View Full Version : Saints Row

10-03-2008, 03:28 AM
YouTube - Buggy Saints Row: The Musical (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9l_YN-yRCVY)
Ah yes. A fine game, made by a fine company.

Anyone else looking forward to the second game?

I kinda want to see some of the bugs return. It was half the hilarity of the first game.

Carl the Llama
10-03-2008, 03:38 AM
I LOVED Saints Row, one of my all time fave non RPG games, funny thing is I got the yellow part of the city domanated first and got the best car lol, havent played the game in like forever though as I had it on the 360 and dont own one of them anymore, think I might buy it with some of my birthday money thinking about it... it is on the PS3 isnt it? im not sure as my memory is a bit pants.

10-03-2008, 03:51 AM
Haha that was pretty awesome. I only had the "fall through the floor" glitch happen once, and other than that I was fine.

I think Saints Row set out to be a GTA clone, and it suceeded (and surpassed it in some areas) as far as gameplay went. However, the city, the characters, the gangs, the radio stations, the shops etc. all felt like they had no soul to them, and were lacking the wit and verve that GTA often has. Hopefully they've added a bit more humour to SR2 and made the city more vibrant, and yeah, it could well top GTA IV.

Either way, should be good, and I'm getting it.