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Carl the Llama
07-27-2008, 01:30 PM
is like a fernace its the hottest room in the house, im wondering though do big monitors generate alot of heat?


My Monitor is the 22" one on the end (not my photo though) and I do have a smaller 17" flatscreen monitor that im thinking if it will make my room a little bit cooler then I would jump at the chance of useing it.

07-27-2008, 01:51 PM
I don't see how the monitor would have any significant effect on the temperature of your room at all, regardless of size. o_O

Carl the Llama
07-27-2008, 01:53 PM
dang it I dont understand why its so hot in my room when the second I step over the threashhold of my doorway its considerably cooler and I cant really afford to go buy an AC just yet ; ;

07-27-2008, 02:14 PM
Well, I have a similar situation, so here are some things I do:

Keep the lights off in your room as much as you can.
Open your window at night if it's cooler outside than inside. Be sure to close it in the morning before it gets hot though.
Get a fan.
If the rest of the house is cooler, leave your bedroom door open.
Drink plenty of cold water.

Also, the heat may be generated by your computer (not the monitor), so shut it off when you aren't using it and won't be for a while.

The heat in my room comes from being on the second story of our house, directly over our garage, which obviously doesn't get air conditioning. Heat rises, so it makes my room pretty uncomfortable in the summer. Also, I have a waterbed in my room which puts out more heat than you'd think, and for some reason the air conditioning doesn't adequately make it into my room. That makes my room the hottest room in the house. Fortunately for me, my laptop doesn't really contribute to that heat, unless it's on my lap. xD

07-27-2008, 02:30 PM
Actually, monitors go generate quite a bit of heat, especially CRTs at the back :p Basically the less/smaller/lower-power-hungry devices, the better - turn stuff off if you're not using it or at least power-save mode :p

07-27-2008, 02:53 PM
Actually, monitors go generate quite a bit of heat, especially CRTs at the back :p Basically the less/smaller/lower-power-hungry devices, the better - turn stuff off if you're not using it or at least power-save mode :p

Seriously? I never noticed. :p

Then again, I haven't had a monitor like that in 7 years. ;)

07-27-2008, 03:16 PM
Drink plenty of cold water.

Would you believe this actually makes you hotter? Your body generates heat to bring the water to 98°. Room temperature water is best, though not as refreshing.

Anyway, myself I know I'd go with the best quality monitor, regardless of how big it is. If it's the largest so be it. What makes your room so blasted hot? Can you cover a register in the floor? Buy a small BTU air-conditioner? Buy one small and cheap enough to cool just your room. (~$60-70)

Also, maybe next time consider investing in a laptop? Saves space and not as heat generating. It's the decision I needed to make when I moved into my small 8' x 9' room, which is actually a former utility closet. It's a decision I've yet to regret.

07-27-2008, 04:24 PM
It seems to help me stay cooler, so whether it works or not, I don't care. :p

07-27-2008, 05:01 PM
You're walls may not be properly insulated...
One or more of you're bedroom walls face west. There is nothing you can do but to open you're windows at night...
Maybe the air in you're room can't circulate enough. Is it okay if you just invest in an exhaust fan?

Actually my room is hotter than yours. It has no windows, the wall is facing the west and is not insulated (its made of hollow blocks + concrete) and its freaking small. I sleep on top of a double bed where the warm air. During the summer, I had to use two fans, one acting as an exhaust fan.

Monitors generate heat. Duh. Almost anything electronic generates heat.

07-27-2008, 05:30 PM
I keep my windows open and put an electric fan right on my windowsill and have the air blow in at me. That seems to help. ^^

07-27-2008, 05:31 PM
How hot do you think it gets, Randgris? My room is usually anywhere between 84-94 degrees Fahrenheit at any given time, unless I have the window open at night, then it gets down to a more tolerable 75. xD

07-27-2008, 05:56 PM
Well my room has no windows. Its like a brick oven. I don't know the temperature but it makes me feel like I have a fever. Two seconds after entering my room makes me sweaty like hell...

07-27-2008, 05:59 PM
I also find keeping the doors and windows open work much better than any fan I've had (I don't even use a fan now) - good ventilation is great for dispersing the heat and stuffiness, and if it's windy outside, the open door allows the breeze to go through the whole room - just the window open but the door closed doesn't really work as well in my experience :p

07-27-2008, 05:59 PM
I can't wait for autumn.

07-27-2008, 06:03 PM
Well my room has no windows. Its like a brick oven. I don't know the temperature but it makes me feel like I have a fever. Two seconds after entering my room makes me sweaty like hell...

That may not be healthy... :eep:

07-27-2008, 06:09 PM
Well my room has no windows. Its like a brick oven. I don't know the temperature but it makes me feel like I have a fever. Two seconds after entering my room makes me sweaty like hell...

That may not be healthy... :eep:

It must be great for burning calories though! The way Randgris describes it makes it sound like a sauna. :D

Carl the Llama
07-27-2008, 10:46 PM
Well, I have a similar situation, so here are some things I do:

Keep the lights off in your room as much as you can.
Open your window at night if it's cooler outside than inside. Be sure to close it in the morning before it gets hot though.
Get a fan.
If the rest of the house is cooler, leave your bedroom door open.
Drink plenty of cold water.

I do
I always keep my windows open even during the day... its hotter in my room then it is outside
I have 2 fans in my room, one on me and one on my PC (it gets overheated if I dont keep a fan on it)
I do lol
I knew that drinking water makes me hotter so I dont ever do it.

from the sound of it I guess I have to replace my monitor :/

07-28-2008, 01:46 AM
if it's hotter in your room than outside then open your windows. Duh.

You should drink water because you need to stay hydrated :p

Underclock your pc, hang out in your underwear, use an LCD monitor on the dimmest setting, get some light colored reflective curtains if your window faces the sun, plant a tree outside your window, put your fan in the doorway so it circulates the air from outside your room into the room.

07-28-2008, 02:30 AM
Ice packs. Never underestimate the power of a nice ice pack.

07-31-2008, 12:36 AM
My room is also the hottest room in the house. It's because it was a garage before one of the previous owners turned it into a bedroom. The AC doesn't flow well in here, and I hate opening my windows. I also hate leaving my door open, and the ceiling fan makes me nervous (for various reasons). I spend 90% of my time in my cave, so I'm forced to deal with it xD

So I move around as little as possible and do things to take my mind off of it (like the internets, and video games). Sometimes I put the fan on anyway (on the lowest setting of course).

It kind of helps that I made myself get used to wearing a jacket all day every day no matter how hot it is.