View Full Version : It's Tech Time, baby!

Flying Mullet
06-17-2008, 05:20 PM
How cool would it be to have combo techs, similar to what the characters of Chrono Trigger do, in Final Fantasy VI? Umaro already throws characters at the enemy, but there's so much more that could have been done. Similar to Vivi and Steiner, Celes could enchant someone else's weapon with magic power for an added bonus, rather than enchant her own weapon to absorb magic as magic points. And Terra could transform into an esper and Mog could fly her into the enemy, just like the Choco/Mog summon in FFVII.

What combos would you create?

06-17-2008, 06:45 PM
I would create...
"Twin Beasts"
Gau and Umaro grab by hand and begin slashing everything on their path.

06-17-2008, 08:20 PM
I could see Shadow and Locke doing an X-Slash type thing if they were both equipped with knives. Or Mog and Gogo could do a 'Two to Tango' attack where two different dances could be used at the same time with some special bonus (increased damage or better skills, perhaps?).

06-17-2008, 11:02 PM
Edgar's Drill combined with Sabin's Bum Rush!!

Big D
06-18-2008, 01:30 AM
Like in Mulley's example, Celes' Runic combined with other characters' shields would be neat. It'd cool if she could temporarily enchant an ally's shield, letting them us it to reflect or absorb one magic spell.

Hmm... Gau learns Rages, which are monster attacks. Strago learns Blue Magic spells, which are monster magic. By combining the two, Gau could temporarily carry the 'spirit' of a particular monster, gaining all its strength, magic and abilities for one battle. That'd be kind of cool, since the 'berserk' nature of the Rage attacks is sometimes an inconvenience.

Kenshin IV
06-18-2008, 05:16 AM
Certainly nothing is made "worse" with cross-character techs. You put that in pretty much anything and you have yourself a good start.

To answer the question: A dual Blitz/Sword Tech would tickle my privates in happy ways.

06-19-2008, 12:57 AM
Edgar's Drill combined with Sabin's Bum Rush!!


07-12-2008, 08:11 AM
Hmm... Gau learns Rages, which are monster attacks. Strago learns Blue Magic spells, which are monster magic. By combining the two, Gau could temporarily carry the 'spirit' of a particular monster, gaining all its strength, magic and abilities for one battle. That'd be kind of cool, since the 'berserk' nature of the Rage attacks is sometimes an inconvenience.

That sounds pretty much like Control to me.

I like the idea of enchanting weapons or armor to give elemental strengths to non-elemental weapons.

07-12-2008, 09:39 AM

Relm can has duplication of powers.

Mog uses fuzzy cuteness powers to add status effects to all attacks.

Sabin and Edgar use royal brotha powah and do something with a crown. Shush you.

Setzer, Locke and Shadow use MORAL DECAY (DEADBEAT?) POWER!

Big D
07-13-2008, 01:43 AM
Sabin and Edgar use royal brotha powah and do something with a crown. Shush you.

Setzer, Locke and Shadow use MORAL DECAY (DEADBEAT?) POWER!Ahaha xD

I have nothing to add to the thread right now, other than that I lol'd at these:)