View Full Version : Animes That I Do Not Watch But Everyone Else Does (and their mangas)

09-11-2008, 04:17 AM
A quote:

Anyway, so I'm only 3 volumes into Bleach, but I'm ready to list the reasons why it's better than Naruto (of which I read ~32 volumes):

-- The narrative pacing is actual...narrative pacing.
-- Girls do things other than whine about Sasuke
-- It's a personal preference, but I like the art style more
-- A single fight does not take 6 volumes to reach its conclusion
-- Characters do not spend entire fights explaining the flow of their chakra, or explaining in great detail how their SEKRIT ULTIMATE MOVE works. I like this. I don't care about the schemantics behind somebody's bad-ass fight move. I care about who gets hit, who hit them, how cool it looks, and who dies afterward.
-- It's actually funny, when it tries to be funny
-- The characterization that protagonist Ichigo gets in volume 3 makes me care about him a lot more than I ever cared about the protagonist of Naruto.
Now this is related to the manga, but would you say this was accurate?

I know very little about naruto and absolutely nothing about bleach, so uh, ITT you try to teach me about them :D

The Unknown Guru
09-11-2008, 04:28 AM
Why on Earth would you possibly want to learn about Naruto? :Oo:

09-11-2008, 04:32 AM
inb4narutard and who said that everyone else reads/watches that stuff?

From what I have seen, Bleach does try harder and comes off as plain better. But the fangirls love Sasuke because he is emo and a jerk and shiz. The general manga required character, of course.

Also, inb4 narutosuxihasntwatcheditlol.

Moon Rabbits
09-11-2008, 04:36 AM
Naruto sucks, save yourself and don't even start it.

I know nothing about Bleach, but I've heard it's good. Generally I like to go for anime / manga that is short and to the point, not drawn out over ridiculous lengths.

My recommendations:

Azumanga Daioh
Angel Sanctuary
Cowboy Bebop
Codename: Sailor V
Shakugan no Shana
Glass Mask
Hell Teacher Nube
Honey x Honey Drops
The Rose of Versailles

Bolded for extra awesome.

And, the grandmother of all shojo and super team manga:

There, I saved you from reading 200 volume bland uninspired Naruto/Bleach drabness.

EDIT: Did I mention Naruto sucks? Naruto sucks.

09-11-2008, 04:37 AM
Naruto seems more kid friendly and Bleach seems more adult. But in the end they're both just neverending fight fight fight fight shows that get old as crap after a while, like DBZ, except without any nolstalgia factor for me.

09-11-2008, 04:37 AM
Why on Earth would you possibly want to learn about Naruto? :Oo:

Seriously, Naruto sucks bigtime...And Bleach tries WAY too hard. But I would watch Bleach nonetheless because it's really the only good anime on lately...

09-11-2008, 04:43 AM
And, the grandmother of all shojo and super team manga:

The only animu you will ever need.


09-11-2008, 04:46 AM
And, the grandmother of all shojo and super team manga:

The only animu you will ever need.


God please stop...XD...I rather destroy my mind senseless watching ALL of DBZ knowing they will stall the series with fights, explanations, and horrible comedy which is one of the best anime's I've even seen...XD

09-11-2008, 04:48 AM
The little I have seen of both failed miserably to impress me.

09-11-2008, 04:50 AM
Everyone here already knows my opinion on Naruto. But for those who don't: On MyAnimeList.net, my list of anime I voluntarily watched rarely drops below a 7 out of 10. Most of the stuff I watch gets an 8, 9, or 10. However, I have 2 low scores, under my 'Dropped' list. The first one is Peach Girl, which I thought was going to be a cutesy moe anime, but it ended up being the most god-awful afternoon high school drama queen drivel I have ever seen. I gave it a 1 out of 10. The other is Naruto. I would give it lower than a 1 if I could, but 1 has to suffice.

As for Bleach, I haven't seen much of the anime, but I've read a couple volumes of the manga, and found it to be decent. Not good enough that I'd go out of my way to watch it, but decent. Definitely better than Naruto if you ask me.

As for recommendations (put in alphabetical order of mostly everything I've recorded on my list-- for simplicity, *s add emphasis on ones that I find particularly exceptional):
Fruits Basket
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni*
Ichigo Mashimaro*
Kare Kano (US name: His and Her Circumstances)
Kodomo no Jikan* (rather controversial, watch at your own risk)
Mahou Sensei Negima!
Rozen Maiden*
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
School Days* (do not let the first half of the series turn you off, it gets so much better in the end)
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann*
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya*
Tsukuyomi -Moon Phase-*

09-11-2008, 05:20 AM
I would say the description of bleach is accurate although it starts off fast due to the weak initial challenges and the lower character count. As soon as the challenge level rises the number of characters shoot through the roof as well...then it gets slow but they explain and give most of the characters back stories.

It is up to issue 350 or something crazy like that and I think it has slowed down too much. Mainly because the enemies are just are not interesting.

I don't know. It is a fight fight fight thing but oh well. The characters are what kept it interesting to me as the story moves too slowly to really grip you due to the nature of these fight fight fight things XP

09-11-2008, 05:25 AM
I think it's important to keep the demographics of the material in mind. Naruto, Bleach, DBZ, Yu Gi Oh, etc... they are all aimed at the same general audience of young boys, generally low teens and younger. Older people can certainly enjoy them, but you can't really bash them for being simplistic or repetitive because of who they're targeted at.

For what they are, when it gets down to the core of it, Naruto and Bleach are pretty good.

But for a lot of people like me who are older or just plain tired of the genre, there are a lot more things out there. I get the impression that rubah is both female *and* over the age of 13, so she's a little ways out of the target demographic. There are far more fulfilling things out there to get 'educated' on in the world of anime/manga.

...it's really the only good anime on lately...
I'll assume you're talking about US broadcast anime, and not anime you can either buy or watch through digital fansubs. An easy assumption to make, but the mere presence of Gurren Lagann on SciFi defies that statement.

There's some other worthwhile stuff broadcasting now too. Bleach on Adult Swim is flanked by 3 pretty decent anime. Shin Chan which comes before it is pretty darn funny if you can stomach its brand of humour. Code Geass, while not exactly highly intellectual, is a hell of a lot of fun to watch. I was incredibly surprised to suddenly see Seirei no Moribito playing on adult swim one recent late night. I've mentioned the show a few times here, but in this linked thread (http://forums.eyesonff.com/lounge/113438-your-top-5-favorite-least-favorite-anime-series.html) I give a little more detail (and so does Spatvark!)

Look around. There's a lot of good stuff that isn't too hard to find.

Wolf Kanno
09-11-2008, 06:00 AM
Both series have their strengths and their faults. I'm going to be fair with you. The first priority is that if you decide to watch either or both. Do it by yourself and make sure you have a few episodes in a row that you can watch. Both series are painfully slow to start. In fact overall, I feel Naruto has a stronger start since its not cliche "monster of the week" garbage. Both series have obnoxious fanbases and I advise not watching them with fans...

Naruto has a better pace when it comes to introducing characters and making you like them. In fact Naruto's supporting cast is generally more interesting and endearing than the main cast. Bleach starts off really slow introducing characters to you and then it starts massive character dumps. Seriously, the cast almost triples when the Soul Society arc begins. The author likes introducing 20 or 30 characters at a time with long stretches of nothing in-between. He does a better job in the Espada/Hueco Mundo arc but at times the plot gets rather confusing cause you're just trying to figure out who is who.

As for the main casts, Naruto is likable in the Japanese version or manga version. Sasuke is a bit whiny and selfish but he actually starts off somewhat likable and becomes more of an asshole as the story goes on. Sakura is annoying and obnoxious, she gets slightly better later...much much later I'm afraid. Luckily her story segments are unimportant and can be skipped. :D Kakashi is pretty awesome though. Seriously you watch the series for everyone else.

For Bleach, Ichigo is atypical Shonen main character. He has a bit of Yusuke (of Yu Yu Hakusho fame) in him but is unable to really move past the cliche's I'm afraid. Orihime is awesome in the beginning and eventually becomes just as obnoxious as Sakura I'm afraid. Chad is awesome but gets quickly overshadowed by other characters, Rukia is a nice change of pace for female heroines but regretfully goes off duty for a large part of the series (I think she caught emo) where you occasionally check in and listen to her drone on about how worthless she is. She gets better but not for awhile I'm afraid. Uryu is pretty cool but like many characters in Bleach, he gets quickly overshadowed by other newer characters introduced.

The fighting aspect in both is about equal. Both try to shy away from "DBZ all out brawls" but both succumb and generally more often than you think. Luckily both also have enough characters with unusual abilities that make for more thought provoking battles. The type that are more about brains than brawn and luckily these are also used more often than you think.

Story-wise Naruto started off really strong but eventually falls to pieces about the time the story jumps 2 years into the future. The Jump for the most part feels like the author is rushing through tying up all the loose ends rather and finishing the series off instead of a continuation.

Bleach is long winded. Its story arcs are pretty long and mostly spent on trying to introduce you to the swarms of new characters introduced. Outside of pacing the plot is good but for the most part feels like its always just promising "something good" later on. Even from where I am up to it feels like everything is just leading up to some glorious plot twist that will tear the whole story asunder. Basically, the story keeps feeling like something good is about to happen around the corner. Never mind its almost the same length in volumes as Naruto which is finally finishing up.

As for which medium to enjoy them. The Naruto anime is quite exceptional if only cause its soundtrack is amazing. Also, a really good animation team comes in and does the really memorable battles from the series and they are easily the best I've seen in uber long serialized series. Though if you do watch the anime, do Japanese. Not because the english is outright terrible but only cause most subs don't bother with Naruto's obnoxious catch phrase.

As for Bleach, read the manga, the anime does no justice for the manga especially concerning the battles which feel like they are all battling in invisible molasses in the anime. The soundtrack is also terrible. Its been a long time since I've watched an anime that has a soundtrack that detracts from the story.

Also, I second going through Bishojo Senshi Sailor Moon. Though in its case. Watch the first three seasons and then go through the whole manga. The manga is as usual better. :cool:

09-11-2008, 06:24 AM
Naruto is a very long, average series.

Also, if you say the newer bleach characters are boring, you have not seen Charlotte Cuulhorne. Here is a picture of him. Bleach 320 page 19 | One Manga (http://www.onemanga.com/Bleach/320/19/)

Bleach is a series that follows Ichigo Kurosaki, a teenage boy who can see and communicate with ghosts. It follows his story as he has a run in with Shinigami Rukia Kuchiki, and learns of the existance of bad spirits called hollows. When Rukia is injured, Ichigo takes up her job in defeating hollows before they cause damage.

The series starts off average, but I find that it picks up really quickly at the Soul Society Arc. Also, the end of the Soul Society arc has a HUGE plot twist that is completely unexpected.

Bleach is popular because it is a very well written series

09-11-2008, 06:55 AM
i only saw the anime for bleach (and naruto...which i still like)...but its really good started a little slow and then the pace just picked up....unfortunatley it got to the fillers at a really bad time and i stopped watching after the bounto story...even im wondering if its bounced back!

09-11-2008, 07:09 AM
i only saw the anime for bleach (and naruto...which i still like)...but its really good started a little slow and then the pace just picked up....unfortunatley it got to the fillers at a really bad time and i stopped watching after the bounto story...even im wondering if its bounced back!
As far a filler goes, the bount arc is actually really well done compared to other filler (Naruto)

After the bount arc is the arrancar arc. Since the bount arc is filler, you can skip it, but there are a few details that you won't get in the arrancar arc. (Some character references)

09-11-2008, 03:38 PM
Yeah the Bleach fillers really aren't bad at all. In fact the current filler arc is actually pretty damn good as far as they go. Bleach is awesome casual viewing for mine, don't have to think to much about it, samurai style people do cool <img src="http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/rpg_009.gif" alt="skull" /><img src="http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/rpg_009.gif" alt="skull" /><img src="http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/rpg_009.gif" alt="skull" /><img src="http://forums.eyesonff.com/images/smilies/rpg_009.gif" alt="skull" /> that makes things explode and people die. The story arcs are alright, if a little teen angsty at times. But yeah it's just an enjoyable series to sit back and read/watch. And then every now and then it drops something totally awesome on you. Most of the characters are great as well, can't think of many that I don't like in some way.

09-11-2008, 03:53 PM
I prefer Bleach. The first season was my favorite! Then it went the way of many others of its kind and it didn't seem as awesome and unique to me. Still pretty good, though.

The key to enjoying these anime is to not watch them one episode a week and skip filler if it bores you xD

The manga I haven't read, and I don't watch Naruto anymore. It's Sasuke this and Sasuke that. They should just let him be IMHO. Neat music, though.

09-11-2008, 04:16 PM
Gintama + Samurai Champloo. Yes, please.

I would start recommending alternatives to Naruto, but the stuff I watch is not exactly the easiest to start with, thematically speaking. Haruhi is a great gateway drug and crack is easily obtainable good animu to start with. Or Pokemon, season one. Only season one. There are no Pokemon past 151.

09-11-2008, 04:37 PM
The soundtrack is also terrible. Its been a long time since I've watched an anime that has a soundtrack that detracts from the story.

"If you want to see some action...
got to be the center

My god, the first time I heard this I laughed so hard. It was kind of a badass moment for Ichigo, and this song was just so out there. I later found out (after I stopped watching) that the same guy who's in charge of Bleach's soundtrack also did Evangelion's.

Funny how you mention Ichigo's similarity to Yu Yu Yusuke. It never really crossed my mind before, but Bleach is *a lot* like Yu Yu Hakusho.

Gintama is awesome. Yes.

You might want to check out Soul Eater (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DfBKBqt4SY&fmt=18) too, it's a similarly targeted show, but it's been pre-set for 51 episodes so you can expect things to be pretty tight. The production value of the average Soul Eater episode is much higher than you would find in an average Naruto or Bleach episode--something to be expected for a show with a designated time frame and veteran staff. If you liked Full Metal Alchemist, a lot of the creative forces behind that show are making Soul Eater. Check it out.

09-11-2008, 04:40 PM
Some of the Bleach songs are fairly dire yes, but some of them are also fairly awesome. In fact there have been better songs the longer it's gone on, since the Arrancars came into it and now in this new filler arc there are some quality songs. Also the Diamond Dust Rebellion has a fucking badass soundtrack.

09-11-2008, 04:42 PM
Or Pokemon, season one. Only season one. There are no Pokemon past 151.

God yes. The later seasons are awful.

09-11-2008, 06:12 PM
Watch Gurren Lagaan on Sci-Fi. :p

09-11-2008, 06:53 PM
Watch Gurren Lagaan on Sci-Fi. :p

Or better, get the DVDs and watch it in Japanese like it's supposed to be heard. Simon's voice in the dub is so fucking irritating it almost makes it hard to watch. Yoko's and Ron's voices are perfect though.

09-11-2008, 07:28 PM
Generally I like to go for anime / manga that is short and to the point, not drawn out over ridiculous lengths.

My recommendations:
* Cowboy Bebop

You seem to have a logic error there, based on what I've watched of bebop.

*reads rest of thread*

09-11-2008, 10:29 PM
You seem to have a logic error there, based on what I've watched of bebop.

*reads rest of thread*

Not really. Compared to a good number of very popular shonen shows, Bebop is short. Its narrative style is almost completely self-contained; you don't need most of the other episodes to appreciate the one that you're watching. 26 episodes versus 200+ along with an upcoming second season? Bebop gets to the point pretty damn quickly. The point of course, is that Spike is awesome.

I can suggest Baccano!, which is plain awesome, and it works great with appealing to the Western tastes. Its only flaw is that it is confusing for a grand total of 8 minutes into the first episode. Or anything CLAMP, because their style of writing is able to appeal to males and females equally.

09-11-2008, 11:16 PM
I like Kanno's post so pretend like I quoted him.

But let me warn you, the Naruto anime has these occasional episodes where the quality just turns into remorseless eye torture. *cough*fillerarcs*cough*

After the Time Skip, I've stuck to the manga, save for a few anime adaptions of badass parts in the manga. Well, every chapter of the manga is awesome because: NO CRAPPY FILLERS.

Make sure if you're trying to pick 'the right anime' don't watch it one episode a week, try and find a good place to start and go on from there. ( like the beginning, lol ) And don't start watching with a bias, think of all this stuff as factors on which one to choose first, and all those other great animes/mangas that were suggested.

09-12-2008, 12:17 AM
Watch Gurren Lagaan on Sci-Fi. :p

Or better, get the DVDs and watch it in Japanese like it's supposed to be heard. Simon's voice in the dub is so smurfing irritating it almost makes it hard to watch. Yoko's and Ron's voices are perfect though.

lol @ self loathing weeaboo rage.

09-12-2008, 12:34 AM
Watch Gurren Lagaan on Sci-Fi. :p

Or better, get the DVDs and watch it in Japanese like it's supposed to be heard. Simon's voice in the dub is so smurfing irritating it almost makes it hard to watch. Yoko's and Ron's voices are perfect though.

lol @ self loathing wapanese rage.

lol @ unsuccessful trolling. There was no self loathing rage in there at all. I'm not you, after all.

09-12-2008, 12:49 AM
Well as long as we're recommending stuff, Trigun is definitely my favorite action anime. I just love the little kitty that pops up everywhere.

09-12-2008, 01:06 AM
The only anime that I watch that no one else does (that other people would actually be interested in watching) is Galaxy Angel. Then again, Aerith's Knight and Creeping Shadow watched it (and enjoyed it) as well since I got them interested in it.

I guess that leaves Bomberman Jetters and F-Zero: GP Legends although I doubt anyone besides me would be interested in those (especially JTrix who abhors the F-Zero anime. I know the animation is quite ugly but the story is quite good. It's also quite neat seeing the stories behind most of the F-Zero racers).

black orb
09-12-2008, 03:17 AM
>>> Im into the naruto manga right now, its pretty fun because there is no end to the crazy and absurd ninja techniques that kishimoto is constantly creating.
well, Im a Jump fan so I like everything that comes from there..

09-12-2008, 03:30 AM
Well as long as we're recommending stuff, Trigun is definitely my favorite action anime. I just love the little kitty that pops up everywhere.

I was a fan of kuroneko long before I knew what trigun was :D

09-12-2008, 05:10 AM
Watch Gurren Lagaan on Sci-Fi. :p

Or better, get the DVDs and watch it in Japanese like it's supposed to be heard. Simon's voice in the dub is so smurfing irritating it almost makes it hard to watch. Yoko's and Ron's voices are perfect though.

lol @ self loathing wapanese rage.

lol @ unsuccessful trolling. There was no self loathing rage in there at all. I'm not you, after all.

It's even funnier when they deny it. :D

09-12-2008, 05:28 AM
Maybe you can point out the self-loathing rage in saying a single voice actor sucks, because I don't see it.

09-12-2008, 05:34 AM
Maybe you can point out the self-loathing rage in saying a single voice actor sucks, because I don't see it.

Then you need to lurk moar.

But then again, you are from Canada, the front runner of horrible dubbing, so your failure to understand is expected.

09-12-2008, 05:57 AM
I know what self (http://forums.eyesonff.com/2555662-post1.html)-loathing (http://forums.eyesonff.com/2509921-post115.html) looks (http://forums.eyesonff.com/2505380-post48.html) like (http://forums.eyesonff.com/2503267-post1.html) and that's not it. (http://forums.eyesonff.com/2496697-post10.html)

09-12-2008, 06:05 AM
This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object.

09-12-2008, 06:30 AM
I know what self (http://forums.eyesonff.com/2555662-post1.html)-loathing (http://forums.eyesonff.com/2509921-post115.html) looks (http://forums.eyesonff.com/2505380-post48.html) like (http://forums.eyesonff.com/2503267-post1.html) and that's not it. (http://forums.eyesonff.com/2496697-post10.html)

What do any of those links have to do with self loathing?

Or right, nothing. lol we<i></i>aboos.

Azure Chrysanthemum
09-12-2008, 07:32 AM
As a long-time fan of Bleach, let me first say that based on Kubo Tite's comments from Zombie Powder, he knows exactly what he's doing - making a fighting manga that you don't have to think too hard about.

I loved DBZ when I was little for the over-the-top explodey fight scenes, and I think Bleach is a great spiritual successor. DK had it right when he said it's something you can just watch casually. Bleach's strength, however, is that it has a huge cast of generally interesting characters (barring Ichigo, amusingly enough, who is generally kind of eh). It also has a pretty wacky sense of humor, and is great for light entertainment.

That said, Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann is the pinnacle of shounen fighting spirit and awesome and I highly recommend it. I'll throw in another vote for the subs, since I wasn't too impressed with some of the dub voices, although some are quite good. It's more hit-or-miss though, whereas the Japanese is generally good quality overall.

09-12-2008, 05:20 PM
...it's really the only good anime on lately...
I'll assume you're talking about US broadcast anime, and not anime you can either buy or watch through digital fansubs. An easy assumption to make, but the mere presence of Gurren Lagann on SciFi defies that statement.

There's some other worthwhile stuff broadcasting now too. Bleach on Adult Swim is flanked by 3 pretty decent anime. Shin Chan which comes before it is pretty darn funny if you can stomach its brand of humour. Code Geass, while not exactly highly intellectual, is a hell of a lot of fun to watch. I was incredibly surprised to suddenly see Seirei no Moribito playing on adult swim one recent late night. I've mentioned the show a few times here, but in this linked thread (http://forums.eyesonff.com/lounge/113438-your-top-5-favorite-least-favorite-anime-series.html) I give a little more detail (and so does Spatvark!)

Look around. There's a lot of good stuff that isn't too hard to find.

I see. I have seen Seirei no Moribito since it starting airing and it is a very good anime. But It's gonna have to keep growing to hold my interest and I'm sure it will. As for Code Geass, I'm not gonna even bored with the poor excuse for a headache. If I wanted a REAL headache, I'd watch something like Eureka 7 which is little difference.

But Shin Chan is pretty damn funny. I love that show...XD...and I don't watch Sci-fi. But with all that said and done, it's just opinions...:cool:

09-13-2008, 02:14 AM
Serial Experiments Lain is the ultimate headache inducing anime :kaodizzy:

09-13-2008, 02:39 AM
Transcendence starts with ef - a tale of memories. I said it once, I'll say it again.

09-13-2008, 03:17 AM
Watch Gurren Lagaan on Sci-Fi. :p

Or better, get the DVDs and watch it in Japanese like it's supposed to be heard. Simon's voice in the dub is so smurfing irritating it almost makes it hard to watch. Yoko's and Ron's voices are perfect though.

lol @ self loathing wapanese rage.

lol @ unsuccessful trolling. There was no self loathing rage in there at all. I'm not you, after all.

It's even funnier when they deny it. :D

I know what self (http://forums.eyesonff.com/2555662-post1.html)-loathing (http://forums.eyesonff.com/2509921-post115.html) looks (http://forums.eyesonff.com/2505380-post48.html) like (http://forums.eyesonff.com/2503267-post1.html) and that's not it. (http://forums.eyesonff.com/2496697-post10.html)

What do any of those links have to do with self loathing?

Or right, nothing. lol we<i></i>aboos.

I sense epic irony.

Also, for your information: I like who I am. Can you say the same for yourself?

Moon Rabbits
09-13-2008, 04:55 AM
Rowr, simmer children.

Serial Experiments Lain is the ultimate headache inducing anime :kaodizzy:

Lain is awesome. And it has the best opening theme (http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=T0N5YblvT1c) of any show ever

09-13-2008, 05:07 AM
Tengen Toppa's OP is still better. And SZS's. And Baccano!'s. But that's okay, I'll forgive you this time.

Wolf Kanno
09-13-2008, 05:17 AM
The soundtrack is also terrible. Its been a long time since I've watched an anime that has a soundtrack that detracts from the story.

"If you want to see some action...
got to be the center

My god, the first time I heard this I laughed so hard. It was kind of a badass moment for Ichigo, and this song was just so out there. I later found out (after I stopped watching) that the same guy who's in charge of Bleach's soundtrack also did Evangelion's.

Funny how you mention Ichigo's similarity to Yu Yu Yusuke. It never really crossed my mind before, but Bleach is *a lot* like Yu Yu Hakusho.

That was what I was thinking of when I wrote that. God, that song kills that scene but it was pretty hilarious. :D

09-13-2008, 05:51 AM
A quote:

Anyway, so I'm only 3 volumes into Bleach, but I'm ready to list the reasons why it's better than Naruto (of which I read ~32 volumes):

-- The narrative pacing is actual...narrative pacing.
-- Girls do things other than whine about Sasuke
-- It's a personal preference, but I like the art style more
-- A single fight does not take 6 volumes to reach its conclusion
-- Characters do not spend entire fights explaining the flow of their chakra, or explaining in great detail how their SEKRIT ULTIMATE MOVE works. I like this. I don't care about the schemantics behind somebody's bad-ass fight move. I care about who gets hit, who hit them, how cool it looks, and who dies afterward.
-- It's actually funny, when it tries to be funny
-- The characterization that protagonist Ichigo gets in volume 3 makes me care about him a lot more than I ever cared about the protagonist of Naruto.
Now this is related to the manga, but would you say this was accurate?

I know very little about naruto and absolutely nothing about bleach, so uh, ITT you try to teach me about them :D

I guess I differ from a lot of people on this, but for me, Bleach went downhill after the Kingfisher arc, and basically lost all the momentum of awesomeness that it'd built up. On the other hand, I actually quite like Naruto. God knows it has its flaws (and deeper ones than some of the more superficial ones mentioned so far), but it's kept me entertained for quite a long time.

You seem to have a logic error there, based on what I've watched of bebop.

*reads rest of thread*

Not really.

There's what, three, four, episodes of actual plot? Everything else is just filler. Good filler, no denying that, but filler nonetheless.

09-13-2008, 06:20 AM
I agree about that one song in Bleach. I love every song on the first OST but that one ._.

Head in the Clouds is my favorite!

09-13-2008, 08:54 AM
Anyway, so I'm only 3 volumes into Bleach, but I'm ready to list the reasons why it's better than Naruto (of which I read ~32 volumes):
-- A single fight does not take 6 volumes to reach its conclusion
-- Characters do not spend entire fights explaining the flow of their chakra, or explaining in great detail how their SEKRIT ULTIMATE MOVE works. I like this. I don't care about the schemantics behind somebody's bad-ass fight move. I care about who gets hit, who hit them, how cool it looks, and who dies afterward.

This person hasnt read enough bleach. He/she'll probably change his/her mind when he/she hears the word, "Zanpakuto's name"

Anyway I enjoy both anime's quite abit untill they got to the fillers. Naruto fillers went for way too long and then after that they made the story pace really slowly which is why i started reading the manga, but reading a battle isnt as fun as watching one. Bleach fillers just bored me and the thing that annoyed me was that they kept the mod souls when it ended. Sure some people might like the mod souls but every time they intefere i cant help thinking that theyre not meant to be there and theyre just intefereing with the main story. I know it might be unrealistic to want the characters to just pretend that the bounto or bounds or boundos or whatever never existed but I would enjoy it alot more.

09-14-2008, 12:40 AM
at first i thought bleach was better up until ichigo reached bankai. it should have ended after that making it a short series and the final fight with eizon being there as well. but then they put in fillers and i hate fillers.

as for naruto once sasuke left i stopped caring much cause the remaining episodes were mainly fillers until shippuden. shippuden all though in Japanese is mainly good. sakura starts kicking ass. unfortunately 2 years of training has seemed to teach no one any new techniques. but when theres fight scenes they are pretty good at least with sasori. ive kept up with the manga's online and they're starting to get annoying i just want the series to end all ready.

my opinion. go watch death note a fraction of the episodes and so much better.

09-14-2008, 02:52 AM
Sailor Moon all the way!

Though Nana is pretty popular isn't it? I thought it was pretty good.