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07-13-2008, 01:38 AM
I think I might have a bruised rib.

I've been feeling pain in my chest, about an inch or so below my right nipple. That location on my body is also swelling a little (not too noticeable, but it's there if you're looking for it). It really only hurts when physical pressure is applied to it (such as breathing or sitting in the wrong position, or [obviously] touching it).

1. Does anyone have any experience with this? I'm planning on going to the health center on campus (which is where I am located right now) on Monday if the pain is lingering (as I expect it will be).
2. Talk about injuries you've sustained, and how you dealt with them. Talk about the pain!

07-13-2008, 01:42 AM
Apparently ribs aren't too big a deal 'cause they heal fast or something but I remember my dad falling while he was skiing, which was lole. And he "bruised his rib" and complained a lot so I guess it hurt.

I once did that thing where two people join hands and then you flip over their arms except I never flipped all the way and I fell straight on my head. I was like 10. I was rushed to the ER and turned out I had a bruised spine. I had to wear a soft foam collar for a few days and I didn't move much. My brother made fun of me. :(

07-13-2008, 03:06 AM
My worst injuries were similar incidents but happened exactly (down to the date) 3 years apart.

The first one was when I was a freshman on a band trip to Toronto. I was stepping out of the tour bus and landed on my ankle on the curb. It bruised quite a ways up on my leg and it was swollen and I couldn't walk very well on it for a while. That was my left ankle.

The second one I was getting out of our 15-passenger van to go to school this past school year and landed on the curb on my ankle, while holding onto the door handle. The door just kinda swung open with me on it and I said "...ow..." and my mom was pretty concerned, asked if I needed to go home...I said no and decided to brave it, but needed Tylenol later that day. It looked NASTY. That was my right ankle.

07-13-2008, 03:34 AM
I injured my coccyx in some fashion. I never went to the doctor for it, but it stopped hurting after a few months.

I did go to the doctor when I broke my leg though. When there was still a baseball-sized swell on it after three days, I figured I should go in.

I also went to the doctor when I cut my finger to the bone. I didn't have much choice in that, since I passed out and my stepdad carried me to the car. It didn't bleed though! The shock kept it from bleeding or hurting at all; it was nutty. And I still had to sit in the waiting room three hours before they would see me.

07-13-2008, 03:58 AM
crawling across the floor to my mom's bedroom to get my pain medicine when I got the wire cut out from between my toes was pretty painful.

07-13-2008, 04:17 AM
I had bad chest pains once, turned out to be stress/worry related. It was very strange.

probably the most painful thing for me that was an accident (other than illness etc) was when I broke my coccyx a few years back, and it absolutely killed for months on end. I couldn't sit comfortably, walk comfortably. ow. Even every now and again now it will ache a little.

most recent pain for me was last night. I got in from work at about 2am, and my right foot was really hurting. My feet usually ache after work from being on my feet all night, but it was really sharp pains. I looked at my foot and there was a chunk of metal deep in the skin. I spent ages trying to pull it out with tweezers. I now have a hole in my foot. :jess:

07-13-2008, 04:57 AM
I've broken my shoulder, fractured two palm bones, and I'm covered with scars :)

I used to get rib pains. It's nothing if it goes away after a while. No worries sarsboy D:

07-13-2008, 05:13 AM
I've broken nearly ever bone in my body.

Ribs are nothing, they'll probably give you some pain killers and send you on your way. They did with me when I broke 3.

07-13-2008, 05:18 AM
Ribs are nothing, they'll probably give you some pain killers and send you on your way.

I actually finally got the bright idea to use some of those tonight (despite it being at least the third day of pain). Worked wonders.

07-13-2008, 05:45 AM
..I got nothing

07-13-2008, 11:47 AM
I've never had any bad injuries! but I'm so clumsy that I'm always covered in little cuts and bruises. I also bruise like a peach, you just have to touch me and it goes blue. I'm always finding bruises and I'm like "How did I get that..? :p"

My worst, that I can think of, was when we had planned to go to Wales for the day and go on the beach and it was all organised and my friend was coming and everything, and then on the morning I fell down the stairs from the top to bottom. I hurt my foot so bad, but I was like ITS FINE which was a blatant lie and I was in agony all day :jess:

The next day my foot was all blue and purple and yellow!

Old Manus
07-13-2008, 12:36 PM
Going to the doctor for any injury lower than a broken bone is a waste of your (and the doctor's) time. They just prescribe you some painkillers which you can buy at Tesco.

07-13-2008, 01:44 PM
Yeah, I pretty much have to be at the brink of death before I go to the doctor.

Quindiana Jones
07-13-2008, 02:05 PM
Haha, "it only hurts when I breathe". I love saying that.

Anyway, rib shmib. No worries.

I'm pretty sure I fractured my coccix once. I asked some people to throw me (hold legs, hold arms, swing!), and I landed on it. It hurt like a bastard, and I couldn't move very much or sit down without groaning and grunting in pleasure agony. I never bothered with the doctor though. Waste of my time. I also didn't take painkillers. Not because I'm 'ard or anything, but because I'm a complete bellend and didn't think of it.