View Full Version : A new Breath of Fire game

12-23-2008, 09:29 AM
...is never going to happen. (http://kotaku.com/5115773/capcom-has-no-plans-to-release-anymore-rpgs)


EDIT: I felt bad and tried to change the thread name but it didn't work. I guess I will have to live with being a jerk who can't spell.

12-23-2008, 10:07 AM
I liked Breath of Fire 1 and 3. I never could get into 2 and I just did not care for just about everything having to do with part 4. I never did give Dragon Quarter(that is 5 right?) a chance and I don't plan on it.

It was an okay series but one that I don't really care is never gonna see a come back. It was just a standard turn based RPG for the most part with a story somehow revolving around the God of the world putting the smack down on dragons or something close to that effect.

I think one thing that always hurt the game in America was localization. It is nice that they make you explore and stuff like that but I felt that the games always had the flaws that they tend to tone down with localization which are excessive battle rates and not enough exp to level up for the American audience. I am in that group and I barely make it through those games. I thought the first was fine but the third and very much so the fourth really forced you to fight more than I ever want to.

I could go on but I will end it there.

12-23-2008, 10:11 AM
I played Dragon Quarter and it was a fantastic, original experience. The others just look like your average turn-based JRPGs, so I never bothered with them.

12-23-2008, 10:21 AM
That's a shame because it seemed like they only just got it right with BOF5.

12-23-2008, 10:30 AM
Title fixed.

Breath of Fire II was one of the first RPGs I ever played and I really loved it. I'd like to try Dragon Quarter one day since I've heard a lot of talk about how refreshingly different it was. But I don't really have the patience or time for hard JRPGs anymore, so it's somewhat unlikely I'd ever get around to it.

12-23-2008, 10:36 AM
BoF III and IV are the only games of the series I played and I liked them, it's sad that they probably won't make a new game. I've heard good things about BoF V, always wanted to check it out.

Madame Adequate
12-23-2008, 01:59 PM
Sucks, BoF is one of the more underrated RPG series. III was pretty damn sublime and remains one of the best RPGs of that console gen.

The Last Ancient
12-23-2008, 04:38 PM
I thought Breath of Fire IV had a lot of originial interesting elements and has a fantastic score

Breath of Fire V was fantastic but it was way to short which undermined the story significantly. I don't like BOF3.

It's a shame I'd like to see where the series would go.

12-23-2008, 05:40 PM
No plans doesn't mean not ever. It means no plans right now.
That said, I loved the BoF series (I played 1, 2, 3, I'm playing 4 and I plan on playing Dragon Quarter after that), and I still hope Capcom changes their mind. If not, personally I will be left with a good classic RPG series.

12-23-2008, 05:47 PM
I think one thing that always hurt the game in America was localization. It is nice that they make you explore and stuff like that but I felt that the games always had the flaws that they tend to tone down with localization which are excessive battle rates and not enough exp to level up for the American audience.

It was more like Final Fantasy overshadowed every other RPG, so BoF couldn't flourish like it should.

And it didn't help that the first 2 games had crappy translations when they were first released; this also made the game fly even more under the radar once game magazines reviewed the games.

I am in that group and I barely make it through those games. I thought the first was fine but the third and very much so the fourth really forced you to fight more than I ever want to.

Actually, it took very little time to level up in 4 compared to 2 and 3. 2 was the worst offender in the leveling category; in fact, it was so bad that when Capcom released BoF2 for the GBA they doubled the EXP output for the enemies due to consumer complaints.

V didn't do well basically because it was a complete departure, and because most reviewers panned it (but some of them had good reasons to do that).

I still hate Sony for not letting Capcom release the PSP version of BoF3 here in the States (after Capcom USA proposed it, it was rejected, thus why we never got it), but at least PSPs are region free and I have the PAL version of the game. :D

While we're still on the subject of Capcom RPGs, I find it really weird that these interviewers and stuff act like BoF is the only RPG Capcom's ever made. Hello? What about Megaman X Command Mission? Granbo? The El Dorado Gate series? Sweet Home?

12-23-2008, 07:16 PM
BoF3 is like, one of my favourite games of all time, its a shame they wont make more

12-23-2008, 07:19 PM
I am in that group and I barely make it through those games. I thought the first was fine but the third and very much so the fourth really forced you to fight more than I ever want to.

Actually, it took very little time to level up in 4 compared to 2 and 3. 2 was the worst offender in the leveling category; in fact, it was so bad that when Capcom released BoF2 for the GBA they doubled the EXP output for the enemies due to consumer complaints.

Yeah...I am sure if you actually fought every battle you got into it would be fine >.> My problem is that I just want to move on sometimes and not be bothered or think the next area will be better worth my time and it isn't.

Breath of Fire 3 had my one saving grace in the leveling up department...kill them all and let Ryu gain all the boss exp. That help massively at the end when gaining 3 levels from a single boss battle. The others held up just long enough to not die.

12-23-2008, 07:22 PM
You know, I read the fact that they mentioned that there is only a low possability of making a Breath of Fire game in the future as a sign that they would consider it at a later point in time. It took them, what, nearly ten years to release another Street Fighter game, right? Street Fighter IV is going to be pretty awesome, and I would like to think that its development and unique gameplay was the result of that nearly ten year hiatus on the series.

Wolf Kanno
12-23-2008, 07:32 PM
This is a shame to hear, I love BoF and consider it one of most underrated RPG series of all time. I own the originals of every game in the series and while the first title was generic RPG fair, I found every other title to be groundbreaking from a story perspective and even gameplay from time to time.

III and V are still my favorite games in the series; but I love the whole series. Also V isn't terribly short, you unlock more of the story as you playthrough more new game +'s. It tale was more original and engaging than anything Squenix was releasing around the time and even a little more after.

The games were the first (as far as I know) to have a religious sect as a major villain. Not just some cult, II and III had full blown religions similar to Catholicism and Islam; that played key roles in the story as antagonistic. Despite being in Final Fantasy's shadow, the series was even more ahead of them at times.

As for Command Mission, I consider it the lost little brother of the BoF series. Its gameplay and pacing was very reminiscent of the BoF series so I always considered it a "spiritual sequel".

I will miss not being able to play a "next-gen" fishing minigame, but then again, I could always play Monster Hunter.

12-23-2008, 08:09 PM
I've played all Breath of Fire games with the exception of Dragon Quarter and BoF II and IV are my absolute favorites(Sten, Katt from II and Scias from IV ftw). I didn't like III that much, but I'm gonna give it a second chance in the future. I hope Capcom does revive the series in the future. It's a great series that's very underrated in the RPG genre.

While we're still on the subject of Capcom RPGs, I find it really weird that these interviewers and stuff act like BoF is the only RPG Capcom's ever made. Hello? What about Megaman X Command Mission? Granbo? The El Dorado Gate series? Sweet Home?

I really hope we see a sequel to MMX:Command Mission :D