View Full Version : Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles - season 2 premiere

Big D
10-08-2008, 10:29 AM
The first episode of series two has just aired in my country; in fact, I'm writing this during the commercial breaks, so please forgive the crummy formatting and editting.

The first season was pretty awesome, regardless of how much QQ was going on about "canon" and "epicness" and "Linda Hamilton FAIL" from the die-hard fanatics.

So far, the second season is looking to be even better - great opening minutes, despite a serious deus ex machina.

Some great character moments and interactions.

Squick: Cameron repairing her damaged face with a staple gun. Her point-of-view shots are in colour now, which is neat - I reckon we'll be seeing a lot more first-person scenes.

Cromartie's going to remain a major villain, I think, only more complex than before. There's also a new Terminator on the scene, but I'll let people find out about that for themselves.

This one episode managed to be frightening, exciting, tense, sad, and intriguing. This bodes very well for the season ahead.

:edit: Ok... I see this actually aired a month ago in the US. Never mind, then. Just my local network frothing about "be one of the first in the world to see it, omgf!!1"

10-08-2008, 11:27 AM
Haha yeah, I noticed that blatantly false claim on the ad! I'd never actually seen an episode before so it left me thinking "Surely that must be a lie...". :p

I really, really liked what I saw though. Maybe I'll actually keep up with this series.

Big D
10-08-2008, 12:04 PM
In that case, you might wanna catch up on the first series - loads of backstory and exposition there.

The Ceej
10-08-2008, 07:21 PM
I have the first season on Blu-ray. It was great.

Then, I saw the season premier this year. Cinematically speaking, best thing I've ever seen. Ever. Seriously. I'd never cried during Terminator before that. Then, there was last week's episode. All I'm saying is they better have a damn good explanation for that. I don't know how they went from "best thing ever" to "you got some s'plainin' to do, Friedman," in three weeks, but they did. Last night's episode was great as well, but they pretended like last week's episode never happened. I'm doing the same thing.

10-08-2008, 07:38 PM
The first season is available on Hulu. Nevermind they took them down. =(

I started watching the second season premiere but something came up and I couldn't finish it. Hopefully I can, I love Summer Glau.

The Ceej
10-09-2008, 04:41 PM
Her point-of-view shots are in colour now, which is neat - I reckon we'll be seeing a lot more first-person scenes.

Come to think of it, if I remember correctly, Cameron's termovision shots have always been in color. The T-888s' shots were the ones in infrared.

Of course, if you've been paying attention during the first season, you know that Cameron can switch her termovision from regular (which is what you see when it's in color), to infrared, to thermal vision, etc. If you've seen this, or her chip, you know she's more advanced. She falls somewhere between a T-888 and a T-1000.

The first season was pretty awesome, regardless of how much QQ was going on about "canon" and "epicness" and "Linda Hamilton FAIL" from the die-hard fanatics.

You're thinking of Terminator 3. That's the one that the die-hard fans <s>pretend</s> know doesn't exist. This show is the canonical followup to Terminator 2. And, if we can just pretend that last week's episode never happened, it will stay that way.