View Full Version : People who play Runescape= Crazy

Dr. Acula
06-15-2008, 10:08 AM
Well, the other day I decided I was sick of WoW so I turned back to Runescape for my source of MMORPG action. I made a new spiffy character and everything. Anywho, I asked someone if they wanted to do the Shield of Arrav quest with me, to which she said "OK", then promptly put me on ignore and ran off.
Not too long later, I was asking around for someone else to do the quest with me, when some level thirty-something randomly comes up to me. This is what happened next:
Random: "Can I have all your stuff?"
Me: "Lol no..."
Random: "Np, I have better stuff anyway =)" *puts on full mithril then runs off*
It left me thinking, "WTF????!111!!1"

Anyway, topic:

What are the weirdest things you've ever experienced in any game, ever?

I never got to find anyone to do Shield of Arrav with me either.

06-15-2008, 02:08 PM
People who drive backwards on mario kart drive me crazy. :O

EDIT: Double pun ftw

leader of mortals
06-15-2008, 04:48 PM
I would have to say this mafia game with hotti/DD...

Or maplestory scammers

Scammer: PRESS TAB TAB SPACE ENTER!!!11!1!!!1111!

Me: No ty I dont want to get scammed

Scammer: IT'S NOT A SCAM!!!1

he then canceled...

just for your information, in the trade window, Tab tab space presses accept trade and enter presses yes.