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Markus. D
07-02-2008, 01:29 AM
I recently watched Ashe10's SH Origins playthrough (PS2).

I noticed it has some amazing pieces of music =]! (Not a big fan of the nightmare world ones.. because those are SCARY~!~~)

discuss the music of the silent hill series~

Moon Rabbits
07-02-2008, 04:42 AM
As far as I know, Akira Yamaoka did 0rigins' soundtrack, but I may be wrong. That aside, his work in all the other titles is AMAZING.

Akira Yamaoka is one of my favourite artists of all time. The fact he can use chainsaws and metal sheets to create music is awe inspiring.

Germ Hamee
07-02-2008, 08:57 AM
While SH3 was my least favorite in the series, the soundtrack stands out as one of the best I've heard in awhile. SH2's Promise is another favorite. It's just a big instrumental rock piece, but it really feels like it's telling a tragic story.

07-02-2008, 03:49 PM
What's there to discuss?Yamaoka's music is almost legendary...The man is a genious when it comes to video game music.The series wouldn't be as successful as it is today if it wasn't for his music.
I think it was a real blessing that in SH2,great minds like Tsuboyama,Owaku,Sato,Ito and Yamaoka happened to be together to produce one of the best games of all time.For me,it's a combination as great as the Sergio Leone,Enio Morricone Clint Eastwood team.
Unfortunately there's almost 0 chances of the SH2 team silent to ever be together again.
I have to say,that the series are going downwards ever since Yamaoka became a producer.I have recently read an interview in Gamasutra where he tried to convince the journalist that there are some members of the original team silent that they are "kind of helping" with the production of the new SH game Homecoming.As the interview progressed though it was clear that he was lying.The only member of the original Team Silent involved in the new game is himself.
I think for the series to return to it's former glories,Yamaoka must either return to composer only duties (most unlikely) or leave the franchise entirely.

07-03-2008, 05:18 AM
I love SH's sound tracks!
My faves are

Tender Sugar
Your Rain
Your Rain remix
Your not here
Letter from Lost days
Room of Angel :D

07-03-2008, 05:19 PM
I think my fav is called Betrayal for SH2

07-03-2008, 05:56 PM
The music in Silent Hill is definately an important part of the experience. I dont think I would enjoy that series as much without it.

Im most fond of SH1 and SH2's soundtrack. The ambient music works well with the atmosphere and tone of the games. SH3's was good but other than the main theme, it wasnt very special. SH4's was a complete let down, I cant even recall a single tune from the game, just none of them stuck out. SHO's was surprisingly good, and much better than SH3's and SH4's. I dont know if it is as good as SH1 and SH2 but its up there and definately the best thing going for that game.

07-03-2008, 06:51 PM
I hope SHH's is good!