantasy II have used two-dimensional graphics, so I think that they are still trying to capture that old school feel.

05-06-2008, 08:25 PM
Give me one really, really good reason not to. It's a brilliant RPG that was essential to forming gamerising history: what more do you need? If you're a fan of the series, it's even more of a reason to play it. Even just mess around a bit on a friend's copy, you don't have to go all out on it.

05-07-2008, 08:50 PM
Eh, if I get a DS, I'll probably buy Dawn of Souls. :rolleyes2

Do you own a Playstation Portable? The latest revision of the game has everything from its prior incarnations along with the most up to date graphics.

05-08-2008, 07:38 PM
^I do, but I like the idea of two games at once. Then the only FF I'd be missing is V. And XI...but I don't count that one.

05-09-2008, 09:20 PM
I thought that the PSP version had Final Fantasy I and Final Fantasy II in the same package.

Creeping Shadow
05-09-2008, 09:27 PM
Everyone should play FF one at least once in their life.

05-10-2008, 03:25 PM
Get a rom if you don't want to spend any money. However its legality is questionable.

05-10-2008, 06:23 PM
I thought that the PSP version had Final Fantasy I and Final Fantasy II in the same package.

No they don't. You can buy them together, but they are seperate UMD's for the PSP.

I don't really know what to say about your problem hh1dluv. I enjoy FF I personally, but sounds like you wouldn't really like it. I still think you should give it a go though. If you don't like it and you're at least 2 hours in, then you can put it down.

05-10-2008, 06:38 PM
I'd like to say that FF V is very good, too. I really enjoyed it, and it's hard to say whether FF IV is better. After all, FF V has Gligamesh!

As for FF I, don't mind that there's little story. After all, it was the game that started the series, gave a whole new idea to the RPG world. It's good to know the origins of the games you like.

:save: Selena

05-11-2008, 10:23 PM

09-07-2008, 03:20 AM
If you're looking for a good RPG challenge, play it. It's short, it's fun, it's simple, and it's also just as hard as IV (unless you play an easy remake).

If you're looking for a story/characters, go somewhere else. Read a book. Watch a movie. Play another FF. It's all about the combat and stat development here. It sounds to me like you'd hate it.

Also, I should add that my first was IV. I got lost in that game for days at a time, it was pretty thrilling. After that, they do lose their 'zing.' Just because you've seen the same thing enough times.

09-07-2008, 04:18 AM
The thing is, FFI HAS a very intricate story that will make you think, but it's hidden to the point where you can almost ignore it completely... so play the game, looks up the story, play it again, and be confused. (I darn well was)

black orb
09-16-2008, 04:17 AM
>>> Its the FIRST FINAL FANTASY. now go and play it, Infidel!..

09-26-2008, 09:36 PM
You'll pretty much hate FF1. As arcandude said, there is a story but you have to look for it. If you don't it's pretty much four nameless warriors going out to save the universe from some crazy villain.

Actually, I'm going to play FF1 now.

Nominus Experse
10-10-2008, 03:51 PM
It holds a certain value in it being the true origin of the long running series, and allows you an insightful view upon the various cameos and pseudo-historical aspects of the Final Fantasy series as a whole.

Additionally, the fact that the numbers and numerous facets of the game are made much smaller, more precise, and generally simply different feeling than much of the newer Final Fantasy titles, it would be worth it simply for that aspect, I think.

And although much the front story is simply an eternal fetch quest drawn out to ridiculous proportions (Get this->This->This->Ad infinitum), the underlying principles behind the story and the character's (mainly enemy's) motivations are something to look into. They are obscure and sometimes disappointing, but if you look closely, you will realize how sacrificial the ending of the story of Final Fantasy I truly is.