View Full Version : BLASTED INFERNO! (spoils,prob)

10-30-2008, 04:24 PM
I HATE THIS....grrr....

Can any one help me?!?

It's that bloody Rubicante... In the Giant of baibl. earth blokey (forgot name) is easy, caganazzo - a bit harder, but still easy, Barbaccia - i can do it, but i hate her tornado attack. Then it's Rubicante...


I do well, edge throws shuricans, Rosa heals with curaga/ja, Cecil attacks and is usually beserked, Rydia used dragon when his cape is closed, shiva when it is open, and Fusoya used blizzaga and bless, although he does take other jobs, such as reviving the dead. This is my party:

Rosa - 62

yoichi bow, iron arrows
gold hairpin
sages surplice
diamond armlet

spirit - 70
hp - 2351
mp - 389

Edge - 55

kiku-ichimonji, kiku-ichimonji
green beret
black belt gi
diamond armlet

strength - 59
speed - 61
hp - 2783
mp - 180

Rydia - 61

blitz whip
gold hairpin
luminous robe
diamond armlet

intelect - 70
hp - 2355
mp - 648

Cecil - 64

poison axe, ice sheild
mythril helm
ice armor
mythril gloves

strength - 74
hp - 4134
mp - 266

Fusoya - 56

aura staff
sages miter
luminous robe
rune armlet

spirit - 53
intelect - 48
hp - 2006
mp - 190


10-30-2008, 04:36 PM
If you are playing DS version (which I assume you are) I had exactly the same problem. I'm a bit ashamed to say that I only solved the situation by leveling up like there was no tomorrow. The three weakest member in your party must have at the very least 3000 HP each except for Fusoya. Do not berserk Cecil as he can be useful as a healer. Have him use Cura at every turn so when Inferno comes he or Rosa will heal the injured as quick as possible. If you can, cast Shell on all of your party members (can easily be done at the start of the battle). Do not bother too much on reviving Fusoya if he dies, because he'll never go over 2600 HP anyway and he's most likely to die again and again,, keeping other party members from doing something more useful. And don't use magic to resurrect people; use Phoenix Downs, it's much faster.

10-30-2008, 05:39 PM
You're hitting him with Slow before the fight starts and remembering to buff up with Haste and Shell? I think he only used that once on me and I recovered pretty quickly.

Of course, don't take my advice as absolute, I've been stuck on the boss after that fight since about two days after it came out.

10-30-2008, 06:40 PM
Remember the cursed ring will give perfect protection from a elemental attack. Equip it with a fire shield if you have any left on somebody just so you don't have to worry about them dying.

I'd start by hasting rosa with an item since she takes so long to cast spells, have cecil cast shell on everybody, then take it from there. He has a nasty counterattack when his cape is closed, plus he absorbs elements. If you have Focus, you might want to give it to somebody with a non-elemental weapon, then use focus to lessen the number of counter attacks for the same amount of damage.

(I think he counters. it seemed like it to me but that was a couple of weeks ago that I fought him)

10-31-2008, 01:48 PM
Also if you have the Counter augment, give it to your strongest attacker; it helps to dispatch him faster.

11-01-2008, 10:15 PM
Augments are for sissies.