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View Full Version : FACIAL MASKS

06-06-2008, 11:49 PM
So me and my best friend thought we'd indulge ourselves by buying fruit facial masks to make our skin all flawless and pretty. So we ordered in a dominoes pizza (which was fit, btw. I'd never had dominoes before!), watched some tele (Big brother 9!!) and then took our makeup off so we could use the masks.

I chose the facial mask which was Kiwi flavour, it was "food for the face, not your mouth!". I didn't think to read the label, neither of us did as we assumed they'd all be the same. Anyway, so we're applying it. My friend's was white, like when you apply sun cream, and it actually looked like a facial mask. Mine was sticky and see through, so I started to have my doubts and we both knew that they were totally different. So whilst my friends face was gently ex foliated, mine was covered in this horrid sticky substance that smelt of Kiwi fruit. but I thought, just deal with it. I read the label to my facial mask and it said to "gently peel off" the mask. Okay, GENTLY?! My friend actually recorded me trying to take this mask off, my eyes started watering and my face turned pink, it was agony; It was like having a full facial wax. I was literally screaming in pain trying to pull this mask off my face, with my friend wetting herself with her camera recording all this. I finally managed to get it all off, pulling hairs from my eyebrows with it and everything.

All my friend had to do was wash off her mask with warm water.

Have you ever tried to pamper yourself and it's gone wrong? do you have a high pain threshold?

I think I have quite a high pain threshold, as yes, I cried a little and screamed a lot, but I still kept pulling. I'm also semi-used to wax after starting to wax my face and eyebrows regularly now, aswell as plucking daily. (I'm really obsessive over eyebrows ;__; )

Sergeant Hartman
06-06-2008, 11:51 PM
I chose the facial mask which was Kiwi flavour
Good choice.

06-06-2008, 11:53 PM
My friend actually recorded me trying to take this mask off


06-06-2008, 11:56 PM
She's not online. It's also like 10 minutes long, so it'd take forever. It took longer than 10 minutes to get it all off my face :(

Also, like I'd show you!

06-06-2008, 11:58 PM
I'm going to make fun of you, anyway.

06-07-2008, 12:02 AM
You're always making fun of me :(

Captain Maxx Power
06-07-2008, 12:48 AM
That's the only sort of facial mask I would use; one that came with copious amounts of pain. I would cancel out the innate wussiness of using a facial mask by doing something awesome like tearing off my epidermis.

06-07-2008, 12:56 AM
Yeah I rarely cut myself when shavign my legs but when I do the bleeding just does not stop! :( I also try and keeo my eyesbrows under control but I use tweesers. As they say "Beauty is pain". :p

06-07-2008, 03:35 AM
Ooooh facial masks! I just recently purchased a Gardnier self-heating mask which i tried out and found that it is awesome for my skin.

I didn't have a problem with it though since it's the rinse off kind and not the peel off one.