View Full Version : Gossip Girl

09-09-2008, 10:01 PM
Just started watching it last night. I kinda like it :jess: My favorite character is Blair.

Anyone else watching it?

09-10-2008, 07:32 AM
Oh totally!

You mean you didn't watch the first season? This show is my TV crack, and it's actually got some quality to it. Maybe.

Blair is fantastic and I love her to death. I love Chuck too. I haven't seen the latest episode yet since I don't have a TV here and have to stream it, but this season looks like it has potential.

Um. . . Yeah. . . I don't feel embarrassed about watching this show at all. >.>

09-11-2008, 12:37 AM
Currently in Episode 1 still =D I think I'm on the episode called "Roman Holiday" when Blair first finds out why Chuck hasn't been texting her for a while, because he's staying at one of his dad's hotels in a different country.

I'm also starting to like Chuck a lot more. I always fall for the Casanova types xD He seems like he's been in love with Blair for a while now, and when they showed Blair going into the room with Nate, the look on Chuck's face made me feel sad for him =[

09-12-2008, 01:08 AM
Chuck and Blair are so perfect for each other. They have so much awesome potential if they ever try and scheme against someone else, it's just really great.

I kind of wish they had kept Chuck as the super super creeper jerk that he was in season 1, episode 1, but hey, he's still awesome.

Season 2 has the only thing that Gossip Girls as a crack show was missing: A guy with a British accent. I mean, I know the guy who plays Chuck is not American, but since he plays an American, it doesn't count.

I think the show is really about Blair and Chuck since most of the other characters are boring. Especially Dan/Serena blah.

Though I do think that this show is very tacky with its product placement.

09-13-2008, 02:32 PM

When I found out Chuck's real actor was British, I was all starry-eyed. Gotta love them Brit boys!

I find Blair's newest toy to be...well, I suppose since he's British he's ok, but he's just not Chuck!

Need moar Chair, imho.

And yeah, I have to agree with you on the SerenaxDan thing...Okay, the unlikely romance was cute at first, but it gets old, you know?

I think they're making Season 2 more about BlairxChuck since, like you said, the other characters are boring!

09-14-2008, 03:01 AM
I've never actually considered watching this show. Not that I have anything against it, I just never got the urge to watch it.

I'd probably like it though if I gave it a chance =P

Fate Fatale
09-28-2008, 05:55 AM
I feel quite ashamed to watch this show, but everytime it's on, I just HAVE to watch. It's so enthralling that even the bad parts interest me. It's the first of its kind to pique my interest. I never cared for One Tree Hill, or The OC at all, but this show just makes me feel like a teenage girl, which I am not. I very much have a penis.

09-29-2008, 12:20 AM
I've never seen it but I wouldn't mind doing so. I would kill babies if Kristen Bell asked me to.

Madame Adequate
09-29-2008, 02:26 AM
Oh come now Mister Bun Bun. You would kill babies with no provocation or encouragement.

09-29-2008, 02:34 AM
I've never watched this show, but I had a girl at school believing that I watched it religiously, along with Gilmore Girls. I would come in and be like "OMG did you see what [insert name here] did last night on Gossip Girl? DRAMA!"

09-29-2008, 03:31 AM
Oh come now Mister Bun Bun. You would kill babies with no provocation or encouragement.

I know many of your sexual fantasies involve me getting raped up the butt hole by a 320-pound black guy called 'Bubba', MILF, but I just don't share the same desires. Now, if there were a way for me not to get caught or not held accountable for my actions, well, then we could talk.

09-29-2008, 12:58 PM
I wouldn't touch this show with a ten foot pole.

Fate Fatale
10-11-2008, 08:06 PM
I wouldn't touch this show with a ten foot pole.

But it's soooo gooood!

10-13-2008, 12:37 AM
I've never seen it but I wouldn't mind doing so. I would kill babies if Kristen Bell asked me to.

As much as I love Kristen Bell, her part in Gossip Girls is so bad! Not that she does it poorly, but it's just so silly.

As far as killing goes, I'd kill the entire cast of this show (except Bell) to put VM back on air. As much as I do enjoy watching it, Veronica Mars was so much better!

Uh, in a more on topic topic, I love Dan and Chuck spending more time on screen together. Oh, and seriously, what is up with Jenny?

10-13-2008, 04:11 AM
Back when the books just started to come out, I actually read them xD So embarrassing, but I was like 12 or something; I really fucking loved them. However, I did soon come to my senses, and when I heard they were making a tv show out of it I was like oh my god what. :|

I have seen I think....maybe one episode? When absolutely NOTHING else was on. When I didn't like it I wasn't very surprised.

But I can understand the appeal. :P And of course, now that I know it's bad, I might be drawn to it! There is something delicious about indulging in awful television shows.

Fate Fatale
10-15-2008, 03:18 AM
Bah, I need some sort of DVR because I keep missing the show. :/

10-15-2008, 12:29 PM
most hilarious catfight ever!

I Took the Red Pill
10-15-2008, 06:09 PM
No, but almost all of the girls on my hall get together and watch it when it's on. If you walk into that room and so much as whisper, they'll bite your head off for interrupting. I watched about 10 minutes of it with them once. I proceeded to go to my room, lie on my bed, and weep for three straight hours. Seriously. I hope this is one of those "guilty pleasure" shows for you all, because the writing is beyond compare (in a bad way).