View Full Version : Decisions... Desicions...

Wolf Kanno
12-27-2008, 07:03 AM
With the holidays over, I've amassed a bit of cash and a surprise gift in the form of a $50 dollar gift card for Gamestop.

The problem is, I'm torn about what I should purchase with said cash. Part of me wants to buy a used PSP in anticipation of Dissidia cause it looks outstanding and I know FFT:War of the Lions is smurfing awesome. Another part of me feels I should spend my money picking up lost PS2 classics that got overlooked due to tight money and girlfriend. Another part of me wants to pick up some more titles for my DS like FFTA2 and FFXII:RW. Not to mention more Phoenix Wright and Castlevania titles. Yet part of me feels I should pick up more stuff for my neglected Wii. I has four games to its name. The problem is, I lent the system to my GF and it doesn't look like I will be getting it back for awhile so I'd be buying some titles that will be collecting dust.

So what are your suggestions Gamers of EoFF? For game suggestions, I love RPGs and Fighting games, as well as all rhythm action titles though I own most of those in existence. :love:

Suggestions for Wii, DS, PS2, PS1 or perhaps even PSP. I'm even considering holding onto the cash and saving up for a 360. Suggestions and opinions?

12-27-2008, 09:35 AM
Save it for Dragon Quest V.

12-27-2008, 10:24 AM
Save it for a 360. That's what I'd do. If you absolutely must spend it now I guess you could just buy some PS2 RPGs. I heard the newest DS Castlevania is supposed to be awesome, so that'd be another option.

12-27-2008, 04:34 PM
I got Dragon Warrior VIII and Dark Cloud 2 a few months back, and both are excellent games. DC2 was especially addictive.

Clouded Sky
12-27-2008, 07:49 PM
Go by tomorrow and used games are "buy 2 get 1 free" so if they're older PS2 games there's a chance you could even get 6 - or 3 DS games, probably. I just picked up 6 new (to me) 360 games for $60 there.:D

12-27-2008, 08:02 PM
Go crazy on that DS, mang. There's just so much good stuff for it.