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06-10-2008, 06:47 PM
The humidity is thick, and sticky. My clothes cling to me desprately.
For a moment I felt invicible; laughing; loving; living.
In the instant it takes to blink I felt everything change.
I felt my heart fall to my stomach, clinching. Oh God.

In the dead thickness of traffic on the highway 401 east I turned my head.
A transport truck approaching from behind with little intention to stop.
I can't bear to watch so I quickly turn my gaze to the front,
my ears are filled with the piercing screams of the driver
and we are aggressively thrusted forward from an abbrasive bump.

I can't believe how lucky I am to live.

Flying Mullet
06-10-2008, 06:49 PM
Wow, that could have ended a lot worse. I'm glad everyone's okay.

06-10-2008, 06:50 PM

06-10-2008, 06:59 PM
Wow, I hope everyone involved is okay.

I'd be thanking my lucky stars it didn't turn out worse. That's pretty terrifying. Was there any kind of mechanical problem with the truck or was it just bad driving?

06-10-2008, 07:06 PM
My :D smilie is GONE


In other news, I remember getting the phone call from Ashley :S

She said she was fine so no worries d(^o^)b

I was rear ended once -- ended up to be a 3 car collision. Same idea -- traffic slowed to a crawl suddenly, and the car behind me was too close and too fast. Bam. Then the truck (pickup, not transport *eech*) behind that car slammed into the now middle car.

I escaped with minor whiplash. Ashley didn't even get damaged in her crash. I think she might be more invincible than I am =(

06-10-2008, 07:12 PM
I was in a car when it got rear-ended once. We were stopped at a light, and the guy behind us had bad brakes. The sound of the crash was pretty much terrifying.

I think it was my friend's dad's friend's car; they were on their way somewhere and were gonna drop us two off somewhere else, but it was in walking distance from the crash so we just got out and headed over. In a way it was funny that the guy whose car it was had already rear-ended someone but hadn't gotten that repaired, so at that point he was messed up on both sides.
(in retrospect that's probably not as funny as I thought it was in junior high :()

06-10-2008, 07:16 PM
Wow, lucky that a big ol' truck like that didn't cause more damage. I hope you're ok!

06-10-2008, 07:34 PM
I've been with my mom when she got rearended twice, and once sideswiped by a guy that didn't look before pulling out of the off-ramp from the interstate. that time was scary because he hit on my side partially, but more because my mom started acting weird and had paramedics around her and no one told me what was happening, just had my grandma pick me up.

I'm glad you're okay, ashley!

06-10-2008, 08:00 PM
The damage was miniscule in retrospect to what could have actually been done. There was no where to go, we were boxed in by other cars so we could only accept what was coming at us. No one was hurt, thankfully, and we continued with our day albeit off schedule...

It was bad driving on his behalf, he just came off an entrance ramp at a stupid speed and didn't have enough time to slow down into the wall of jammed cars.