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11-22-2008, 09:18 PM
No, not him!

What kind of house is your dream place to live? If I could, I'd live in an apartment forever, but I am irrevocably in love with tudor style houses.


I WILL live in a tudor house one day. xD

I hate high ranches, because I'm sick of seeing them all the time, and they all look the same.

11-22-2008, 09:28 PM
Glass. Nothing but.

11-22-2008, 09:29 PM
I want a two-story house, with a huge balcony outside my bedroom. Preferabbly near the beach.

11-22-2008, 09:32 PM
I like the look of some Spanish villas.

11-22-2008, 09:38 PM
if I could I'd own a house with some space but not more then needed. It would also have an elevator. mainly before I would want a house, I would want things to put in it.

11-22-2008, 09:41 PM
In the sky.

11-22-2008, 10:04 PM
Something like this would be nice:


I really dislike the idea of living in a ticky tacky house. You know, the rows and rows of identical houses crammed next to each other in suburbia. I want space.

I want an estate. I want tons of land for my many many doggies to run around. I want huge trees, so that my kids can have tree houses and tire swings. I want my house to be big, but cosy. I want tons of windows so that the entire house is filled with warm buttery sunlight. And I want the inside to look like a god damn commercial for Pottery Barn. :D

11-22-2008, 10:13 PM
This is mine.


I like houses with terraces and balconies. Older-style homes.

Marshall Banana
11-22-2008, 10:21 PM
I want a small, pink house or the strawberry house that's in Tokyo. =O


11-22-2008, 10:47 PM
This is mine.


I like houses with terraces and balconies. Older-style homes.

I love that. <3

11-22-2008, 11:02 PM
I knooow, its super pretty.

I remember looking at this house in Salt Lake. Its a mansion.


11-22-2008, 11:22 PM
Wow, you girls wanna live in castles! :o

I'm more partial to little cabins and whatnot. Not like one room little. but little enough to make it feel like a home and not a museum or some such. Also, the whole huge windows and tons of sunshine thing isn't really my thang either. I can appreciate those houses aesthetically, but it doesn't feel like a home to me. And only one floor please. xD


Something like that, maybe?

I also wouldn't mind living near a lake and at least close by, if not surrounded by, a forest.

Edit: Alternatively, if I were to end up living in a warmer climate, I adore a lot of Greek architecture.


Marshall Banana
11-22-2008, 11:53 PM
My house is surrounded by woods on three sides, and I hate it; I can't even imagine all of the monsters that probably live in these woods!

11-22-2008, 11:54 PM
A nice moderately sized house with a huge deck on the lake. I want to design it myself.

11-23-2008, 12:06 AM
My house is surrounded by woods on three sides, and I hate it; I can't even imagine all of the monsters that probably live in these woods!

I'm sure they're very nice once you get to know them! Present them candy along with an introduction letter and such.

11-23-2008, 03:45 AM

It would be surrounded by a lush forest on three sides and sit near a beautiful blue lake that isn't polluted by humans (except me). There would be a long, long driveway leading away from it that would take, at minimum six and a half minutes to drive down. I would have a few neighbors, but they would be on opposing embankments on my lake and they would all be super nice to me and each other. We would also hold friendly get togethers in a small cabin that is floating, somehow, in the middle of the lake. It would have a fireplace so we can have warm cocoa as we share our disgust for the outside world.

There would also be no crazy inbred hicks with advanced knowledge of weaponry or chainsaws within a thirty mile radius.

11-23-2008, 04:33 AM
My house is surrounded by woods on three sides, and I hate it; I can't even imagine all of the monsters that probably live in these woods!

I grew up with in a house at the end of a dead end road on top of a hill. 45 minutes to town so we were pretty isolated. None of my friends wanted to come over because it was "to scary". But I was always outside in the middle of it. So peaceful.

Go out, explore your surroundings, and take pictures.

Besides for the occasional deer, you probably won't see anything besides cute little bunnies, raccoons, and squirrels. So... You have nothing to worry about. Just don't drop your keys. Raccoons steal shiny things =/

There would also be no crazy inbred hicks with advanced knowledge of weaponry or chainsaws within a thirty mile radius.

But they have the craziest parties!

My dream house would look something like Bunny posted but a little smaller. I don't like big houses. They look beautiful on the outside but are so lonely on the inside.

I want to move back to a location where I grew up. Just not in a location where the power went out on a weekly basis.

11-23-2008, 05:22 AM
A nice moderately sized house with a huge deck on the lake. I want to design it myself.

I honestly find it completely ridiculous when small families or celebrities buy stupidly-large houses. You really don't need a house that big, and it's most likely a bitch to clean. I'd prefer living in a moderate house like Ara said. Something roomy, but not too roomy, yet cozy, yet not too cozy.

11-23-2008, 05:30 AM
Yeah palatial is not how I picture my HOME.

11-23-2008, 05:49 AM
No, not him!
Dang it!

My dream house would consist of... A bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, a living room (consisting of my computer, a TV, and a bookshelf), a basement, and a tower (kind of like the house Shorty posted).

The living room, of course, could be eliminated by storing books at the top of the tower, where sunlight could provide light for reading for most of the day, and by putting the TV and computer in the basement where there would be no chance of having a glare on the screens.

11-23-2008, 07:02 AM
I really don't want to live in a ranch. There's just not enough space and they're all so bland.

The only thing I think I'd really want in a house is two stories. I grew up in them and being limited to one floor would just be cramped for me. I'd also like something in the country, though I'd rather buy a farmhouse than build new. Seeing old rich people buy up farmland to build these huge, expensive gaudy houses to "get away from it all" (when they're moving into a community with other rich old people with expensive gaudy houses and increasing the rate of urban expansion and destruction of farmland...) just pisses me off so I refuse to be one. Though I guess I could build something conservative on a plot of land that's already there. Just nothing that involves getting rid of woods or fields.

Marshall Banana
11-23-2008, 10:53 AM
My house is surrounded by woods on three sides, and I hate it; I can't even imagine all of the monsters that probably live in these woods!Go out, explore your surroundings, and take pictures.

Besides for the occasional deer, you probably won't see anything besides cute little bunnies, raccoons, and squirrels. So... You have nothing to worry about. Just don't drop your keys. Raccoons steal shiny things =/
Deer, bunnies, raccoons, and squirrels come into my yard often, anyway - wild turkeys, too.

I walked around in these woods a lot when I was a kid.

Blue Harvest
11-23-2008, 11:49 AM
My dream house is the mansion from the first RE game :D

Minus the zombies and other murderous creatures though.

11-23-2008, 11:50 AM
My house is surrounded by woods on three sides, and I hate it; I can't even imagine all of the monsters that probably live in these woods!Go out, explore your surroundings, and take pictures.

Besides for the occasional deer, you probably won't see anything besides cute little bunnies, raccoons, and squirrels. So... You have nothing to worry about. Just don't drop your keys. Raccoons steal shiny things =/
Deer, bunnies, raccoons, and squirrels come into my yard often, anyway - wild turkeys, too.

I walked around in these woods a lot when I was a kid.

Than why do you have a fear of whats living inside of the woods? Just curious.

The location where I grew up, was an acre. Not very large and not really good land. More rock than soil but we still had a small garden. Besides for strawberries, it was all veggies. Had an apple tree and a pear tree in the front yard and a cherry tree in the back. Which never seemed to produce edible fruit... at least not in appearance and I never remember actually eating any of it. Also had a blue berry plant for a while as well as raspberries. Lots of blackberry bushes. Ate a lot of homemade pie.

We also had some animals. Besides for having way to many pets, we also had chickens, goose, and pheasants. Which we raised to eat. Had a couple goats but they were to expensive and goat milk is gross anyhow. 2 work shops. Large tree fort. A fountain that we built one summer.

You can find a lot of use for an acre of land.

House was awesome. Had an awesome kitchen with an island, 2 ovens, a gas stove, and a couple dozen cabinets. Master bedroom was huge with two over sized closets and the master bathroom. Wow. His and her sinks. A shower and a huge bathtub that you had steps to walk in to. Perfect. 2 other nice size rooms. Large family room. Large living room. Large dinning room. 2 decks.

Something like that. Except, I want it to have a wood exterior, a larger fireplace, walk-in closets for each room, and a basement. Maybe add an extra room in there so encase I have my perfect family of a wife and two kids, my wife will have a little office.

I would want the same property. Everything. Except maybe add in another acre so we could have a go-kart track. I usually just rode mine in the woods but it was to dark in the winter so I never rode it.

Marshall Banana
11-23-2008, 12:24 PM
Woods are creepy! My neighbors are creepy! Human remains are very unsettling!

11-23-2008, 12:26 PM
Woods are creepy! My neighbors are creepy! Human remains are very unsettling!

Human remains? o_O

11-23-2008, 01:50 PM
As long as I have a nice large basement that can fit my drum kits and a home music production studio, I'm good.

I hate apartments.

11-23-2008, 08:50 PM
Woods are creepy! My neighbors are creepy! Human remains are very unsettling!

I agree. Woods are scary. Not so much the woods themselves, but what's in them.

Marshall Banana
11-23-2008, 08:59 PM
http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m285/fofonda/1503.gif http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m285/fofonda/1495.gif

11-23-2008, 09:08 PM
I do not like those things swinging from that tree.

Also, I changed my mind. I want this house.


Madame Adequate
11-23-2008, 10:28 PM
I want a bunker 3 miles underground, hardened against nukes, EMP, bunker busters, etc., stocked with supplies to last 500 years, only accessable to me and people I personally allow in, with five of the fastest possible internet connections bound together, and an entire floor dedicated to computing power.

I wouldn't live there normally, but when the Zombie Apocalypse happens, I'll be glad I've got it!

11-23-2008, 11:25 PM
I want a ranch, or castle. There's a castle in the Lake District apparently going real cheap, but needs lots of renovation on it :(

11-23-2008, 11:52 PM
At this point in time I'm happy with the place I am going to be moving in to in January...it's nothing special but it's better than the place I am currently living in.

I want to live in either a penthouse city apartment the luxury kind you get in like manhattan or the london docklands, or a nice beach house with a balcony next to the bedroom and a sea view.

11-24-2008, 07:25 AM
Eric and i have a dream house we'd like to make but its not a regular house. Underneath, in the earths crust is a SECOND house! We actually want to have a house on top of a house. Honestly, how cool would that be?

11-24-2008, 11:45 AM
Woods are creepy! My neighbors are creepy! Human remains are very unsettling!

I agree. Woods are scary. Not so much the woods themselves, but what's in them.

I'll append my post by saying that I want woods near by as well. Seriously, woods are awesome. You haven't lived until you go hiking through them with a friend in the dark until 1 a.m., sleep for a few hours on a bed of pine brush, then hike back when it gets light out.

Blue Harvest
11-24-2008, 12:01 PM
only accessable to me and people I personally allow in

Have I ever told you that I love your hair? :love:

11-24-2008, 02:09 PM
Eric and i have a dream house we'd like to make but its not a regular house. Underneath, in the earths crust is a SECOND house! We actually want to have a house on top of a house. Honestly, how cool would that be?
That would rock and be completely impractical at the same time :D

My house would be green. :p