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12-27-2008, 05:33 PM
Here is the video. (http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=esoteric+agenda&sitesearch=#)

And here is a summary:

Every twenty-six thousand years our solar system passes through the twelve zodiac signs. Ancient civilizations such as the Hopi, Egyptians, Cherokee, Apache, and the Mayans were aware of this great cycle and developed calendars according to it. This cycle stems from many different occurrences in nature such as the suns orbit around Alcion, the central star of Plaidies, as well as the 260 day cycle of human gestation. This cycle is broken down into five sub-cycles of 5,125 years each which were thought to have their own age. The Aztec Calendar, or Meso-American Sun Stone, depicted each cycle being destroyed by one of the five elements. The cycle we are currently in is the age of the fifth sun. 3113 BC to 2012 AD. More precisely this great cycle ends December 21, 2012. Mayan cultures and civilizations were aware of this end date and Nostradamus even prophecized about it.

President Kennedy went to the United Nations, September 1961, and he presented the United States program for general and complete disarmament in a peaceful world. During a speech… and he said “this is the official program of the United States of America.” It’s a disarmament program it calls for the United States to turn over its military to the United Nations. Now…let that sit for a second… ‘It calls for the United States to turn over its military to the United Nations’. The program ends by saying “progressive control disarmament would proceed to appoint where no state would have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened U.N. peace force.” The U.N. would have all military power.

The IRS isn’t even an agency of the United States government. If you don’t believe me look up IRS Publication 6209. It is an agency of the IMF which if governed by the United Nations. The FCC, CIA, FBI, and NASA were never a part of the United States Government. The US government only holds shares of the stock in various agencies. Social Security numbers are also issued by the UN through the IMF.

In the early 1900s, after a failed attempt by Woodrow Wilson to set up what was called the League of Nations following World War I, Wilson and his adviser, Colonel House, set up the Institute of International Affairs. This institute had two branches. One set up in England called the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the Council on Foreign Relations and on December 20, 1993 George Herbert Walker Bush was knighted by the Queen of England as a Knight Grand Cross, the most honorable Order of the Bath, for his leadership in the Gulf War. Does it strike you as odd that our President, our leader, kneeled before the Queen of England in a ceremony that symbolizes allegiance?

On March 20, 2003, President Bush launched the bombing of Baghdad at 5:50 Baghdad time. This lasted until March 21st. It was called “shock and awe” by the mainstream media. But, according to the mystery religion this date is known as the Eve of Ostara, more commonly known as the Spring or Vernal Equinox. Occultists worship the Goddess of the Earth, Gaea, on this day. The druids knew this date as the Spring Fertility Rites,the Day of Feast. The war was promptly ended on May 1, 2003 (day of “Mission Accomplished”). This date is known on the druidic calendar as Beltane,or Walpurgis Night. It was named after St. who is the pagan goddess of fertility. From March 20th to May 1st, the pagan ritual is to give blood to Earth and renew life to the goddess of fertility. What better time for them to declare a bloody war on the days of a ritual sacrifice and end it exactly when the pagan ritual ends.

…and one of the greatest examples of group think is the stigma given to conspiracy theories. The phrase “conspiracy theory” gives a distinct impression to the average person. The JFK assassination, Area 51, Roswell, government cover ups, strange disappearances… These subjects probably sound a bit too fantasy for the average person. And it’s quite understandable. They’re supposed to sound made up. Throughout the mistranslation of time, and embellishment of these stories, facts were added or omitted. Some may be true and some may be false, but one thing’s for sure, if a global secret needed to remain hidden, yet began emerging among the public, the best cover up is to embellish or alter the story until it sounds ludicrous. So what happens when the secret involves the government and the government has intimate ties to the mainstream media. And the mainstream media, as said before, has been proven to sway at least 80% of the public’s opinion. The logic is undeniable. Media in every form is put in place to make people feel stupid for even keeping an open mind towards conspiracy theories.

Thoughts, anyone?

12-27-2008, 06:27 PM
Are those 26000 lunar years or solar years?

12-27-2008, 06:42 PM
What the hell is that even trying to say?

As for the absolute, eternal, undying truth and power that people give the zodiac: Look up "proper motion." It's the motion of stars across the night sky - if you do a projection of proper motion of zodiac signs, they're completely unintelligible looking back 20,000 years in the past or ahead in the future. They're completely arbitrary choices as to what they look like or what effects they supposedly have on our world.

It's like saying, okay, these random stars, hundreds of thousands if not millions of light years away, somehow align so that from our point of view from our little insignificant planet they look like dogs and lions and scorpions, and that because of these loose stick figures in the sky we can see how the future is. It's pure mysticism with no basis in reality.

12-27-2008, 06:53 PM
I guess the video explains it a lot further. To be honest, I haven't even watched the whole thing myself - I had less than an hour's time. The whole thing sounds so far-fetched and ridiculous, but they try to tie in all of this stuff to make it seem like it works. I literally don't know what to make of it. It sounds like a conspiracy in itself.

12-27-2008, 06:56 PM
Sounds like a bunch of random crap to me :/

The Man
12-27-2008, 07:15 PM
I stopped reading after "zodiac." Smurf astrology.

12-27-2008, 07:20 PM
I stopped reading after "Egyptians". Fuck pyramids.

12-27-2008, 07:59 PM
I stopped reading after "twenty-six" because that is the highest number my brain can comprehend and the thought of higher numbers might fry my brain.

Quindiana Jones
01-02-2009, 12:58 PM
What the hell is that even trying to say?

As for the absolute, eternal, undying truth and power that people give the zodiac: Look up "proper motion." It's the motion of stars across the night sky - if you do a projection of proper motion of zodiac signs, they're completely unintelligible looking back 20,000 years in the past or ahead in the future. They're completely arbitrary choices as to what they look like or what effects they supposedly have on our world.

It's like saying, okay, these random stars, hundreds of thousands if not millions of light years away, somehow align so that from our point of view from our little insignificant planet they look like dogs and lions and scorpions, and that because of these loose stick figures in the sky we can see how the future is. It's pure mysticism with no basis in reality.

We need to have some Super-Quote function that puts fireworks and cheering around the quote whenever you hover over it for posts like these.