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06-10-2008, 04:07 PM
At a concert, do you find it better that everyone Enjoy Themselves Thoroughly; or Act So that Others May Enjoy Themselves Also?

06-10-2008, 04:57 PM
I don;t think it matters as long as you had fun.

Flying Mullet
06-10-2008, 05:01 PM
I love it when someone is enjoying themselves so thoroughly that people are saying, "Whoa, check out that dude over their doing the weird dancing all by himself." That always makes a concert awesome for me.

06-10-2008, 05:30 PM
this is just basically an acid test for douchebaggery, sorry for not making that clear before!

06-10-2008, 05:35 PM
Well I'm too afraid to answer now.

06-10-2008, 06:07 PM
Behave like you're in a public place and not your own living room.

06-10-2008, 06:25 PM
I don;t think it matters as long as you had fun.

Blue Harvest
06-10-2008, 06:27 PM
I tend to avoid all public events due to my lack of a social life.

06-10-2008, 06:36 PM
If you're inhibiting or interrupting someone else's ability to have fun then you're being a jerk!

As long as you don't cross that line, then you're good.

06-10-2008, 08:13 PM
Behave like you're in a public place and not your own living room.

Yeah, pretty much.

Madame Adequate
06-10-2008, 08:57 PM
Don't go in the first place. That way, you can do something fun instead. Although it's impossible to ruin anyone else's fun at a concert because concerts aren't fun.

06-11-2008, 02:17 AM
I think that people should have a good time, but they should respect others.

I'm not into the hardcore scene, but hardcore dancing is a prime example of how stupid people are at shows these days. I mean, moshing is just a bunch of sweaty guys pushing each other around. Hardcore dancing is a bunch of skinny kids punching and kicking anyone they can (and at said show I heard many people say, "I don't give a **** who I hit!").

The Unknown Guru
06-11-2008, 02:38 AM
Moshing is fine as long as it stays in the pit. I hate when people stand in front of me and start taking drugs, though. Then I have to move. Moving takes effort. I'm against effort. Stupid drugs.

06-11-2008, 02:47 AM
I'm not into the hardcore scene, but hardcore dancing is a prime example of how stupid people are at shows these days. I mean, moshing is just a bunch of sweaty guys pushing each other around. Hardcore dancing is a bunch of skinny kids punching and kicking anyone they can (and at said show I heard many people say, "I don't give a **** who I hit!").
The guys on my floor at school were really into a bunch of hard rock bands and talked about all the shows they went to and all the pits they saw and the "wall of death" that one band does and all I could think is holy http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/rpg_009.gifhttp://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/rpg_009.gifhttp://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/rpg_009.gifhttp://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/rpg_009.gif why would anyone do that.

06-11-2008, 02:50 AM
As someone who has friends who dance like mad at concerts, I won't knock it. I definitely wouldn't want to be in a mosh pit and yeah sometimes people look stupid, but generally it's entertaining and if people can really let loose and enjoy themselves, more power to them.

06-11-2008, 02:55 AM
I go to a few metal gigs, and there are two distinct areas, the "standing/sitting" area, and the "circle/snake/mosh/whatever pit". If you're in the former, then you should stand/sit and not be a tool. If you're in the latter, then you should go as crazy as you feel like, because that's what the pit is for.

I makes me angry when people stand right on the very edge of the pit and lose their temper at people bumping into them. What do you expect, it's a pit. :p

06-11-2008, 02:56 AM
If you're inhibiting or interrupting someone else's ability to have fun then you're being a jerk!

As long as you don't cross that line, then you're good.

This. But you have to be aware where to stand at concerts. If you're up front, you're in a pit. As long as you can handle the pit you'll be all right. In fact, people that just stand in the front row at a show are bigger assholes than the people that dance.

I came to party, I didn't come to watch you stand and look down your nose at people. Move outta my way!

EDIT: Facey-poo took the words from me.

06-11-2008, 03:14 AM
I don't go to many concerts, but I do regularly attend Columbus Blue Jackets games and they're basically the same principle. If I don't do it at home, I won't do it at the hockey game, except of course things like chants etc.

I do like to see people having a good time, but when I see someone drunk or being an ass (or both for that matter), it is very distracting and makes it hard to concentrate on the game at hand.

06-11-2008, 03:45 AM
Behave like you're in a public place and not your own living room.

There's no distinction for me. I'm the guy 'zomg dansen over there let's watch'

I have fun in public. I like to end the night thinking 'I had a damn good time' -- that's the only goal I give myself when I go out.