View Full Version : .-=* VEXILLE *=-. [Blu-Ray] * I dare you to read this.

11-05-2008, 10:45 PM
There are no words to describe just how unbelievably well done this movie is.

The animation, I can say right now, is unrivalled by any other movie that Hollywood or Disney or any other North American entity could even HOPE to accomplish. The amazing visual effects, further enhanced by being on Blu-Ray, are jaw-dropping. This style of animation is the FUTURE. I can even say that the animation from Square Enix in Final Fantasy XIII, when considering the official trailer, pales in comparison.

The story, another flawless aspect of this incredible movie. The only words I can find for it is: I am officially convinced that the Japanese have some of the greatest story-tellers ever to grace the face of this planet.

Whether you're a fan of Anime or not, whether you're afraid of being called a "geek" or "nerd" for watching something that is categorized as Anime, or even if you think 'cartoons' are 'uncool', I still enthusiastically support this movie and ANY recommendation to watch it. If there is any reason to buy into the Blu-Ray scene, this movie is well worth the price.
