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View Full Version : OCDish tendancies. [That does NOT goe there]

07-23-2008, 05:38 PM
Well, I have in interest suddenly in knowing what your best coding practices are. Well, it could be any best practice really, but what are those quirky little optional ways you do things that just seem to bring out the OCD in you.

Like, when I code, if I am pulling in information from a database or through and argument, I always add some Turkish style prefix to delimit where it is coming from, like db_intVariableName. It has been a life saver in larger apps that other people love to dive it and touch. So when I come back later and find that my code was mutilated, I feel like she has been disloyal and is now completely uncouth. The funny thing is, I don't care how it looks in other people's code.

I do this on WoW as well. Since you get Ten slots per server, and there are five races, I like to play one of each sex of each race. With the Dork Knight coming out, we are going to have a total of ten classes. It all works out, sadly.

The ocd comes in with my needing to have the male female pairs in order all the way down. I have deleted many a 50 lvl plus for the sake of order. I have human male, human female, dwarf male, dwarf female, etc, etc.

So I leave it to you, where is your OCD?

07-23-2008, 05:45 PM
When I GOE to the movie theater I have to get the exact middle seats. Middle row, middle seat. I feel all uncomfy if I don't get it.

07-23-2008, 05:46 PM
I completely label every single one of my music files with all information I can possibly find on each of them. I have had over 15,000 music files at one time labeled completely and it took several days to get it that way.

Ko Ko
07-23-2008, 05:48 PM
I do not like my food to touch. Ever.

07-23-2008, 05:49 PM
Is the door locked? Yes. Okay good. Wait, is it locked? Yes. Okay good. Is the door locked? Yes. Okay good.

That's my reaction to any door that needs locking, be it bathroom, front door, prison cell, et cetera. I am a freak.

07-23-2008, 05:58 PM
Is the door locked? Yes. Okay good. Wait, is it locked? Yes. Okay good. Is the door locked? Yes. Okay good.

That's my reaction to any door that needs locking, be it bathroom, front door, prison cell, et cetera. I am a freak.

God yes. Especially with my car door.

07-23-2008, 06:22 PM
Is the door locked? Yes. Okay good. Wait, is it locked? Yes. Okay good. Is the door locked? Yes. Okay good.

That's my reaction to any door that needs locking, be it bathroom, front door, prison cell, et cetera. I am a freak.

God yes. Especially with my car door.

Same here. I'm notorious for locking my car, then walking half of the parking lot, then running back JUST to make sure.

07-23-2008, 06:25 PM
I usually use a specific spoon when eating. Or if I'm at a different place, I make sure the spoon and fork matches, neither is bent/crooked and must be stainless steel.

I skip one a step on the stairs. So I usually step on the even numbered steps.

I always make sure that my right feet touches the ground first whether walking, climbing stairs (esp the stairs) or running.

I always close the doors of our house, especially if I'm all alone. I don't like getting disturbed.

I always make a face when I dislike doing something (my lips are bentupwards, almost touching the nose) followed by a long, high ptiched 'hmph'

I always do a 'ninja hand sign' everytime I want to do something.

07-23-2008, 06:33 PM
This is where I get weird.

If I have a mess in my room, I think about cleaning it but I never really get around to it. But, if someone moves ANYTHING off my floor or on my desk, I know. And I freak out.

I'm also a freak about alphabatizing my books by author's last name.

07-23-2008, 06:36 PM
My psychology teacher would beat you to death because she'd explain that OCD is in fact the disorder while being OC is a perfectly common thing.

I have OCD, so yeah, there's way to much to list here.

But let's see if I can get them all! Atleast the one's I have insight with!

I love quarters, I hate any other form of change so if I have like 20$ in pennies and 2 quarters, I'll throw the pennies away and keep the quarters. I don't like pennys or dimes or nickles.
I -always- have 6 dollars in my pocket, a five and a one, no matter what.
I leave the house at quarters of the hour unless I have no choice, so :15 and :45. I don't like leaving the house at straight up on the hour, why? I just don't.
I eat bags of chips 1/3rd down then move to the next, I personally believe all the bad chips are at the bottom and I do not want to eat bad chips.
I don't like any foreign substance on my food and will -NOT- eat it, for example, if you flick some water into my soda, it's time for a new soda.
I have an utter fear of the unknown, so if I'm doing something that's not in my rituals I have massive panic attacks. Not only that, but if it's something that is going to end up being a ritual (like riding a bus to go to work) I -have- to have someone come with me the first time because I do not know the route and because of that I feel -extremely- unsafe and panicky.
Once I get the route down, I'll only leave the house at certain times, normally before 5pm and after 1pm, preferably 2:45pm.
I can't stand water on my hands or face, even when in the shower I will -constantly- get a towel and wipe my hands and face off.
I can't stand things being moved, -ever-. I actually had a panic attack once because my husband offered to clean the house while I was at school and I ended up crying because the idea of coming home to a house where things were moved is a horrible horrible horrible thing. If so much as a bowl is moved from a table, I will see it and I will freak out.
I like things in 3's and numbers that can make a triangle, I also like triangles, if I can set my house up in a way where things are placed in a triangle setting then I have a happy house.
I tend to have a messy house stand moving things, usually I'm forced to clean, and yes I am a horder. I horde things and I love all those things.
I never wear shoes in the house but have to wear shoes if I leave the carpet, the idea of my feet getting dirty scares me.
If I have an ingrown hair or something, I'll basically butcher my leg until I get it.
Everything I do every day, is a ritual and it has been being done for months or even years. I could easily tell you my day schedule and have it right on the dot.

And now I'm freaking out from thinking about that. I know there's more but the idea of all the above is scarring me to death.

Also, here's one I was going to make an EoEo post about but this is a good place for it.

THE IDEA OF NEW ORLEANS SCARES ME, THE PLACE WAS DESTROYED AND A FILTH POT AND TOXIC AND STUFF, and ehh. Well my mom wanted to stay the night there when we went to go to my husbands graduation and I don't like that. I had a major panic attack because just thinking about staying in a place that was destroyed and dirty and filthy and toxic and scarry and like the apocalpyse scares the hell out of me and I would probably break down crying if I stepped foot out of the car when we drive through there, I'll probably freak out just driving through there, the utter though of it is freaking me out. I can't do that http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/rpg_009.gifhttp://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/rpg_009.gifhttp://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/rpg_009.gifhttp://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/rpg_009.gif, it's not like another town that's happy and not destroyed and normal and. Uh. Jesus Christ.
Needless to say, we're not saying -anywhere near- New Orleans, My mom was like "That means we'll have to drive further" and yeah I don't care, just no. No no. I'd rather be put in prison then have to be in New Orleans for more than 15 minutes.

07-23-2008, 07:53 PM
I've always mildly thought that I may have OCD, due to the sheer number of things that I'm OC about (and the oddity about them), but I've never gotten it checked out.

1. When I'm walking on concrete paths that have little squares of concrete I have to take two steps per square, even if I have to take abnormally long steps to do so.
2. If I'm walking on a concrete path that has curbs, I have to walk on the curb, once again walking two steps per square. If the terrain or surface is slightly different, I adjust it so that I have the same number of steps per rectangle or square.
2. My DVDs are alphabetized, and have to be. Absolutely have to be. This is strange because there are few other things that I really care about being neat. Other than this, I'm a pig.
3. On my computer, my music HAAAAAS to have all of its id tags filled out and filed in My Music by Artist -> Album -> Song Title. The ID tags include lyrics.
4. If I do not have a thumb pick I will refuse to play the guitar. This is about a year old obsession. When I first started playing I used flat picks. I cannot use those anymore, and absolutely must use a thumb pick.
5. This is not quite to obsession level, but I have to be the first one done with a test. If I suspect another person is almost done, I will rush through the rest of my test so that I'm the first one done. I get mad when I'm not the first.
6. Other people probably do this as well, but the four PS2 memory cards I have are for specific things. I have one for sports games, one for adventure games, one for Guitar Hero, and one for RPGs.
7. In general, I'm extremely obsessive. I cannot simply like something, whether it be a musical artist or a movie or a toy line or an idea. I have to research and learn EVERYTHING THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT IT. I know my favorite musical artists like few others know theirs.

07-23-2008, 07:59 PM
I'm generally obsessive about arranging things in what I seem to consider clean numbers (multiples of five). This is extremely frustrating in FFXI where the maximum number of most items you can have in a stack is twelve.

07-23-2008, 09:02 PM
I completely label every single one of my music files with all information I can possibly find on each of them. I have had over 15,000 music files at one time labeled completely and it took several days to get it that way.

Yeah, I'm obsessive about that too. Bugs me when my friends don't have everything as organized, like when they just download something from Limewire and it doesn't have anything except the title part of the tag filled out.

07-23-2008, 09:18 PM
Everything must, MUST be perpendicular or parallel with everything else when I rearrange things.

07-23-2008, 09:22 PM
The only thing I can think of that could be slightly OCD is how I obsessively keep train tickets/club tickets/cinema tickets. I just.. like to keep them xD

I don't have any preference with stacking things though, things just go anywhere.

07-23-2008, 09:22 PM
I used to eat my food in three bites; one for the front teeth, one for the left and right each, but that was mostly for fun and a lot of the time I forgot to.

I guess I have a lot of nervous tension activities, like chewing my fingers and nails or picking at my face and stuff. I guess that might be an obsession with removing impurities or something.

07-23-2008, 09:23 PM
Everything as to be in alphabetical and numerical order at the same time. I freaked out trying to figure out where to put Apollo Justice. Does it go in front with the As or does it go after Trials and Tribulations.

07-23-2008, 09:37 PM
When I get impatient.. I'd say:
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, One and a half, one and a quarter, zero. Repeatedly quick. I don't know if that's OCD.. :confused:

07-23-2008, 09:47 PM
Yes, I do have it. No, I will not list them due to the fact that most of them are simply "normal" behaviour for me, and as such, I find it difficult to discern exactly which actions speak of OCD and others do not.

My girlfriend also has OCD.

Our house is very clean.

xD All my things are normal to me as well, I've just had enough people tell me what I do is weird, therefore I list the one's that I know a "normal" person doesn't do.

Ironically, I do not have a clean house because cleaning the house requires me to move things, and moving things is bad.

07-23-2008, 10:01 PM
I have GOEcd. I must always be GOEing. yeah... that's it.

07-23-2008, 10:08 PM
*Heads toward Elite Four.*
Wait, did I save?
*Gets Distracted*
Crap I don't think I saved
*Goes in Elite Four in front of the first trainer*
Fuck! I don't think I saved!

07-23-2008, 10:12 PM
I can sit still in a car for 48 hours, but in my own house I can never sit sill, I am always walking around in circles.

While writing this post I went around my kitchen table 3 times

07-23-2008, 10:58 PM
The only thing I'm OC about is when I have multipul layers in Photoshop, 3ds max or Maya. They have to be named appropriately and if there's a space in the name I put an underscore. All lowercase too.

07-24-2008, 12:43 AM
Is the door locked? Yes. Okay good. Wait, is it locked? Yes. Okay good. Is the door locked? Yes. Okay good.

That's my reaction to any door that needs locking, be it bathroom, front door, prison cell, et cetera. I am a freak.

I remember this from when you came to my birthday (yes ladies I have slept with psy O_O!) You were like "did you lock the door" like 10 times or something it was strange then we sat there and had to open it for Jack at some stupid time in the morning. Just so he could say what he said before locking it again and laughing at our evil actions...we're going to hell lol.

I'm OC about a few things:

I always have my alarm clock set of 06:45 or 05:45 (depends on if I have to work early in the morning) The fact that I will not have to leave for work until minimum 10:30am doesn't change this neither does the fact I might have gone bed at 05:00am or that it is indeed a Sunday. At 06:45 I will wake up and get up regardless of the day or lack of sleep I will generally then remain awake until such time as I go to bed again at night. This has often led to me waking up after like no sleep and being just fine even though my eyes are blood shot and the bags look like the warehouse of lost property from heathrow terminal 5.

I have to correct people's spelling and grammar mentally whenever I speak to people or read their work especially on forums ironically my own grammar is not 100% important this leaves me often in my writing job for TPS posting drafts in the admin forums and then reading it back and editing the post until satisfied. I know my writing can be corrected by spell check but I prefer to do it this way and thus I operate only in this way.

I must have my books categorized by series in my shelves. I don't mind if the authors aren't in order since some of the series of books I read are written by different authors (Take the Warhammer 40,000 black library epic the horus heresy theres about 5 authors working on it) though the titles must be together and in order so using the example in brackets Horus rising must be followed by Galaxy in Flames ect ect ect.

I must always fix my hair, If I cannot gel my hair or do something with it to make it sufficably decent I get nervous and withdrawn I also will if possible refuse to leave the building until I have been given hair gel to fix my hair with. This is so drastic that one night having awoken in hospital due to accidentally mixing pain killers and alcohol then hitting my head on a concrete doorstep as I passed out from the mixture I actually fixed my hair in the toilet before leaving hospital, even though I had concussion and had worried my friends and doctors sick with my semi-concious state. This since has become a bit of a joke but in reality I knew I just had to fix my hair because I felt wrong without doing so.

I must always have £10 in my wallet in notes. I don't mind if it's 2 £5 notes but if I don't have £10 in there I worry a lot as to what I might need to buy. This means sometimes when I'm broke I won't leave my house even on free nights/days out. The fact I could have £20 in coins doesn't matter the £10 in notes does.

Theres probably more but these are the ones which I have noticed.

Spiffing Cheese
07-24-2008, 01:04 AM
No. crumbs. in. the. butter.

Quindiana Jones
07-24-2008, 02:03 PM
BIPPER! :bigsmile:

Everything must be straight if I'm in charge of it. Pens - straight. Paper - straight. Everything.

07-24-2008, 03:55 PM
BIPPER! :bigsmile:

Everything must be straight if I'm in charge of it. Pens - straight. Paper - straight. Everything.

good thing you're not in charge of roto then! :O

Quindiana Jones
07-24-2008, 03:58 PM
I'm really losing my touch. I didn't even see that coming. :(

07-24-2008, 04:20 PM
When I get impatient.. I'd say:
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, One and a half, one and a quarter, zero. Repeatedly quick. I don't know if that's OCD.. :confused:

Wait, 1&1/2 and 1&1/4 is greater then one, so unless the law of math is changed, this cannot be. :confused::confused::confused:

07-25-2008, 12:31 AM
Like, when I code, if I am pulling in information from a database or through and argument, I always add some Turkish style prefix to delimit where it is coming from, like db_intVariableName. It has been a life saver in larger apps that other people love to dive it and touch. So when I come back later and find that my code was mutilated, I feel like she has been disloyal and is now completely uncouth. The funny thing is, I don't care how it looks in other people's code.

If I ever have to call a procedure in a database, the parameters are always called something like p_parameterName. :p

I pretty much obsessively cut down on the number of lines in my code. If I can put it on one line (and still understand it :p), I do.

07-25-2008, 12:42 AM
I have to count how old I am by touching my fingers on something. If I'm an odd age then I have to double my age so it's even.

07-25-2008, 01:20 AM
Is the door locked? Yes. Okay good. Wait, is it locked? Yes. Okay good. Is the door locked? Yes. Okay good.

That's my reaction to any door that needs locking, be it bathroom, front door, prison cell, et cetera. I am a freak.
Meeeee too. I generally check three times before I tell myself to quit being a jerk.

And there's only a D in the OC if your rituals interrupt your life.

07-25-2008, 08:39 PM
When I play WoW, my Enchanting bag has to have the first two rows filled with dust and all are stacks of 20. Always. I'll even leave a few guys who are willing to do a multiple dungeon run for a while just to go to Shattrah or Orgrimmar and fill up the stack.

In Photoshop, all of my Layers need to be named, not generic things like Layer 2, but Subtitle or Background. And I always keep text layers above image layers.

Whenever I get a new mp3, I always try to fill in as much information as possible.

Every time I post or write something, I always read through it a whole bunch of times to see if it's actually understandable. Mainly because my thoughts are scrambled like eggs :Oo:

I've edited this post 8 times before actually posting it and I suspect I'll edit it once when I click <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Submit Reply" onClick='alert("I was right.")'></FORM>

07-26-2008, 12:22 AM
When I played WoW I'd hoard herbs and so my bank was nothing but them. They HAD to be in alphabetical order with stacks of 20 coming before any incomplete stacks.

Coding I don't have anything really OC yet, but I'm sure I'll get there when I start to learn more.

As for everything else in my life, my room is my room. It has to be my mess or my clean, and my clean is organized down to how I keep my clothes organised in my dressers. I don't care about other places except for when I'm cleaning them and then no one can help me or I go over what they did just to be sure.

07-26-2008, 06:16 PM
Checking the locks on my car. I don't do it with anything else, just the car. I'll get out of the car. Lock it. Check the handle of my drivers door. Then, check the passenger door even though my car has central locking. Then, I'll walk back round and check my door again. I'll then walk halfway across the carpark and think "Did I lock the car?"
and go back and check once more.

Writing. I obsess over neat. I just can't cross out mistakes. I have to use tip-ex to get rid of a mistake, or I have to write out the whole thing again on a new piece of paper, whether I've written a sentence, a paragraph or nearly a whole page. I also can't change to another type of pen if one runs out, it has to be exactly the same or I have to re-write again. I used to take notes in class, then take them home and then take them home and write them out again in neat. :jess:

Quindiana Jones
07-26-2008, 06:41 PM
Haha, Sagensyg. I really enjoyed clicking the button over and over again. :laugh:

07-26-2008, 06:53 PM
Have I insulted BoB today? Check!
Am I sure I've insulted him? Insult again to double-check!
Have I insulted Psy today? Check!
Have I insulted Psy over XBox Live today? Double-check!
etc, etc

The jokes a bit thin nowadays.

Dr Unne
07-26-2008, 09:09 PM
Well, I have in interest suddenly in knowing what your best coding practices are. Well, it could be any best practice really, but what are those quirky little optional ways you do things that just seem to bring out the OCD in you.

Like, when I code, if I am pulling in information from a database or through and argument, I always add some Turkish style prefix to delimit where it is coming from, like db_intVariableName. It has been a life saver in larger apps that other people love to dive it and touch. So when I come back later and find that my code was mutilated, I feel like she has been disloyal and is now completely uncouth. The funny thing is, I don't care how it looks in other people's code.

I always name arrays plurally and hash-tables singularly, and method names with verb-words etc. I name filename-storing variables *_fn and directory-storing variables *_dir, and filehandles / database handles end with h (fh, dbh, sth).

Beyond that the naming scheme in my code is an anarchist free-for-all of whatever whim takes me at the moment. A consistent naming scheme like you use is a good idea (depending on the language you're using).

07-26-2008, 09:17 PM
All my video games are in system order then by alphabetical order. I used to keep my itunes major OCDish but I gave up on that after I hit the 500 song mark. Before then If I couldn't find all the information I deleted the song. Also here (http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b193/BrAdYhAiR/OCDmanga.jpg) in my organization for EVERYTHING on my computer.

Quindiana Jones
07-26-2008, 09:22 PM
Psh. That folder stuff is just common sense. Right pain in the arse hunting down things when you don't know where they are. I pat you on the back, sir!

07-27-2008, 12:37 AM
All my video games are in system order then by alphabetical order. I used to keep my itunes major OCDish but I gave up on that after I hit the 500 song mark. Before then If I couldn't find all the information I deleted the song. Also here (http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b193/BrAdYhAiR/OCDmanga.jpg) in my organization for EVERYTHING on my computer.

That reminds me. My Images folder ( where I keep my Photoshop junk besides PS itself ) is neat freak heaven. When I get off this computer I might post a picture.