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11-14-2008, 10:56 PM
Today a police officer stopped me while I was walking around NYC and said, "Excuse me, miss, how old are you?" He must have thought I was like twelve or something. I showed him my college ID and he was like "Oh, okay." It was really bizarre though, because I get comments that I look really young quite often. xD

Anywayz, do people ever think you're younger or older than you really are? Has that ever benefited and/or disadvantaged you?

11-14-2008, 10:58 PM
The homeowner whose house we were cleaning today asked me if I was married and had kids. :D

I hope I don't look that old... :(

11-14-2008, 11:22 PM
I look a good bit younger than I am. I always get hell for it at work, because a lot of the under-aged/barely legal women who come in want to flirt. Awkward.......

I know I will be carded for at least another 3 years.

11-14-2008, 11:55 PM
I've been mistaken for 16, and I've also been mistaken for someone older than 20. I'm 18.

I've also been mistaken for a girl before, too, most likely because of my voice.

11-14-2008, 11:58 PM
I look about my age, I think.

11-15-2008, 12:02 AM
The proudest day of my life was when I was like, 16 or 17 and a little kid called me a man. I'm usually too stubbled to look younger than I am these days.

Ko Ko
11-15-2008, 12:07 AM
All the men that hit on me think I'm at least 24 and then, they get all pissy when I'm 19 like I TRICKED THEM!

NYC is the worst for this. I feel you, Shiny.

11-15-2008, 12:15 AM
I had a french oral proficiency exam today and accidentally wrote the wrong year of birth (I put that I was a year younger than I am) on my test sheet. The dude I had to do it with freaked out, and thought I did it on purpose. This has little to do with the thread, so I'll add that I think I look my age, and if people think I'm older it's only by a year or two. No big difference.

11-15-2008, 12:27 AM
The proudest day of my life was when I was like, 16 or 17 and a little kid called me a man. I'm usually too stubbled to look younger than I am these days.

Yeah, it was totally weird, someone called me a man the other day and was totally serious about it.

That's not something I've ever been called, or even considered myself as. I figured I wouldn't be considered a man until I'm older, but hey, this works too.

11-15-2008, 12:39 AM
I was once mistaken for a werewolf. =/

Then Elvis. =s

Finally Wolverine. >=0 I do not look like Hugh Jackman goddamnit.

I look younger than I really am, maybe cause I'm tall and lanky with my suave face and ever present beard. Regardless it sucks to be 20 and look 17.

Marshall Banana
11-15-2008, 12:57 AM
Some people think that I'm twelve years old; some people think that I'm fourteen years old; and some people think that I'm sixteen years old. I'm not sure how old I look, but most people think that I'm a high school student. :snowman:

Aerith's Knight
11-15-2008, 01:08 AM
Apparently, I look about 4 years older than I am. The fact that if I don't shave I have half a beard in three days might have something to do with it.

Still, it made for some akward conversations back in the US where women approached me, I start hitting on them, and then they turn out to be a divorsed mother thinking I was 24 or so, and probably looking for a one-nighter or a sugar-daddy(I did work at the Nanotech, that's like being the jackpot for those girls).

11-15-2008, 01:34 AM
I'm generally mistaken for 21. When Hux and I went out to eat, we were offered all sorts of drinks. I don't think they would have carded us. I was nervous and unsure, so I didn't order them, but next time, I may well take advantage!

11-15-2008, 02:12 AM
People have thought that I'm older than I really am ever since my voice became deep. As far back as 12 people were mistaking me for my dad on the phone.
Just a couple of months ago I was drinking with some neighbors that were 23+ and they were surprised to find out I wasn't even old enough to buy beer. One of them thought I was 25.
It's never bothered me, really. I'm used to it.

11-15-2008, 04:26 AM
I look a ton younger than I am.

I was pouring myself some coffee one time and this older guy came up to me and demanded to know why I was drinking coffee. He was all, "what are you, 15??" (I'm 22). And I always always get carded when I'm buying alcohol. Or when I'm on the Casino floor in Vegas. :p

But I figure it'll benefit me in the long run. When I'm 40, I'll look 32!

11-15-2008, 04:29 AM
My face is (very) boyish, and I wear flashy colors. But my height gives it away. =D

11-15-2008, 11:54 AM
When I tell people my age, they're always like, "Whoa, November '87? I thought for sure you'd be at least a September kid!". And I'm like, "Yeah.

Thanks for THAT. :grr:"

11-15-2008, 01:40 PM
Thanks to my height, voice, and awesome genes, people always think I'm about 14, maybe 15.

11-15-2008, 03:42 PM
I look older than my mental age, at least.

Seriously, I look like I'm in my early twenties, and I'm about to (in 9 days) turn 29.

11-15-2008, 03:49 PM
Everyone thinks I'm 16. If I had to guess, I'd even say I look 16. I'm 18.

11-15-2008, 05:08 PM
I'm about to turn 19, but people always think I'm older than I am.

People ask me how old I am, and I tell them and they always seem to be shocked! I'm most commonly mistaken for 23. I don't think I look much older than I am, though!

11-15-2008, 06:00 PM
Everypne always thinks I'm way way older than I am. I hope this doesn't mean I've reached my max height, because I want to hit 5'8'' plox.

11-15-2008, 07:29 PM
People seem to think I'm 17 and in the last year at college, when I'm 16 and only in my first year. I think I always thought I had a young, baby face but I have so many people correct me and say that I could easily pass for 18 that maybe I should stop thinking that.

I've never tried to get served for anything though, I'm way too scared for that, I do fancy trying my luck getting into clubs this Christmas though.

11-15-2008, 08:02 PM
When I was 12 I looked 18 and now that I'm 19 I look more like 15. My cousin Carissa looked like she was 20 when she was 11. (definitely looked older than me)

It never really gave me any advantages/disadvantages cus I stay out of trouble. Since I turned 18 I haven't even bought anything that requires an ID. I just went into a sex shop a few times.

When I was 17 I must have looked alot younger cus I tried to buy a game that my mom had to buy for me cus I didn't have any ID on me :( So I guess if anything it disadvantaged me!