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View Full Version : Nomura: Square Enix blow-out at TGS, Versus XIII on hold (team now working on FFXIII)

06-19-2008, 05:20 AM
This info was false, from what i gather vs team is helping FFXIII a little more but vs is NOT put on hold.
VS team is now putting vXIII on hold and helping out with XIII!

Famitsu has conducted an interview with Nomura about the upcoming DKΣ3713 private event, and managed to get a few new details:

- DKΣ3713 is a private show. So for the general public that wants to see and play the games, TGS in October will feature more new information.

- The event will be at the same format as previous S-E events, with closed theatre as well as playable booths outside.

- Birth by Sleep will be playable for the first time at the event.

- Despite the news that Square Enix was going to scale back from Mobile development, it appears that Kingdom Hearts: Coded, 3rd Birthday and Agito XIII will still be going ahead.

- Agito XIII seems to be facing serious development issues at the moment. There is a huge worldview and historical timeline.

- The director of Agito XIII is doing the outline of the entire story synopsis himself now, development is still in early stages.

- Versus XIII is on hold until FFXIII is done, because the entire Versus team is helping to finish Final Fantasy XIII at the moment. It is number one priority.

- While the planners and programmers are all working on Final Fantasy XIII, the Versus project is getting the designers to work on a lot of image illustrations and conceptual visuals. The story for Versus is also pretty much complete.

- Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days is being tuned and balanced, but it is not quite as polished as Dissidia yet. They'll be taking feedback from the playable demo.

- Birth by Sleep is not anywhere close to a final build, but Nomura wants to let people get a chance to try it out first.

- Advent Children Complete might finally be close to getting a release date.

View Scan (http://www.forever-fantasy.net/images/news/square_enix_event_02.jpg)
Nomura: Square Enix blow-out at TGS, Versus XIII on hold - Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Forums (http://www.finalfantasyforums.org/showthread.php?p=11577)

I think this is really good news. Also, this is from someone on PS3Forums.com:

a guy from EA over at GAF has said this:

'Mark my words. FF13 this December in japan. Playable demo this year at TGS and playable demo for japan'

he also says it will release early next year everywhere else, in the same fiscal year (so in the spring) He said it isnt a WW release because of localisation issues.

he finished with; 'I was right about more then just xmb and trophies for 2.4 = ) I wont be wrong about TGS.'

if TGS doesnt deliver GAF will lynch him
some fuel for the fire
Versus XIII on hold, S-E blow out at TGS - PS3Forums (http://www.ps3forums.com/showthread.php?t=146841)

The guy really is from EA, however, this still doesnt at all mean that he is right. Think of it as a rumor.

06-19-2008, 06:07 AM
Hey! Let's "mark his words!" :p He's bound to be wrong!

If this means XIII becoming more like Kingdom Hearts, then I'll pass. If they're just helping speed up the production, then I'll stay sane.

06-19-2008, 03:58 PM
Their just helping speed up production.

06-19-2008, 09:26 PM
FINAL FANTASY XIII • FinalFantasyXIII.net • FINAL FANTASY 13 • VERSUS (http://www.finalfantasyxiii.net/)

The rumour is false.

06-19-2008, 10:13 PM
I don't mind at all if the Versus team helps pump out FFXIII, as long as it's not rushed.

Actually, to be quite honest, I have no interest in Versus. xDD

06-20-2008, 12:36 AM
The guy really is from EA, however, this still doesnt at all mean that he is right. Think of it as a rumor.

Since Square no longer has any official business relationship with EA, unless this guy has friends at Square (which I suppose is possible) then he has no way of knowing anything about XIII's development. I'd say your right that we should take his comments as rumour at best.