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10-20-2008, 08:40 AM
Some people have been around here for a very long time. When a new person comes to join the community, they could feel a little lost with all these people who are so well established in the community and have no idea who they are. Or sometimes we just get too caught up that we forget about the people we share this webspace with.

So, let's all take this opportunity to re-introduce yourself to everyone! It's like having a newbie thread all over again! :D I'll go first.

Hi everyone! :)
My name is Mathew, but most people online just call me Mitto. I'm 18 years old and live on the Gold Coast in Australia! I've been on EoFF for almost four years (holycrapholycrapholycrap) but I'm all over the place with my activity. I work part time, study full time and surf the net in my spare time (In particular, YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/mittopotahis)). I want to talk to you! So like, add me on msn or something if you want mittopotahis@hotmail.com =D ilybye! <3

(your turn)

Markus. D
10-20-2008, 11:05 AM
Hi everyone! :)
My name is Nik, but most people online just call me Nik. I'm 18 years old and live on the Gold Coast in Australia! I've been on EoFF for almost idk years (~!~!~!~!) but I'm rather zealous with my activity. I work part time, study part time (plan on full time) and play games in my spare time (In particular, GW/Granado Espada). I want to talk to you! So like, add me on msn or something if you want myfirstname_mylastname@hotmail.com (I'm not going to put it up publicly o_o) <3

10-20-2008, 12:21 PM
I never got my newb thread, so I'll post.
I'm Dakoda, but nearly everyone calls me Dik. I'm 16 years old, and I live on the Sunshine Coast (Australia). Unfortunately, I'm still in High School, but I'm doing a program through school which allows me to complete one subject per semester at the local university (which is neato imho). I've been here at EoFF for a while, but I've not been very regular until recently (past 6 months or so). In my spare time, I do crap all. Thanks to stupid assignments, I have very limited free time, but I try to fit in sport, friends and gaming :D

Dignified Pauper
10-20-2008, 12:35 PM
If you don't know me... you will.

I live in Ohio. I was banned for two years, and then some. I am valid. I've went under many aliases. Marick being the most famous. But for April Fools, I came in under "I got the jibbles" IT was classic. I have also met the following: Denmark, Enano, Jowy, Misfit, and I hope/believe that is all... If I have forgotten someone, my deepest apologies.

10-20-2008, 12:50 PM
Omfg I'm erikramza. If you don't know me, it's because you forgot, or joined after 2001.
I was the 6th to 8th original moderator here, about 8 or 9 years ago. My name then was Ramza Beoulve.

I left two times for reasons for about two to three years, so my total board time is anywhere from 3 - 4 years.

I've been banned and unbanned at least twice now, so believe in your dreams, kids.

I'm currently enlisted in the U.S. National Guard as my source of income, but am going active or volunteering for Iraq again if I don't have a civilian job by the end of the year.
I volunteered for missions to both Iraq, and Kosovo. I was an undesired mos for the mission to Iraq (they wanted MP's, I was a scout.), and the unit to go to Kosovo was already 120% strong, with few bolo's.

I WAS a scout. I recently went to Louisiana to train for my MP mos, which I so far regret. Scouts shoot things, MP's do paperwork. TONS of paperwork.

I have about 25+ applications in, and money is TIGHT right now.


10-20-2008, 02:10 PM
Hello! My name is Rye, or you can call me Jessica.

I'm 18 years old. I'm from New York, but I'm currently attending college in the tiniest state ever, Rhode Island. It's alright.

My major was Music Education for about 3 weeks, but I sing opera and adore music, but it was not what I was expecting, and the music ed people were weird, and I hated all of the professors. So now I'm an English Education major. Much better.

I also like art and photography, I used to those more often, I've been busy lately! I read like a bookworm and shop like a magpie hunts shinies. I like to write too, but I'm so shy about my writing.

I am a certified LJ addict. I'm not really on many other websites besides EoFF and LJ, and I guess YouTube and PostSecret.

I'm 5'0" tall. If I was 2 inches shorter, I could be a legal little person.

I used to have long brown hair, then red hair, but I sheared it and dyed it, so now it's short and black, like Rihanna's hair in Umbrella, but not as slick.

I am dating I'm My Own MILF/Huxley. I am studying abroad next year, to hopefully, University of Reading, and he's trying to go there as well.

I've been at EoFF for... wow, 6 years in December! I like to get involved a lot. I'm quite outgoing on the board, but I can be kind of shy sometimes.

I have a crush on MarshallBanana. :bigsmile:

Madame Adequate
10-20-2008, 02:44 PM
This one welcomes you warmly, wanderer! I hope you care for alliteration cake!

I have existed for a period of time and I have been a member of this illustrious website for a period of time equal to one seventh of the time for which I have existed. Time is arbitrary and birthdays are invalid!

I never did hear from that apple again. One supposes that this is an inevitable consequence of making an inveterate foe by eating an apple's brains.

Knowing things is good, but some contend that ignorance is bliss. I disagree! For if ignorance is bliss then how are there unhappy snails?

She's my paryedise <3

Sergeant Hartman
10-20-2008, 03:00 PM
My name is Sergeant Hartman and I'm an alcoholic. I have a disease and they dunno what to call it!

Yeah, I'm Matt, irl most people call me Pricey, and I'm 17 years old. At the moment I'm in college studying electronics, maths and music. I play the piano and I enjoy learning Final Fantasy pieces, but I do like to dabble in some classical every now and then :hat:

10-20-2008, 03:01 PM
My name is qwertyxsora and I like the color green.

10-20-2008, 03:22 PM

I live in England, I'm a casual gamer, and I like to read, write and draw things. I'm also pretty keen on fashion. I've been here for a couple of years, and I think I'm a little bit less of an idiot than I was when I joined.

and also berry vicious geek soot~

10-20-2008, 03:26 PM
Hey I'm Rantzien. I like to boogy woogy.

I'm more of an idiot than I was when I joined!

10-20-2008, 04:09 PM
Hey, they call me Montoya. I hang with a bunch of hippies and wacky tobacco planters.

I'm a college student, going to a university next semester and getting an office job that pays more than fast food.

Been here since 2002, but left and came back because I never forgot my password.

10-20-2008, 04:36 PM
Hi. My name is Matt and I am a war junky.

I enjoy web design, fantasy books, RPGS, and rocking the guitar. I grew up in the farmlands of Missouri but now I am a Scout Sniper in the Army. My favorite food is macaroni and cheese. I've been a member here for seven years now off and on but the last four years have been solid.

10-20-2008, 04:48 PM
My name is James. I'm a 26 year old insanity pepper. I work at a factory but am working toward becoming an RCMP (mountie). I live in Canada, if it weren't already obvious, am sarcastic and like to pretend I'm smarter than you.

I love RPGs and fantasy/sci fi/horror media of all kinds. If you want to add me to MSN, go ahead I talk to everyone at some point.


10-20-2008, 04:49 PM
ummmm hi?

i guess im neotifa. my real names erica, and i do not have sailor moon hair >_> im a freshmeat in college, majoring in computer engineering, and the military told me i was a waste of time (crushing all my dreams), so instead im earning income as a chefs!!!!! im so awesome, i can cut lettice in mid air!!! (theoretically, ive never tried it >_> itd probably end disasterously and thats food cost :shifty:). ummmmmmm... i know java, basic, c++ and a little visual basic, and im planning on minoring in either chinese, or graphic design.

10-20-2008, 05:20 PM
I'm Paul and I want to be your friend. Please pick me.

I wish I had a job but nobody will give one to me and when I tell people that, they say "oh it's because of the recession" and I sigh and agree, but really it's because I don't have the guts to tell them it's probably because I'm a registered sex offender. (I don't want to get into it, let's just say that I did some things that I shouldn't have done, and some turkeys shouldn't have dressed so sluttily, and leave it at that)

If you own a bank, please give me a job. I have special pills. They block out the thoughts 90% of the time, so it's cool. Just uh, just keep me away from poultry. Thanks in advance!

10-20-2008, 05:25 PM

10-20-2008, 05:42 PM
I'm Amy, I'm 16 and I'm from Northwest England, so I have horrendous slang. I'm in lower sixth at college studying English Literature, Sociology, Media Studies and Photography. It's all good. :thumb:

I love music and video games, my favourites have to be System of a Down, Scars on Broadway and The Rasmus for music, and Legend of Zelda (specifically OoT), Guitar Hero/Rock Band and Tales of Symphonia for video games.

I'm a typical 16 year old, with my money going on cinema tickets, alcohol, food, makeup and cigs. I am determined to plan an EoFF piss-up.

Goood timess.

10-20-2008, 05:52 PM
I'm known as THE JACKAL...
and apparently if you play Far Cry 2... you're trying to kill me... Good Luck!

"You don't find THE JACKEL, THE JACKEL finds you."


10-20-2008, 06:18 PM
Hi, my name is Bunny. I enjoy Ancient Rome History and collecting replicas of penises.

10-20-2008, 06:34 PM
hi, I'm rubah, also called allie. I will be your CK for this evening. I am 19 years old and will appreciate a birthday thread made on the appropriate day in December.

I'm studying mechanical engineering, which is pretty hard for me, so it takes a lot of studying I'm not really willing to do, but whatev I guess.

I like to read, make things, draw, sing, take pictures, etc etc etc everything basically.