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Ko Ko
07-19-2008, 05:13 PM

07-19-2008, 05:22 PM
I am terrified of all public transport except for trains. Don't ask me why, but I am. But since my parents are taking away my car before I go to college, I'll have to take them to do things. LOL! :monster:

07-19-2008, 05:28 PM
Because the bus trip would be typically 12-13 hours and would depart at 10pm as opposed to 9 hours by car (and departs when I have had a good night's rest), I plan to drive to NYC.

07-19-2008, 07:04 PM
The only slightly amusing story would be when I was getting a train back to St Helens from Wigan after a rock club, it was quite late, so we didn't fancy getting the bus back as it's nearly an hour, so we got the train. I bought my ticket on the 'quick buy' as I had no spare change, so charged it to my card, when we got on the train the woman came down and was saying "You have all your tickets, they are IN YOUR POCKETS, aren't they?" and I was going No, mine's here.. ;-; and she carried on "No, they are in your pockets, right?". So all my friends got on a train for free, and poor me had to PAY. I was so peeved xD

boris no no
07-19-2008, 07:08 PM
Once a bus I was on was pulled over by the police because a man they had been chasing had got on xD

He tried to kick his way through the window but the bus had like SUPA strong glass, he ended up just twisting his ankle xD

Ko Ko
07-19-2008, 07:38 PM
The only slightly amusing story would be when I was getting a train back to St Helens from Wigan after a rock club, it was quite late, so we didn't fancy getting the bus back as it's nearly an hour, so we got the train. I bought my ticket on the 'quick buy' as I had no spare change, so charged it to my card, when we got on the train the woman came down and was saying "You have all your tickets, they are IN YOUR POCKETS, aren't they?" and I was going No, mine's here.. ;-; and she carried on "No, they are in your pockets, right?". So all my friends got on a train for free, and poor me had to PAY. I was so peeved xD

I dont understand what she meant!

07-19-2008, 07:42 PM
The only slightly amusing story would be when I was getting a train back to St Helens from Wigan after a rock club, it was quite late, so we didn't fancy getting the bus back as it's nearly an hour, so we got the train. I bought my ticket on the 'quick buy' as I had no spare change, so charged it to my card, when we got on the train the woman came down and was saying "You have all your tickets, they are IN YOUR POCKETS, aren't they?" and I was going No, mine's here.. ;-; and she carried on "No, they are in your pockets, right?". So all my friends got on a train for free, and poor me had to PAY. I was so peeved xD

I dont understand what she meant!

Oh, she was going to let us all on without paying for tickets, and if anyone asked they were in our pockets, but I'd already bought my ticket on the station.

Clouded Sky
07-19-2008, 08:26 PM
I took the Megabus to and from the midwest meetup. While I can't say there were many exciting stories, it was one of the most frustarating experiences I've ever had. It was mostly a select group of people yelling at the bus driver both ways, when really there wasn't any reason to. Well, except maybe on the way back when we were already late and the driver stopped for "restroom breaks" even though he was though only one who got off the bus so he could have a smoke. :mad2:

07-19-2008, 08:47 PM
Ew hate to hear that about Greyhound, I was thinking of using them for the Northeast meet up.

For the Midwest though I too used a Megabus. Nothing very exciting. On the way home the bus was late to come and was a Coach Bus, not a Megabus, and it had a little less leg room which sucked. We also had a few angry people on the bus cause the bus was late. We also couldn't get the bus to work for like 10 minutes at the only rest stop we took. Over all not very exciting, but not bad considering it was for under 100 bucks.

Quindiana Jones
07-19-2008, 10:29 PM
Our college bus is now known as the Sex Bus. I don't know why. But it gave me an excuse to draw some epic Paint bus prons. :bigsmile:

I also drew a sad face on a banana and hung it out the window. Buses rule. I get chatted up by crazy old ladies on them all the time, and I love it. That's actually true.

07-19-2008, 10:34 PM
Greyhound is terrible but I take it at least once a month. Sometimes they can be quite nice, and I like that it's air conditioned and you have plenty of leg room with comfy seats, but there's off schedule so much that it's extremely frustrating.

Once the Greyhound bus I was supposed to take broke down for like, 7 hours, so I had to take a different bus that was hours and hours behind, and then I got stuck at my transfer for a whole day too because they didn't have enough buses going back to my hometown and the one they did have was late. xD It was lame.

I wrote Greyhound an angry email after that demanding my money back and they never replied, and I would sooo like to boycott them or something but I just can't D; It's the most convenient way to get places.

07-19-2008, 10:39 PM
I have no public bus stories, but back when I was in 8th grade we were on a field trip and our bus plowed through a toll booth snapping that guard stick thingy clean off :P

07-20-2008, 02:01 AM
I went on a Train journey that was supposed to last 5 hours.... I got lost at london Kings X and went round london a few times before having to start again.... ended up taking 10 hours. :/ but it was worth it ;)

07-20-2008, 02:52 AM
the TGV was pretty nice, except it was an hour late the first time I took it >:[ flawless trip on the way home though~

the city buses were pretty nice, and the metro in Paris was useful if reaaaaally crowded with drunk people on a saturday night ^_^

and that's about the extent of my public transport funtimes.

07-20-2008, 03:08 AM
This year on the late bus home from my school (which may I say is reserved for people in sports) Well the driver let two kids on who he knew weren't in sports with only a firm talking to. (Which I got kicked off later in the year when I was no longer in sports). Well these two people had full blown sex on the bus. Very loud very noticeable. Oh and these two people were freshmen.

07-20-2008, 07:59 AM
I got on a bus from Sydney to Brisbane. Took a while, but that's not the point. There was this annoying lady on there, who didn't sleep. She kept talking on her phone very loudly, even at 3am. And the stuff she was saying was very inappropriate for a 14 year old kid to hear :D

When she wasn't on the phone to her boyfriend (how did she get one?) she was chatting up the guy in the seat in front of me :D When he got off, she was all sad looking, which was good. Then two guys got on, and she was checking them out and trying to show off. But they were Dutch, and didn't speak a lick of English! :D

That trip annoyed, angered, entertained and bored me. Next time, I'm flying xD

07-20-2008, 06:51 PM
I hate public transport. I love driving!

I've used National Express a fair few times, and they're usually okay but I've had a few experiences where I've not been impressed. For example, travelling on a super hot day and being given a coach with the air conditioning BROKEN. Argh. Hell. :jess:

07-20-2008, 07:29 PM
I want to ride a train

07-20-2008, 07:51 PM
I've had experience in: airplanes, mass transit thingie mabobber at Chicago O'Hare to get from terminal 3 to terminal 5 and then from 5 to 3 when I was coming home, and I think 2 or 3 subway rides. Other than that, the school bus.

I don't have any interesting stories that I can think of =[

07-20-2008, 08:17 PM
I hate public transport. I love driving!

I've used National Express a fair few times, and they're usually okay but I've had a few experiences where I've not been impressed. For example, travelling on a super hot day and being given a coach with the air conditioning BROKEN. Argh. Hell. :jess:

The Divine Comedy would have you believe that, on the National Express, there is a jolly hostess selling crisps and tea. I hate to be the one to shatter this myth, but it's just not true. You're far more likely to find two dozen mindlessly bored people contemplating the sheer monotony of a six hour journey they really don't want to undertake.

07-20-2008, 10:05 PM
I hate public transport. I love driving!

I've used National Express a fair few times, and they're usually okay but I've had a few experiences where I've not been impressed. For example, travelling on a super hot day and being given a coach with the air conditioning BROKEN. Argh. Hell. :jess:

The Divine Comedy would have you believe that, on the National Express, there is a jolly hostess selling crisps and tea. I hate to be the one to shatter this myth, but it's just not true. You're far more likely to find two dozen mindlessly bored people contemplating the sheer monotony of a six hour journey they really don't want to undertake.
yeah, and on your journey home ONE stop away (about 30 minutes drive), the driver just decides that he wants a break - despite the coach already being over 45 minutes late - and calls up taxis for all of the remaining people onboard. what?! :mad2:

07-21-2008, 02:56 AM
I cba to ride the bus

07-21-2008, 04:53 PM
I took the bus to kelowna and on our way there, a lady got stuck in the bathroom cause she pushed out instead of in....so i told her to stand back and as i pushed on the door, the bus went over a bump and she got that bluey green toilet liquid all over her pants, HAHAHAHAHA!! Stupid people. Also, i went to kelowna for one reason and i found out that reason was ill favored. LOL i learned my lesson, and got my trip back payed for by a douche :D

Also, i love you iri!!!!

07-21-2008, 06:41 PM
I took the bus once and there was a strange man sitting next to me that fell asleep with his mouth open, snoring, and had an open bottle of milk that kept spilling. I had to sit next to him for five hours.

And some guy in Chicago tried to steal my GBA and sell me crass jewelry immediately after entering the terminal.

07-21-2008, 08:52 PM
Poor me was in a car crash. At the very ripe age of two (the pictures proved it).
I've been on two vacations that required airplane travel. I was scared shizzless.

07-22-2008, 05:34 AM
I got really scared though and then my stomach lurched and i thought i was gonna hurl so i held my stomach and bent over, but it turns out i was just hungry :'(