View Full Version : Is it just me?...

Marky Tee
07-11-2008, 03:05 PM
or does anyone else think cid just didnt suit weilding a spear?
he would have been better of with a gun i think
and vincent would have looked cooler with a spear now i think about it
that would have been a lot more believeable and made for a better game i think

any thoughts?

07-11-2008, 05:25 PM
I thought the spear suited Cid, but considering that Vincent had a scary-looking claw I wonder why he needed to use a gun. Yes, a gun has better range, but arguably the best fighters in FFVII wield swords.

07-11-2008, 07:03 PM
I figured Cid= Dragoon, Dragoon= jumping up high, Cid Highwind likes to fly and stuff.
personally i think it suits his get in there attitude and it seems almost like a tool.
I love Cid and his staff

07-11-2008, 07:11 PM
He should of had a gun and Vincent should never have existed.

Cowboy Girl
07-11-2008, 08:58 PM
Okay, saying Vincent shouldn't exist is a little harsh. I like both of them

As for the topic.

Vincent: Mysterious, quiet loner with guilt issues but don't endanger someone in front of him. Personally, I think the gun suits him. Allowing him to stay away from the direct fray but still helping out.

Cid: Loud, foul-mouth, in-your-face type who wants to fly. A gun just wouldn't suit Cid very well. He needs to be in the middle of the action, not standing on the side lines, sniping random things.

07-11-2008, 09:06 PM
Vincey was sleak before he was all experimented on, a gun suits him. I love it when he just pulls it out and shoots, gotta love that no nonsence attitude.

Big D
07-12-2008, 03:05 AM
I thought the spear suited Cid, but considering that Vincent had a scary-looking claw I wonder why he needed to use a gun. Yes, a gun has better range, but arguably the best fighters in FFVII wield swords.Vincent was a gunslinger back when he was a regular human serving in the Turks, so it kinda makes sense he'd keep using it afterward.

As for Cid's spear... we're told he made it himself, which is kinda cool. In Advent Children, you can see details which hint at that: for example, the crossguard behind the blade is a threaded rod with a heavy nut on each end to hold it in place. Exactly the kind of thing an engineer like Cid would use.

07-12-2008, 04:05 PM
Vincent was a gunslinger back when he was a regular human serving in the Turks, so it kinda makes sense he'd keep using it afterward.

But by giving him a claw and not using it seems like a wasted opportunity.

07-12-2008, 08:44 PM
he uses it and his silly shoes for hand on battling in DoC.
To be fair to Vince tho , he didn't have a claw before when he was a turk. I'm guessing Lucrecia put it on him as he is shocked when he see's it so he probably learnt to use it after he'd been out of his box a while

07-12-2008, 08:58 PM
I always assumed the claw was Hojo's addition.

07-12-2008, 09:08 PM
Vincent should have existed. Dirge of Cerberus, should not.

I disagree with original post.

07-13-2008, 12:24 AM
I always assumed the claw was Hojo's addition.

well so did I until i played DOC, cos the rest of his outfit is clearly Grimoire inspired, which made me think Lucrecia, who was the one taking care off him, was a lil bit more twisted than i originally had thought

07-13-2008, 12:33 AM
Must admit when I saw that you read that Cid shouldn't have used a spear, my first idea of an alternative weapon was a gun. I suppose I was thinking of how fighter pilots used to (probably still do) carry pistols around with them. That and it's a mechanical weapon, I suppose.

However, I think spears did suit Cid. There's the fact that Cid is - by and large - a Dragoon and also that I've always associated spears with wind, air and the sky which is fitting. Then there's the design of the weapon in Advent Children which - as mentioned - just seems to fit Cid.

It would've been nice if they'd made use of Vincent's claw, but I always thought it was simply decorative.

Big D
07-13-2008, 01:41 AM
Vincent's clawed gauntlet covers the mutated claw-life fingers on that hand, as seen in better detail in DoC... he uses that appendage for melee attacks in that game, and as a parrying weapon too.

In the manual, we're told that Vincent "may seem frail at first". I guess his gun kinda goes with that - his body's very lean and light, so perhaps he's better suited to an indirect weapon, one that doesn't depend on massive physical force. Not that he's weak, just that he's so light.

07-13-2008, 11:53 AM
his arm looks fine, if u check out the play art, i just looks like a weapon. I just figured he might have some scars on his arm where they injected him with crap and stuff.

Big D
07-13-2008, 12:43 PM
his arm looks fine, if u check out the play art, i just looks like a weapon. I just figured he might have some scars on his arm where they injected him with crap and stuff.There's a cut-scene in DoC where he first wakes up in his coffin, and I *think* he had long, pointed fingers under a black glove on that hand.

07-13-2008, 01:23 PM
i saw that scene not long ago, about a week or so ago , are you sure? because i didn't see any pointy fingers.

Marky Tee
07-13-2008, 01:55 PM
i was thinkin more that cids appearence just fit with a spear weilder
plus with the discovery that he speaks with a southern accent a gun would be more appropriate i think

07-13-2008, 06:32 PM
The whole Cid/Kain Highwind thing seemed to pull it all together for me. Cid was the only character I cared for, and once I got him, I never removed him from my party-of-three.

07-13-2008, 08:47 PM
He seemed like the guy to use a knife to me but i guess someone had to use the spear

07-15-2008, 05:42 AM
Mop FTW!!

but well.. i guess i know what you mean.. Cid being a rocket-scientist and all.. it might be more fitting to have some tech-ish weapons? But i feel the Cid in FF-VII wasn't an eccentric, like the Cid in the Final Fantasy animation "FF unlimited".. Cid Highwind was more of a fatherly figure IMO, and "primitive" weapons seems to suit that image of mine more =)

anyways, in AC, i seriously laughed my ass off when barret asked

"Don't you have parachutes on this thing?"

Cid: "What are you saying? just JUMP!"

lol xD