View Full Version : RROD.

Quindiana Jones
11-15-2008, 01:29 PM

I got RROD'd a while ago, but have bugger all idea what to do. I want to the support thing, registered, clinked all the repairey links and stuff, and was emailed some papers with info that I don't understand on them.

Am I supposed to get a box, put the 360 in it, stick the papery bits on the box and UPS it myself? I'm confused. :(

Also, what do I send away? I'd imagine it's just the actual console. No wires, no controller, no harddrive. Right?

Cheers all.

11-16-2008, 03:59 AM
I added you to my MSN list earlier to help you out, but you weren't there, so I guess I'll just have Cim post it for me. :P

If you set up a repair order, you should get an empty box in about 3 days. The box will have a pre-paid shipping label and instructions on how to send your Xbox in. Usually, that means they're telling you to pack it up and bring it to your local Fed-Ex outlet thing. =P

When you're shipping it, you'll just want to send the console. Keep the controllers, hard drive, face plate (people sometimes forget about the face plate), etc.. When I worked for Xbox customer service, I used to tell people to write their serial number on the outside of the box, because it helps keep things more organized at the repair center, so go ahead and do that.

If you're not sure whether or not you've set up a repair order, call them and see. They should be able to check your serial number and see if there's a repair order attached to it, and if not, it doesn't take long to do one up for the red ring. They might take you through a few trouble shooting steps like removing the hard drive and stuff, but there's not much to it.

Speaking of which, have you tried unplugging everything and plugging it back in? Because the red ring means multiple hardware failures. It's possible (but not likely) that your hard drive is borked, or your power supply. It's worth a shot.

If you have any questions or anything, see me on MSN. =P

*throws Cim a cookie*

Cookie. MMHMHMHMHMHMHM nomnomnomnomnomnom!